VT4 Tour Interest

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VT4 Tour Interest

Postby SlicerITST » Mon, 02 May 2011 21:18

Before creating the lengthy process of setting up the tours i would like to gauge the interest for a VT4 tour. Could anyone tell me how popular the game is on the World Tour and leave a message if you are interested in participating in an ITST VT4 tour.
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Postby Jason Fernandes » Mon, 02 May 2011 21:28

Me. Got the game on PS3.
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Postby AndyMurray ITST » Mon, 02 May 2011 21:38

Id defo be up for this i have it on xbox 360 . Loads of people play online. I think if most itst members tried the game with pro players or a fully created player , they would love it ! I wrote a post when the demo came out saying how shocked i was at how bad this game seemed. Now i love it and play it more than Ts4.
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Postby PCFitnessDotNet » Mon, 02 May 2011 22:07

Jason and Andy, I have a few questions.

Is there a spectator mode like in vt3?

What is your overall impression of vt4 vs. ts4?

Which game is more sim vs arcade?

The frame rates seemed very smoother in the video, does it run better than ts4?

Be as detailed as you can.


Jason Fernandes wrote:Me. Got the game on PS3.
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Postby Jason Fernandes » Mon, 02 May 2011 22:25

PCFitnessDotNet wrote:Jason and Andy, I have a few questions.

Is there a spectator mode like in vt3?
Can't answer due to PSN being down.

What is your overall impression of vt4 vs. ts4?
I think it's a perfect matchup between the 2 games, each game is clearly aimed at different gamers and it works. I have to say I have to think VT4 is more fun and although the World Tour is different and not as realistic as TS4 I do prefer it, just something new rather than the career mode of all previous tennis games. Top Spin 4 has by far the better player creator mode as you can actually create the gamestyle of the player you want while in VT4 it just creates itself (by the minigames you play etc...). Have yet to test the online due to PSN being down so can't compare them online, but graphics wise I think TS4 is a better although VT4's graphics are no where near bad, they're pretty good actually.

Which game is more sim vs arcade?
Top Spin 4 is by far the sim game here and Virtua Tennis 4 being the arcade, however compared to their previous games Top Spin 4 is more on the arcade side while Virtua Tennis 4 has gone a bit more sim if that makes sense, but still both games achieve the type of tennis game they were meant to be.

The frame rates seemed very smoother in the video, does it run better than ts4?
Runs as smooth as I could have hoped, not even had a single problem with the framerate with all my 7+ hours of play or so.

Be as detailed as you can.

I hope this is helpful, if you have any more questions I'll do my best to answer.
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Postby PCFitnessDotNet » Mon, 02 May 2011 22:27

thanks man! :wink:
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Postby AndyMurray ITST » Mon, 02 May 2011 22:47

I agree . However, on the surface ts4 is more sim but actually if you scratch a bit deeper and look at the rallies, momemtum, angles etc , topspin is a little ruined by silly angle play.
In real tennis matches players are not out angling each other in every point . This is where vt4 shines because its a far simpler game mechanic which i believe stops online abuse of shots etc. What i guess im saying is that it is more enjoyable online on vt4, because its more difficult to play cheesy shots.

Dont get me wrong i love ts4 but when every online game u play is about top spin angles it actually becomes more unrealistic than the virtua tennis series! I play tennis and its really tough to hit shallow angles inside the service line constantly!

I really hope people on here give vt4 a chance and we can then have a great tour!
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Postby PCFitnessDotNet » Mon, 02 May 2011 22:54

Absolutely, I'll be picking it up!
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Postby Jason Fernandes » Mon, 02 May 2011 23:22

Agreed, I really do think VT4 has a lot more potential for online tournaments than TS4.
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Postby oDEVLISHo » Tue, 03 May 2011 00:30

yip me too its a tennis game after all, i defo will be buying.

for me the jury is still out on ts4.... :wink:
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Postby PCFitnessDotNet » Tue, 03 May 2011 01:32

Is there a spectator mode or vt tv to watch others?
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Postby Sherlock 117 » Tue, 03 May 2011 04:30

I'm up for VT4. I think I won't buy it on release day though...

:x meh, who am I kidding? I'll be buying it.

Can anybody tell me if it has four console doubles (and ranked doubles), like VT3 had? Also, is the online lag handled okay? If these two things are good, and the gameplay is good, I'm in for sure.

For me, VT3 without the let bug would have been an almost perfect game.
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Postby PCFitnessDotNet » Tue, 03 May 2011 05:26

yeah, virtua tennis 3 might not have been as sim as we'd all like, but the "spectator" mode and "doubles" were so much fun. it was great, you and your friend or simply a challenger play while all your friends or challengers spectate your match. how awesome would that be for an itst monster tourney! don't worry, i'll get on the horn with 2ksports tomorrow, we'll get those two features added, lol.
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Postby DRII » Wed, 04 May 2011 00:01

AndyMurray ITST wrote:Id defo be up for this i have it on xbox 360 . Loads of people play online. I think if most itst members tried the game with pro players or a fully created player , they would love it ! I wrote a post when the demo came out saying how shocked i was at how bad this game seemed. Now i love it and play it more than Ts4.

Is the real game that much different from the demo?

I don't understand why Sega would release such a horrible demo but the real game is actually good :?

Vt4 is not available in the states until May 10th!
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Postby Sherlock 117 » Wed, 04 May 2011 00:18

Sherlock 117 wrote:I'm up for VT4. I think I won't buy it on release day though...

:x meh, who am I kidding? I'll be buying it.

Can anybody tell me if it has four console doubles (and ranked doubles), like VT3 had? Also, is the online lag handled okay? If these two things are good, and the gameplay is good, I'm in for sure.

For me, VT3 without the let bug would have been an almost perfect game.

Can you answer those questions Andy or Jason?
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