I apologize ahead of time if this has already been posted. When I created my first character I was not presented with this option, when I created my second a little window popped up and asked me if I wanted 50,000 XPs for my next player. Of course I said yes!!! Since then I have made a bunch of new players and have been playing around with distributing their Attributes. Yeah, I'm able to make a player in 5 mins now, but have not been able to REALLY place/fine tune the player stats like we were able to do in Top Spin 3.. Besides adding all your Attribute stats to Offensive game play style and moving from coach to coach, does anyone have any information on how to REALLY fine tune the Attributes the way we want like we did in Top Spin 3?
Here is my latest video on creating a player fast in Top Spin 4 - http://www.youtube.com/user/xboxtennis# ... 6d56ZIf_zs