by jayl0ve » Thu, 05 May 2011 11:14
Just played 3 2K Open matches and experienced for the first time this dreaded 'stutter step' you're all talking about.....I have to admit it's insanely frustrating. It's not just on serves, it seems like every time you are pulled past the first line of the doubles alley, it happens. Well not every time, but every time when it's been established that this is a 'stutter step match'. Unfortunately I don't think it's some 'bug' in the game I think it's just how the game handles lag, because this only happens with bad lag.
Another thing that was very frustrating is when you prepare to 1)Serve and volley or 2) Hit an approach shot, there's the same freaking stutter step!!!!!!! Sometimes (not always) your guy does the 'approach shot' or 'serve and volley' animation, will start to run forward, but then he'll just stop!! I've tried holding down RB, not holding down RB, I dunno what to do but it's frustrating as shit!
On a lighter note I went undefeated in 3 matches (3 Nadals) with Rafter. So I was still able to beat these people I had the lag with, but it was still very frustrating.