PS3 connection issues - help 2K resolve these.

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Postby djarvik » Wed, 15 Jun 2011 21:07

2K wrote:“Some of you have been running into issues on online for PS3. Just wanted to make you 100% aware that we are working hard to get this resolved as fast as possible. We will update you as soon as we have a final resolution on this matter. Please bare with us during this time.”

They are trying to fix it. This could be a problem requiring a solution beyond a simple fix. I don't believe for a second that 2K would simply ignore the problem and concentrate on Balance Updates and Patches instead. I think this maybe a bigger issue then it seems.
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Postby XbinData » Wed, 15 Jun 2011 21:12

Actually they posted a statement already on the Facebook page of the game. I don't know why it didn't make it all the way to ITST, but here is what the message said: "Some of you have been running into issues on online for PS3. Just wanted to make you 100% aware that we are working hard to get this resolved as fast as possible. We will update you as soon as we have a final resolution on this matter. Please bare with us during this time."
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Postby ql1photh » Wed, 15 Jun 2011 21:15

You sure are giving them the benefit of the doubt, and i do too because i also don't believe that they would simply ignore everyone. I also believe it's not something that can be fixed in a few hours, or that they are slacking and not putting too much time in this.

It's really not all of this, it's way more the part they don't release a statement on facebook or on their own forum or website about this. Or an unofficial one through someone like you for example through email as what the situation is, how complex it is or if it's fixable at all. You have to admit they handle that part beyond bad.
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Postby djarvik » Wed, 15 Jun 2011 21:50

No company wants to make a statement that they have a problem but no solution for it. :wink: They are not unique in that way.

A statement like that would be bad press for them, and we are not in Hollywood, bad press for them ain't good.

I do believe that the problem is not simple and the solution is in the works, but not finalized. Or maybe they are still searching for the solution.

They are a business first, everything else second. This is certainly not helping their reputation, but "honesty" in this situation may harm even more.

But what do I know! :lol:
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Postby Chederer » Wed, 15 Jun 2011 22:24

Last edited by Chederer on Wed, 22 Jun 2011 15:17, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby ql1photh » Wed, 15 Jun 2011 23:07

That's true, it's a good point. You don't want mass hysteria or a huge banner on your website stating online function is not working at the moment. Probably not a good idea for sales. Still would be nice to inform a community like this though, people who already bought the game. I also don't think a random player who is interested stumbles accross this site or is checking forums fanatically. Probably the minority and people who already intend to buy it or have it, so no harm in that.

But meh, they working on it. I'm just dissapointed(/frustrated) i can't play a quick match whenever i want. I mean ITST and the whole tour is awesome and all but sometimes you just want a quick mindless match and get your daily TS fix :P
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Postby Boruzze » Thu, 16 Jun 2011 11:28

Im not sure but i think...THEY HAVE FIXED IT !!! :)

Edit: Nope...wrong alert. Just got lucky and had 2 direct matches in a row with like 6 players in the lobby waiting.
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Postby Q-Spin » Thu, 16 Jun 2011 14:46

ql1photh wrote:But meh, they working on it. I'm just dissapointed(/frustrated) i can't play a quick match whenever i want. I mean ITST and the whole tour is awesome and all but sometimes you just want a quick mindless match and get your daily TS fix :P

Exactly this!! (You are not alone ;))

Most times I just have a 1-hour-window to play videogames in the evening. And when you need more time for searching for a match then for actually playing, it can be frustrating... I hope they can fix it soon.

One Tip: When you searching for a quick match make sure that you dont leave all settings to "any". Search for example for 1 set 6 games(something different from the standard 3 set, 3 games, STB). If you get less then 4 hits the chance you can connect to your opponent is much higher. At least for me.
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Postby ql1photh » Thu, 16 Jun 2011 21:18

One Tip: When you searching for a quick match make sure that you dont leave all settings to "any". Search for example for 1 set 6 games(something different from the standard 3 set, 3 games, STB). If you get less then 4 hits the chance you can connect to your opponent is much higher. At least for me.

This really works, great tip thanks. I got two out of two tries when doing this that's more games i played all week on the world tour!

For anyone looking for a match i will create such a match too if no opponent is found, maybe everyone should but then the succes rate of finding probably goes down too :wink:
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Postby JimmyMc1311 » Fri, 17 Jun 2011 10:23

Hi, I found the best way to get a match is just to continue refreshing the page by pressing L1. The same 7 gamers are there and then just keep refreshing and refreshing until a new one appears at the bottom of the screen. Quickly go to the bottom of the screen and click on the new player in the room. Works for me.

What is weird is when you see the same player occupying 3 slots and I've even seen my psn occuping 2 slots even when I haven't hosted! Something gone wrong someplace!

PS - what do the 4 blocks of colour represent next to the player? The greens and brown hues? I thought that it was the court type but I had all green blocks when I was hosting on a clay court?
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Postby Q-Spin » Fri, 17 Jun 2011 11:11

Hey, thx i will try that, when i dont find an opponent with my tactic. Seems like you unlock the game in the game: "Getting a match - A mix of memory and reaction test"

So TS4 has even better Minigames then VT4(at least the ps3 version). They really prepare you for the match. You can only get into a match if your mind is clear and you have good reaction times ;)

For the 4 blocks, i always thought that would be the connection quality, but i dont know.
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Postby edlglide » Fri, 17 Jun 2011 18:35

WT has been working well for me the past couple of days -- seems like its fixed. It doesn't tell me there are 30 people waiting to play in a tournament indefinitely; it doesn't sit and wait to connect for 10 minutes. Maybe I've just been lucky, but the fact that it no longer says every tournament has 15 players waiting is a really good sign.
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Postby ql1photh » Fri, 17 Jun 2011 22:08

Maybe it's been working better on different hours but i still see 20 people at Dublin waiting. As long as i get that "some players can't be found" i am still not too excited about it. Not sure that has anything to do with it though.

But all great tips, i have been refreshing on player matches and getting some matches there. Too bad the majority of players i meet there are even worse than me :?
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Postby JimmyMc1311 » Sat, 18 Jun 2011 06:00

I know what you mean! I find that when I play an exhibition, I 'usually' win...yet I've lost every single ITST match I've played in the last 5 weeks!
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Postby JoshUa8I » Sat, 18 Jun 2011 16:23

The only thing that makes me crazy is that one...

I miss only 1 trophy to get the Platinum... (yes i am a "trophy fanatic lol") It is the one called "Grade 15". How can i get this trophy if i can't do direct matches??? :(

Anyway it must be a great problem, cause they can't even do a patch that delete the new release... I mean: before the patch there was that stupid blocks sometime, but you could play in all mode. They maybe could do a step back and return to this situation...

I hope they will find the solution, i can play only female players, and i want to create Petzschner and dominate the WT ahah
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