power more then 80 ruins the game

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power more then 80 are fair?

Poll ended at Sun, 27 Mar 2011 01:13

Total votes : 39

Postby VillaJ100 » Tue, 22 Mar 2011 01:02

One thing i think need tweaking slightly is lobs. Its good you can track them down, but they are too easy to pull off. I got lobbed earlier by a guy from a volley, i swear the ball must have been half a inch from the ground, and he hit a perfect lob. Then did it every point for the rest of the match!
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Postby Baghdad Baghdatis » Tue, 22 Mar 2011 01:35

jayl0ve wrote:I'm not trying to be an expert or anything. Obviously I know I don't have the game (YET...)but I am familiar with the game mechanics, like it or not, from the demo. I already know I'm going to have no problem assimilating with the more skilled players...in plain English I am going to kick all your asses, royally. And giggle about it.

Anyways I don't have a problem with limiting stats if it comes down to it, but like...banning shots, suggesting people "Try to play more creative tennis" (LOL), it all just leaves a bad taste in my mouf.

Only reason I don't have the game is because I am broke as fizuck and don't have mommy and daddy to buy it for me. As much as I love TS games there is more important stuff like my mounting court costs and lawyer costs :shock:

However I want to stay as 'in the loop' as I can so I'm trying to follow these early days of TS4 on the forum.

So sue me bitches!

Wow there you go again - quoting one of my lines. Fair enough I guess.

But it leaves a foul taste in your mouth? Dude creative tennis (my terminology) was exactly what the SIM tour turned out to be in TS3 so I don't quite get the quote and LOL? I think what is bizzare is you sitting in your rocking chair at home with a big fat cigar in your mouth with chuff all matches played in TS3 and not even bought TS4 so excuse me if I forgot to bow down to your pearls of wisdom.

The thing I just ain't getting is that I am 100% game for people debating and discussing. I just kind of scratch my head when a discussion is opened and then people get all hyper defensive like there is REALLY this big bad parade of ITST baddies marching around with their sleeves rolled up trying to change things and cap the backside off custom players - they are merely suggestions man, thats all.

I know we never agreed on this in the past so horses for courses I suppose
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Postby jayl0ve » Tue, 22 Mar 2011 01:38

Well to be fair I never really liked TS3, so...

Anyways fair enough I'll shut up about TS4 until I get it
Last edited by jayl0ve on Tue, 22 Mar 2011 01:40, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Baghdad Baghdatis » Tue, 22 Mar 2011 01:40

jayl0ve wrote:Well to be fair I never really liked TS3, so...

They call me Baggy...

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Postby o Sinna o » Tue, 22 Mar 2011 01:43

By the Way Guys now that I see the Votings.

Why sould a Powerstats over 80 be unfair? Can you at least explain it if you have already voted for it?

I don't get it. It makes no Sense.
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Postby Baghdad Baghdatis » Tue, 22 Mar 2011 01:51

o Sinna o wrote:By the Way Guys now that I see the Votings.

Why sould a Powerstats over 80 be unfair? Can you at least explain it if you have already voted for it?

I don't get it. It makes no Sense.

Hey Sinna,

Well I voted yes to it being unfair but explained that it is more the principle of high power that I am not a big fan of. If there was an option "not yet decided" I probably would of gone for that.

My first impressions of 90-100 power especially does seem a bit excessive from a handful of people I have played but thats just my thoughts.

I have been using a guy with 70 power and i find that is ample to compete, especially when you couple that with strong reflexes and wings (forehand / backhand).

Anyways, as you said there is a lot more experimenting to be done and as always I look forward to see how the warm ups and ITST tourny matches shape up...
They call me Baggy...

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Postby Baghdad Baghdatis » Tue, 22 Mar 2011 01:55

jayl0ve wrote:Well to be fair I never really liked TS3, so...

Anyways fair enough I'll shut up about TS4 until I get it

Go rob an old ladies purse when you are next at the bus stop or something, either that or march her to the cashpoint and say "sorry mam but I really need like $50 to buy a video game" - she will understand
They call me Baggy...

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Postby jayl0ve » Tue, 22 Mar 2011 01:56

Well, I drive, so I will have to search for old ladies elsewhere...
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Postby Rob ITST » Tue, 22 Mar 2011 02:05

Europeans and their crazy public transportation.....

If they saw what kind of people ride the bus here, they'd understand.
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Postby jayl0ve » Tue, 22 Mar 2011 02:17

Yeah I almost took that as an insult... :lol:
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Postby Sherlock 117 » Tue, 22 Mar 2011 05:15

Rob ITST wrote:Europeans and their crazy public transportation.....

If they saw what kind of people ride the bus here, they'd understand.

ermm :oops:

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Postby jayl0ve » Tue, 22 Mar 2011 06:08

I'm sure bus people are much different in Minnesota than they are in Long Beach and New Orleans

2 of the most degenerate-filled cities in the world :lol:
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Postby Rob ITST » Tue, 22 Mar 2011 06:55

jayl0ve wrote:I'm sure bus people are much different in Minnesota than they are in Long Beach and New Orleans

:lol: I don't doubt that one bit. Most of them here remind me of the cat lady on The Simpsons.
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Postby Hamburgerboy27 » Thu, 24 Mar 2011 21:38


I can understand this Game is new and all Players and i need patience before ITST considered if come Setup Rules or not...

But i personally have HOPE before the right TS4 Saeson begin(4.April) ITST become the first some rules for the Game and the first Setup Rules(or setup tested rules).
But the Saeson and Warm Up begin without Rules,this is for me little pitty. I can understand when ITST say we need 6-8 weeks or longer to make the perfect rules for TS4 and ITST but the Saeson begin without Rules is for me not good.

The Setups sure too different and give 3 Players Typ:

1.The realistic Setup Plaayers with 40-75/80 Setup
2.The stronger Setup Players who i with 40-85 Setup
3.The Skill Monster with 90-100 Setup

Thereby can not to rise a fair Tournament.

I have hope ITST need the Warm-Up Tournement too tested the first ITST Matches and considered after this Warm Up Tournement the new TS4 ITST (Setup) Rules BEFORE the Season begin.

But this is only my personally opinion and is no criticism for ITST.

Ok maybe i too impatient and want too much for the first Tournement,but i have NEVER play a ITST Matches without Rules...is new for me and i sure not lucky about this :P :wink:

When another peoples see this otherwise is this no problem for me... :wink:
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Postby o Sinna o » Thu, 24 Mar 2011 21:55

Hamburgerboy27 wrote::roll:

I can understand this Game is new and all Players and i need patience before ITST considered if come Setup Rules or not...

But i personally have HOPE before the right TS4 Saeson begin(4.April) ITST become the first some rules for the Game and the first Setup Rules(or setup tested rules).
But the Saeson and Warm Up begin without Rules,this is for me little pitty. I can understand when ITST say we need 6-8 weeks or longer to make the perfect rules for TS4 and ITST but the Saeson begin without Rules is for me not good.

The Setups sure too different and give 3 Players Typ:

1.The realistic Setup Plaayers with 40-75/80 Setup
2.The stronger Setup Players who i with 40-85 Setup
3.The Skill Monster with 90-100 Setup

Thereby can not to rise a fair Tournament.

I have hope ITST need the Warm-Up Tournement too tested the first ITST Matches and considered after this Warm Up Tournement the new TS4 ITST (Setup) Rules BEFORE the Season begin.

But this is only my personally opinion and is no criticism for ITST.

Ok maybe i too impatient and want too much for the first Tournement,but i have NEVER play a ITST Matches without Rules...is new for me and i sure not lucky about this :P :wink:

When another peoples see this otherwise is this no problem for me... :wink:

It almost seems that you are scared to play against high stacked Players because you can't or don't want to deal with them. But you may not forget that this Game is balanced on all Levels you can spread in the Game.

It it would be more difficult than you may think to arrange strict Character-Creating-Rules. :wink:

I heard allready that you cried around not playing VFB Fan because he has a Powerguy. I mean please, that makes no Sense at all.

It's even so that the Differences in our Setups will keep the Tour interesting and you already plan to destroy that with lame strict Charactersetups.

Ofcourse it's your Opinion, but I think you understand we don't have all the same.

I mean if the ITST makes Rules we have to deal with it, that's clear, but we will see. :lol:
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