power more then 80 ruins the game

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power more then 80 are fair?

Poll ended at Sun, 27 Mar 2011 01:13

Total votes : 39

Postby Baghdad Baghdatis » Mon, 21 Mar 2011 22:06

GOA MASTER MDMA wrote:and you are a KNALLTÜTE :lol:

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Postby o Sinna o » Mon, 21 Mar 2011 22:23

Man first me and Pfnerch and now you Guys. I can feel the Heat. But it's normal that it's comes to Discussions. :lol:

But the Main Problem is that the most Guys didn't explore the Game to the fullest. I mean how should they? How should I? But from what I have seen and experienced already is strong enough to have my Opion over a few Things.

Pfnerch was the biggest Joke yet. I mean you can't take somebody serious who's returning like a Drugabuser and who anticipated and tried almost nothing in his Returngames of the second Set with surpose just to get one's will to force the ITST to early Rulechanges because he cries about a big legit Serve and alot of legit Power.
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Postby jayl0ve » Mon, 21 Mar 2011 22:33

TBH I think a lot of guys are terrified of losing and losing often and they want to ensure that people are playing a style that they know they can defeat.
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Postby o Sinna o » Mon, 21 Mar 2011 22:46

jayl0ve wrote:TBH I think a lot of guys are terrified of losing and losing often and they want to ensure that people are playing a style that they know they can defeat.

I agree and by the Way it isn't so that the ITST Member have to fear a Character like mine just for example, but rather that I have to fear that I don't have it what it takes with this Character any my personal Skills to play a big Role during the ITST Season. I mean not really fearing it ofocurse but I guess you know what I mean because this Site is all about to have fun and test your Skills against other Players. Maybe I have to change some Things and try other ways sooner than you may think. I just lost five Matches in a Row against a better Player.

I am just against that People spread a early Panic and jump on Conclusions because of a few Points if it's not necessary at all.
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Postby Baghdad Baghdatis » Mon, 21 Mar 2011 22:47

jayl0ve wrote:TBH I think a lot of guys are terrified of losing and losing often and they want to ensure that people are playing a style that they know they can defeat.

Man you hit the nail on the head, we all just a bunch of chickens. I might just have to max all my stats to compete. Bingo!
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Postby jayl0ve » Mon, 21 Mar 2011 22:51

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Postby djarvik » Mon, 21 Mar 2011 22:52

jayl0ve wrote:TBH I think a lot of guys are terrified of losing and losing often and they want to ensure that people are playing a style that they know they can defeat.

... or the opposite. People afraid that with any change to the current game they will lose their edge. Not a hard earned edge, through hours of practice, but rather a loophole in game play "it-is-in-the-game-so-I-will-use-it" edge. Yes, everyone can just pick up the same style and we will have competitive matches, that is true. But I think if one style heavily dominates the draws, then the game becomes one dimensional and boring. Truly good players are able to adapt to any conditions set-forth and win. I am not saying we should cut down on every edge-giving play style, but I think the idea of limiting certain things in an effort to broaden the play style and not fall into a one-setup-tour is quite reasonable. Later then sooner though. How late? ... that all depends on how 2K will patch the game up. And they will. We are making a list (per their request) of bugs we need addressed immediately. On that note, even before we get to the player-style specific tweaks, there are bugs that need immediate attention.

Don't lose faith. Explore. Post your finding on forums. We listen. 2K is listening. Just try stay respectful with each other. It is just a game after all.

... end of politically correct answer.

Jay, you don't have the **** game! :lol: ...all you do is play Rafa Fed matches, and both just lost to Chokabitch! ....can't really judge whats "what" from that demo. I am not saying you wrong, but I am saying "you ain't seen nothing yet" ;)
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Postby jayl0ve » Mon, 21 Mar 2011 22:57

I'm not trying to be an expert or anything. Obviously I know I don't have the game (YET...)but I am familiar with the game mechanics, like it or not, from the demo. I already know I'm going to have no problem assimilating with the more skilled players...in plain English I am going to kick all your asses, royally. And giggle about it.

Anyways I don't have a problem with limiting stats if it comes down to it, but like...banning shots, suggesting people "Try to play more creative tennis" (LOL), it all just leaves a bad taste in my mouf.

Only reason I don't have the game is because I am broke as fizuck and don't have mommy and daddy to buy it for me. As much as I love TS games there is more important stuff like my mounting court costs and lawyer costs :shock:

However I want to stay as 'in the loop' as I can so I'm trying to follow these early days of TS4 on the forum.

So sue me bitches!
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Postby djarvik » Mon, 21 Mar 2011 23:12

Your opinion is always welcome man. :D I look forward to some royal ass kicking from you! ...it seems like everyone (except Xavi) is taking turns on my ass in TS4. :oops:

...that didn't sound too good did it?
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Postby Rob ITST » Mon, 21 Mar 2011 23:22

No. That didn't sound too good at all. :lol:
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Postby VillaJ100 » Mon, 21 Mar 2011 23:27

Jon I don't even wanna know what those lawyers are for lol
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Postby jayl0ve » Mon, 21 Mar 2011 23:32

Yeah. Haha.

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Postby Moralspain » Tue, 22 Mar 2011 00:19

djarvik wrote:Your opinion is always welcome man. :D I look forward to some royal ass kicking from you! ...it seems like everyone (except Xavi) is taking turns on my ass in TS4. :oops:

...that didn't sound too good did it?

hahaha thank God i'm not

seriously speaking i'm a bit worried about the learning curve of this game, i mean it's easy to learn but i think it will offer little after this, so if i'm not good now i'm afraid i won't be either in the future, know what i mean guys? there's not too much to learn about the game
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Postby tenjintenkai » Tue, 22 Mar 2011 00:53

hmmm... again i agree with what Djarvik said.
Some people may seem to have a problem with others reporting what MAY be wrong with the game. 2K wanted ITST to make a list of bugs and problems with the game so the sooner we talk about them the better. It is also the purpose of this forum i guess: if someone noticed something that SEEMS like a killer move "impossible" to counter, its not to find a place for whining but maybe to share his experience with other people that may have found the solution to counter it.

But it seems that communication is not the strongest asset of some people here.

Anyway.... Moralspain i feel you on what you said. When i maxed out my character to lvl20 i was a bit disapointed by my performance and questioned the fact if i could improve much more than that. Well i found out that it may lies elsewhere. I made a few other characters with differents skills and styles and i seem to play very differently so we all may have to experiment a lot before finding the "best" personal setup.
I just tried my Fernando Gonzalez tonight and i control him way better than my first character (the "hobo-me"). I may create a David Ferrer type later this week.

oh and would it be possible to see the list that you guys will send to 2K?
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Postby o Sinna o » Tue, 22 Mar 2011 00:59

Ok Guys I understand you and I understand what Djarvik said.

Jesus, if we really need a Patch which improves a few Things and to make the Game even more interesting then so be it.

I mean 2K will do what they want to do anyway, so we will see what they will arrange. :wink:

But the Threadreason and the Thing about the Power is still garbage.
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