Players with 100+ skills?

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Players with 100+ skills?

Postby TheArtOfPlay » Mon, 21 Mar 2011 12:04

Hi all,

Last night I was playing on Xbox LIVE and I played against someone that had forehand 108 and power 104, how is that possible?

he was surely a baseline attacker but 2 or 3 skills were really high (over 100)

Is there any coach you unlock that allows you to achive such a high level once you complete the wolrd tour?

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Postby graveydavey78 » Mon, 21 Mar 2011 12:15

not sure one of the lads on here has a brilliant tool called the Top Spin calculator and it adds up the coaches differences in stats for you, very handy

though some of the coaches he has on there are not in the game, or maybe you unlock them at a later stage, verify anyone??
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Postby KluddKalle » Mon, 21 Mar 2011 16:08

There seems to be some cheat/bug exploit that some use. I don't recommend anyone knowing the trick to post it here. This is something that shouldn't spread around. Hopefully 2K will fix it quickly.
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Postby SlicerITST » Mon, 21 Mar 2011 16:22

It is sent to 2K Sports already. Hopefully they can do something to stop this. Otherwise the multiplayer will fade very quickly.
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Postby willjonesjrSUSPENDED » Mon, 21 Mar 2011 21:51

If you see someone with that kid of set up then just don't play them. Hopefully we can weed them out.
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Postby JJ_DUBZ_87 » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 00:45

sometimes will you don't have a choice (as in the world tour online...). The computer as I'm sure you know, automatically chooses your opponent.
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Postby NickZ3535 » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 03:34

A lot of guys like this floating around...

I beat him 3-0 :D

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Postby jayl0ve » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 07:21

To be honest I probably wouldn't even play one of those guys! I think that's totally pathetic!

It reminds me of the guys in TS2 that NOBODY had ever played but were somehow #1, #2, #3's in the world in the XBL rankings.

In fact I think the highest ranked guy I ever faced in TS2 was ranked 13 (I beat him! I remember this because he basically hit nothing but drop shots the entire time :lol:) The rest were just clones or something.

It's just the same level of lameness
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Postby o Sinna o » Sat, 26 Mar 2011 08:58

jayl0ve wrote:To be honest I probably wouldn't even play one of those guys! I think that's totally pathetic!

It reminds me of the guys in TS2 that NOBODY had ever played but were somehow #1, #2, #3's in the world in the XBL rankings.

In fact I think the highest ranked guy I ever faced in TS2 was ranked 13 (I beat him! I remember this because he basically hit nothing but drop shots the entire time :lol:) The rest were just clones or something.

It's just the same level of lameness

Man how I hate those Lamers. Wasting their Lives with Unfairness and cheese. If I could I would like to give everybody of these Lamers a Box on the Ear in front of their own Console.
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Postby VillaJ100 » Wed, 30 Mar 2011 01:49

NickZ3535 wrote:A lot of guys like this floating around...

I beat him 3-0 :D


this is one of the funniest things ever
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Postby Wrathchild tw » Thu, 31 Mar 2011 03:56

I played a guy earlier with 100 power after a +15 coach bonus. I'm not sure if that's cheated, I think it might be possible. He was tough to play and he whipped me the first set. I started to get a little rhythm after that and was able to take him to a third set tie break but I couldn't hold.

He only had 40 speed which I thought was something that I could exploit but he rarely had trouble getting to my angles, mostly because I was getting poor power back to him.
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Postby TomBs » Thu, 31 Mar 2011 12:56

It's possible. I was just creating a S&V-player and ended up with 102 on serve.
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Postby o Sinna o » Thu, 31 Mar 2011 13:08

TomBs wrote:It's possible. I was just creating a S&V-player and ended up with 102 on serve.

Yes I saw this in one of my Creations too but I didn't choose this Possibility ofcourse.
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Postby Vieira151 » Thu, 31 Mar 2011 16:31

NickZ3535 wrote:A lot of guys like this floating around...

I beat him 3-0 :D


Hit to his forehand!! :lol: :lol:
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Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Sat, 02 Apr 2011 15:02

exactly , play ONLY to his forhand .
that simple !
so he can´t use his weapons.

play your strongness against their weakness
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