I need your help... Thanks!

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I need your help... Thanks!

Postby caredbl84 » Wed, 23 Mar 2011 14:58

Good morning guys!

I started playing Top Spin during the 3rd entry of the franchise for both PS3 and Xbox 360. I dumped the PS3 version of the game because of the lack of trophies and I decided to keep my Xbox 360 copy, which I ended up selling because I was getting killed online but schooling the AI in Very HARD…

I now own the PS3 version of TS4 and I am going through the same thing again… I am killing the AI but I am getting killed online! The deepest I have ever gotten into during a tournament has been a Final and my opponents always kick my ass!

I notice that every time I have to move to the other side of the court I have to move faster by Pressing R1 but that is the same button we have to press to get to the net and my character ends up losing the point because he stays in the middle of the court as I press R1 to move faster to the left or right… this is just one of my problems…

Another problem I have is that every time I am rushing left or right when I am behind the baseline and I try to shoot the ball to the same side I am running to (and not the opposite side) on my opposite baseline I always end up with an unforced error!

Returning is another issue I have, because I mostly do it with the square button (slices) and my opponent gets too much time to position himself and kill me with a shot…

Can you please help me with these 4 issues? I would greatly appreciate it…

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Postby caredbl84 » Wed, 23 Mar 2011 15:10

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Postby embee25 » Wed, 23 Mar 2011 16:03

Cared, is that your PSN? I've got a feeling I might have played you the other day.

Anyway, what I've found is that I only really need to press R1 to re-position my player, I don't have to keep pressing it to move from one side to the other.

Whether I'd move quicker if I kept it pressed down I don't know, but I get to most shots that are 'gettable' by moving the stick normally.

I'm afraid I can't help you on the unforced errors point - I've tended to go crosscourt on those shots but on the occasions when I do go down the line the ball tends to stay in.

I also find that slicing is one of my most effective means of returning serves. That's not saying an awful lot because my returning is one of my weaker points but whereas a flat or top spin return tends to result in the ball landing mid-court and sitting up nicely for a blast either side of me, the slice leaves my opponents with a less obvious point of attack.

That's about the only observations I'd make at this stage. I think sooner or later everyone finds a style/method that suits them and of course getting more practice and familiarity with the game really helps.
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Postby Sherlock 117 » Wed, 23 Mar 2011 16:40

Practice your timing. Practice, practice, practice. Don't just go online and play, really focus on this part. Try and figure out how you get perfect timing in every situation. Don't be satisfied with a "Too late" or "Too early" that is a decent shot.

Your best bet is to practice with control topspin shots.
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Postby SlicerITST » Wed, 23 Mar 2011 16:51

For returns, you should try to be creative with them. You have multiple shots to your possession with which you can vary length and direction. I try to mix it up by using a short cross court topspin, attacking the serve down the line, slicing it deep to the opponent etc, etc. Always using the slice return is a good tactic against less good players but better players will have no problem in adapting to it.

Surely my return sometimes gets blasted past me cause my opponent anticipated on it but the more you switch your return the less they will be able to read it. Practice them as it is always a one shot chance. A return has to have good or perfect timing and a good amount of direction. Otherwise you will find yourself in a defensive position every time.

Don't be discouraged if you get beaten online. There are some guys there that seem to be able to play 24/7. I think the best tip i can give you is to find some opponents to which you have close and fun matches and play them a lot. That way you can learn and get better from each other.
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Than you!

Postby caredbl84 » Wed, 23 Mar 2011 17:16

These are all great answers!

Yes, my PSN ID is "Caredbl" so feel free to add me and we shall play tonight! I am located on the Canadian East coast so it is currently 12:14pm EST.

Thank you all and if you could give me any advice on just using the R1 button when I need to go to the net it would be awesome! I will just take that button out of my play except when I want to Volley a little bit...

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