Virtua Tennis 4 Exclusive Demo For Ps3 & World Tour

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Virtua Tennis 4 Exclusive Demo For Ps3 & World Tour

Postby ieyan » Thu, 07 Apr 2011 01:29

Virtua tennis 4 Exclusive Demo For Ps3: ... y-on-ps3//

Virtua Tennsi 4 World Tour: ... orld-tour/

So you think you have what it takes to challenge the planets best tennis players and become Number 1? Now you have the chance to prove it with the totally revamped World Tour mode on Virtua Tennis 4.

The development team listened to feedback from fans on the old World Tour modes of Virtua Tennis 3 and 09 and have reworked the way a player progresses through their career in Virtua Tennis 4, maintaining some of the staples of the old tours, but doing away with the calendar and relentless rise up the world rankings. Introducing more decision making over what path a player takes in their career, and elements of choice over what to undertake next, the player now has more influence over what type of career their character will have, and what type of player they will be seen to be on and off the court with the new Star Ratings. The result is a fresh and unique way to achieve the goal of becoming the Number 1 player in the world, and a world tour that can be different every time it is played.

Start by creating your own character with the options to customise every aspect of them, which giving you the ability to virtually put yourself in the game. Once you are happy with the look, playing style and signature shots of your character, you are ready to play the new style of the tour is apparent from the start. Travel around the world map using the mini games to train and increase your skill level and, play practice matches to give you a feel of the match play, but don’t forget to take time out of your busy schedule to fulfil your off court duties and meet your adoring fans. All of this happens before you get the chance to appear in exhibition matches against World Famous players and compete in tournaments to help you rise up through the world rankings.

Using the new travel tickets system you negotiate your way around the world map and decide which objective you carry out next. You are given an initial allocation of tickets to start you off, after that These tickets can be purchased on your travels, from the Management Office using cash earned so you can make sure you have the right tickets to move a certain number of spaces for your next tournament for example. This travel ticket system introduces decision making in your career, the choice of which card determines your next activity, and you’ll face tough decisions, not everything is possible. This introduction of career management strategy has been seen to raise the mode to a new level and break up the on-court action, adding variety and replay value to one of the most popular modes in the game.

Remember to keep an eye on your condition gauge, which shows how fit and ready you are for upcoming tournaments as it will affect your performance level during matches. Rest squares can help recover your condition whereas with training sessions can increase endurance and strength as you progress through your career.As you train, playing the mini games and play practice matches, as well as exhibitions. you gain money and a star rating which increase as you improve and develop. You need a certain star rating before you can enter certain tournaments so make sure you gain as much as possible. Your coach will give advice throughout your career and will help with your development on and off the court, so make sure you listen to him.

As you navigate through the World Tour mode, each ‘move’ you can choose a number of options, Move, View Map, SPT rating and My Club. Move allows you to navigate around the world and see what lies in store. View Map displays details of any highlighted square you may look to move to, or helps you discover a square you have never come across. SPT Rating displays your current world raking and the level of player you are, e.g. rising. Finally the My Club option gives you the option to influence your players playing style, which becomes enabled as you master each skill throughout the tour. This is where you can also change the kit that your character wears; you unlock new kit/rackets etc. as you progress through your career. Certain outfits are needed to be unlocked so you can compete in tournaments such as the classic, and uniquely Virtua Tennis fancy dress tournaments. Finally you get the chance to choose or change your doubles partner from the players that you encounter, throughout your career and come from the same club as you. They will compete with you in any doubles tournament you choose to enter.

Representing a big step on for the series, and a unique way of managing your tennis career, the new World Tour looks set to be one of the most popular new additions to Virtua Tennis 4. ... r_embedded
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Postby Y Enzo Y » Thu, 07 Apr 2011 13:04

I hope the online ranking is the same as in vt3
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Postby Oscarzero » Thu, 07 Apr 2011 14:50

Probably the end of TS4 for me.
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Postby Sherlock 117 » Thu, 07 Apr 2011 17:52

Y Enzo Y wrote:I hope the online ranking is the same as in vt3

Agreed. It was so simple and useful, no reason to change it.
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Postby DRII » Thu, 07 Apr 2011 22:31

Oscarzero wrote:Probably the end of TS4 for me.

Me too, maybe!
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Postby chump101 » Fri, 08 Apr 2011 15:12

DRII wrote:
Oscarzero wrote:Probably the end of TS4 for me.

Me too, maybe!

I'll probably still play the tournaments here for TS4. But I am disappointed in the changes from TS3 to TS4. I really don't enjoy the game as much. Though, the game is good in it ways and will appeal to some and disappoint some. Unfortunately, i am the latter one. They probably do this to bring some VT fans over to TS to make more money.
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Postby DRII » Fri, 08 Apr 2011 19:22

chump101 wrote:
DRII wrote:
Oscarzero wrote:Probably the end of TS4 for me.

Me too, maybe!

I'll probably still play the tournaments here for TS4. But I am disappointed in the changes from TS3 to TS4. I really don't enjoy the game as much. Though, the game is good in it ways and will appeal to some and disappoint some. Unfortunately, i am the latter one. They probably do this to bring some VT fans over to TS to make more money.

Yep, u r probably right chump.

I'm sure TS4 will be more commercially successful than TS3, even if TS4 is inferior (to me) I'm sure some like it better than TS3, even though I don't see how that's possible if u liked TS3 in the first place.
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Postby Puttu puttuu » Fri, 08 Apr 2011 21:27

Ts3 sold more copies in its first few weeks than ts4 has .

It's been well received in terms of critics yet the commercial success still isnt there.
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Postby DRII » Fri, 08 Apr 2011 23:14

That's interesting ...

I'm surprised the sales are worse. I'm also surprised that the PS3 version is the best selling, unless I'm reading the figures wrong.
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Postby DRII » Wed, 13 Apr 2011 00:58

When is vt4 demo coming? Wasn't in psn store,I just checked.
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