Rule Test Tournament #1

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Rule Test Tournament #1

Postby djarvik » Sat, 30 Apr 2011 22:43

As an on going effort to create a competitive and enjoyable environment in ITST tour, we are pleased to bring you this opportunity:

Rule Test Tournament #1

This is a first in a series of test tournaments aimed to determine if rules are needed for regular tour.

In this first edition, rules are:

- Coach Pei Jing Quah is not allowed
- Coach Jon Samala is not allowed
- No Stats over 95 allowed

Please, use this thread to send us feedback after the matches. Try and write down and take a picture of player stats used. Please let us know if 95 stat cap is preventing you from using a certain coach.

Click here to sign up for Rule Test Tournament #1 on Xbox 360 Tour

(PS3 is still down, once we get a firm date for it coming back up, we will start the sign up there as well)

Thank you for participating!

Please, refrain from suggesting any rules in this thread. If you have new ideas, please do create a thread and develop a discussion with other payers. We will be happy to review it and consider it. Keep this thread for feedback on this test tournament only.
Last edited by djarvik on Thu, 23 Jun 2011 15:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby J0KER FR » Sun, 01 May 2011 10:36

What's your address? I send a huge bouquet of flowers ...
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Postby C4iLL » Sun, 01 May 2011 12:31

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Postby ike 0 » Sun, 01 May 2011 16:45

i understand for Pei Jing Quah but, not really for John Samala. What's the problem with him ?

i'll be in that tournament, i've played a match where my opponent hits dropshots every 2pts (5 on 7 pts during tie breack), nothing about that ?
i know it's hard to juge, but abusing of lobs or dropshots is not realistic. (hiting a dropshot in trouble 5m behind de baseline is impossible lol)
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Postby womanizer lp » Sun, 01 May 2011 17:14

But I do not understand that prohibit any coach ... how to play each one is what determines whether you win or lose
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Postby L Sanchez MD » Sun, 01 May 2011 17:41

Which coach is Jon Samala?
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Postby ike 0 » Sun, 01 May 2011 18:02

it's normal to prohibit Pej Jing Qua, the lifts become completly surrealist on a long rally.
i've look to John Samala, i don't understand why he's prohibit.
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Postby Gahan1990 » Sun, 01 May 2011 21:41

I think with DEF20, it's very tough:
very good strokes (88/80 with 10 at FH and BH so with 20 in FH it would be 98/70) with okish power (63), just about perfect stamina (94, 95 and above is banned) and very good speed (85)
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Postby Tuurbine » Mon, 02 May 2011 15:35

Come on.... why Samala now? I agree with TSI/MD, its abussive in the long rallies, I end up sending the ball long or out wide but SAMALA?? :shock:
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Postby Tuurbine » Mon, 02 May 2011 15:38

Maybe not SAMALA but having Instant Rocket while having 90 or more of power its too much. One way can be allowing players to have coaches with instant rocket but not allow them to have more than 90 of power, or maybe 85 or more.. :P
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Postby djarvik » Mon, 02 May 2011 15:52

OK, I will attempt to explain. Don't kill me. :P

Basically, Instant Rocket + Monster Defense is the counter for Top Spin Invasion + Monster Defense.

Granted it is not as strong, but it is a strong setup that offers excellent strokes, excellent speed, good power + Instant rocket + Monster Defense.

I have been using this setup against TSI/MD with excellent results. This particular setup has no glaring weaknesses and when Monster defense kicks in along with Instant Rocket - this setup is a mirror image of TSI/MD.

I use this setup a lot, I currency play with it on both tours.

I think the main issue is not the first skill, but rather Monster Defense skill combined with good strokes, power and speed.

BTW - I have yet to lose to a player who uses 100 power, 90 power or similar but is slow. Usually these players are slow and are very easy to pull of the court with a top spin. They should feel powerful and should overwhelm you if you try to trade the shots with them.

I found that a good strategy is to pull them off court with a top spin and follow to net for the finish. Against a TSI/MD setup, coming to net with low skill is a suicide, but against these guys - it is an easy put away. They have trouble creating angles, so if you know your "net positioning" - you almost guaranteed a good volley.

In any event. We deemed these two setups as the strongest (or easiest to use if you prefer) and the goal of this test is to see if there will be another one coach, dominating.

That is why I ask that when the tournament starts, please, do report your findings. This is the whole point of the test. If you think you wont be giving us feedback - then dont play. We must have feedback, otherwise it is all for nothing.

Thanks guys!
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Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Mon, 02 May 2011 16:24

this sounds very good, AL i really like how you find strategys against TI/MD setups (most start whining and complaining instead to figure out ways).

in my< opinion the serve is too much reduced now.with a stronger serve (little less strong than before the match) you would can play another strategy .


a perfect strategy ,
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Postby jericoacoara » Mon, 02 May 2011 19:13

OMG you people are fanatics. Is there any chance in the world that a person with an all around , basically realistic, player with no idea who the coaches are to win a single game against you guys?
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Postby TomBs » Mon, 02 May 2011 19:33

Yeah, that´s what they hired me for.
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Postby jericoacoara » Mon, 02 May 2011 20:40

how on earth do you get your stats up to 95 in the first place?
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