HANDS-ON: Virtua Tennis 4

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HANDS-ON: Virtua Tennis 4

Postby Cro Morgan » Fri, 10 Sep 2010 19:04

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Postby diesel501 » Fri, 10 Sep 2010 19:21

i've always found virtual tennis unrealistic ive tried it once for a change off topspin 2 characters might aswell put on gloves as the spend most the time diving, i think topspins like pro evo and virtual tennis is fifa equivalent. im defo only a pro fan. :wink:
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Postby Yippie-Caiay » Fri, 10 Sep 2010 21:44

thanks cro..but virtua tennis 4? who cares..
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Postby Sherlock 117 » Sat, 11 Sep 2010 00:24

If the game has tidied up its bugs and has a decent online presence, I care. Actually the VT3 game had a decent ITST tour, but it died off because of all the lag problems. VT3 2009 never caught on because it wasn't a new game and didn't have enough players.

Personally I thought VT3 was a decent competitive tennis game. Sure some parts were not realistic, but you could still have really good matches (I had a bunch of good matches with Jaylove and Rob). And it's online doubles system was the best ever. It was so easy to get ranked doubles matches and get really into the doubles rankings.
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Postby jayl0ve » Sun, 03 Oct 2010 03:09

VT3 is a great game. I will probably go to my grave trying to convince people of that, but it really is. Various lag issues completely murder the online play but it's a great game. It's a different interpretation of tennis but it takes real skill to master. Most people gave up on it because they couldn't stop diving, but in a game between 2 very high level players with little lag, there's no diving at all.

So anyways I care about VT4 too :D
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Postby Cro Morgan » Thu, 10 Feb 2011 12:32

A bit more info about Virtua Tennis 4...

Match Momentum
In terms of gameplay, aside from the usual balancing tweaks the main addition to on-court play is Match Momentum. Essentially a special move, it is designed to mimic how tennis players get in their stride during a match, enough so to pull off a killer shot that sends the opposition reeling. A gauge builds up when you pull off moves catered to the player's strengths - such as performing backhands or keeping a strong defence - which can then be unleashed at any point, complete with a stylish slow-motion, zoomed-in camera angle. While professionals will have their profiles locked in place, custom built players will start with a blank slate and unlock new play styles through World Tour, which can be swapped out based on the nature of the competition.

Online Functionality
Speaking of which, the game's online functionality will be rebuilt from the ground up to offer what Sega describes as "the world's first engaging online tennis experience". Built on Virtua Fighter 4's multiplayer code, it'll offer the usual array of world rankings and ability-focused match making, as well as a new Club House area, allowing players to invite their friends over for light-hearted exhibition and party games.
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Postby SlicerITST » Thu, 10 Feb 2011 14:35

Cro Morgan wrote:A bit more info about Virtua Tennis 4...

Match Momentum
In terms of gameplay, aside from the usual balancing tweaks the main addition to on-court play is Match Momentum. Essentially a special move, it is designed to mimic how tennis players get in their stride during a match, enough so to pull off a killer shot that sends the opposition reeling. A gauge builds up when you pull off moves catered to the player's strengths - such as performing backhands or keeping a strong defence - which can then be unleashed at any point, complete with a stylish slow-motion, zoomed-in camera angle. While professionals will have their profiles locked in place, custom built players will start with a blank slate and unlock new play styles through World Tour, which can be swapped out based on the nature of the competition.

I guess it worked in the table tennis game of Rockstar but no. Just no :cry: :cry:.
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Postby Cro Morgan » Thu, 10 Feb 2011 15:35

SlicerITST wrote:
Cro Morgan wrote:A bit more info about Virtua Tennis 4...

Match Momentum
In terms of gameplay, aside from the usual balancing tweaks the main addition to on-court play is Match Momentum. Essentially a special move, it is designed to mimic how tennis players get in their stride during a match, enough so to pull off a killer shot that sends the opposition reeling. A gauge builds up when you pull off moves catered to the player's strengths - such as performing backhands or keeping a strong defence - which can then be unleashed at any point, complete with a stylish slow-motion, zoomed-in camera angle. While professionals will have their profiles locked in place, custom built players will start with a blank slate and unlock new play styles through World Tour, which can be swapped out based on the nature of the competition.

I guess it worked in the table tennis game of Rockstar but no. Just no :cry: :cry:.

Yeah, sounds kinda TS2-ish. Didn't like.
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Postby JJ_DUBZ_87 » Thu, 10 Feb 2011 16:42

I hope that slow-motion zoom-in camera trick won't be in online play... (although it probably will be)... I feel like that's very unrealistic and will get annoying after a while if it interrupts the flow of a rally.
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Thu, 19 May 2011 08:37

Would love to play jaylove in Virtua tennis 4!
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Postby jayl0ve » Thu, 19 May 2011 08:58

I don't even own VT4, haven't even tried it yet, actually.

I own VT3 though...I was a pretty good player at one point but haven't played it in maybe over a year.

Also that thing above, about the slow-mo special skill zoom in thing....yeah I find that a little frightening to be quite honest.
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Thu, 19 May 2011 09:00

I suggest you get it, its actually really fun, all playstyles can work, and the errors have increased too! Plua, there is no angle battles like in TS4
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