How to counter the big two WT types?

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How to counter the big two WT types?

Postby brazegoesmoo » Sat, 09 Apr 2011 18:12

So yeah, instead of forfeiting, how about discussion on how to beat these guys?

Here's what I do to have some success using my shot counter/return counter character.

Against Topspin Invasion/Monster Defense Type:
Deep control shots to the corner if I can do it. Mix in a lot of slices if the other guy doesn't seem to know the timing. Usually I wear them out and get a short cross topspin shot or a fully charged flat shot to the open court.

Power/Serve Type:
Aside from just weathering the storm to the tie break, I tend to just straddle the outside corner line and try to psyche the opponent out to hit it towards me. Then it's just a coinflip. I use a top spin return to the open court, hope it lands, then hope I don't stutterstep :)
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Postby tigerofintegrity » Sat, 09 Apr 2011 23:08


You're probably not going to be able to out-topspin them so slices are key. Short angled power slices out wide or straight down the middle work well. They can't do a lot of damage to you like that and then you wait for a short ball to pounce on. Mix in plenty of drop shots when you've pushed them deep and forays into the net when you've dragged them out wide. Mix up your shots so they can't predict where you're hitting it and be there to hit a good angle. Throw in some deep down the line slices sometimes to make them second guess. Depth is key if you're engaged in a baseline rally to limit their angles.


Against a serve maniac, if they can serve really well, there won't be a lot you can do most of the time. If they always hit the lines, stand a little bit back and try to make a guess and make a deep return back. Don't get frustrated and just accept you're going to be aced a lot. Concentrate on holding your own games and eventually you'll get some chances. Focus and try to take it when it comes. And against these you definitely need to be able to outrally them most of the time, otherwise you won't realistically win.

Against pure power types, it's not too hard if they don't have any variety and go all out power all the time. Get the ball deep with power slice/top spin, especially down the middle. They'll be forced to hit a short ball if you get really deep shots and you can take control from there. Otherwise, the deep slice return is better against these types as it's harder for them to smack a winner off your return compared to a top spin return. If you can get them on the run in a rally, even better.

That's kinda how I play these types and I'm nearly always successful. Hope that helps!
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Postby xMFHxMataiiBANNED » Sun, 10 Apr 2011 07:12

Topspin invasion = use slice & keep them off balance.. they often return a weaker shot lol - I know this because I am one of them.. bring them to the net

Big servers/Big Power = Move them around the court and play to their weak side because they also often have a VERY weak side which means they hit the ball into the middle of the court or off balance allowing for you to get on top of the rally or win the point.

Big Serve/Big Volley (90+ volley) = - when returning match whatever serve they do with your shot - if they hit flat hard serve = use flat return - outhink them.. keep them on the bassline.
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