Ways to get around the stutter step glitch on return?

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Ways to get around the stutter step glitch on return?

Postby brazegoesmoo » Sun, 03 Apr 2011 19:28

Anyone have any suggestions? Hitting a losing streak on WT mode because of it :p Every single person I play does the same thing.
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Postby Vieira151 » Sun, 03 Apr 2011 20:39

It's annoying. When returning serve, I think moving your player about before the opponent serves reduces it. I don't move around too much, because it would be annoying to the opponent, but I more or less stay one/two steps away from my returning positing in any direction.
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Postby KluddKalle » Mon, 04 Apr 2011 08:21

I have missed this, what is this glitch? And is it something your opponent does?
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Postby brazegoesmoo » Mon, 04 Apr 2011 19:00

It's an occurrence in the game where your player will perform a split-step wherever he/she is on the court rather than move to defend a wide open area.

It's most noticeable when returning a hard or wide serve. After the return, despite where you are (even past the sideline) your player will stop motion to split step right when your opponent is about to strike. This will occur at any timing on your return (Perfect, Good, Too late, Too early).

So far I've been using top spin return or standing inside the baseline to try and combat this.. No luck yet :)
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Postby Vieira151 » Mon, 04 Apr 2011 19:35

As i've said before. I don't feel it is restricted to return. It just happens whenever you have already begun moving somewhere before your opponent hits the ball. And once the opponent hits the ball your player will split step. It's also probably affected by lag.

Anyways, try it. Be in a rally, and when you are taken to either side, just start running to the other side as soon as you have hit your shot. You will notice your player will stop and split step when the opponent hits the ball even if you continue to hold the stick in the original direction.
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Postby zaka » Mon, 04 Apr 2011 21:32

I lose maybe 5-10 points due to this per match. It's a real game breaker especially in tie-breaks.
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