Defensive Baseliner Club (DBC)
Counter punchers, pushers and dirt rats UNITE! Finally, Top Spin 4 gives you a great opportunity to play your game, have fun and win matches.
0. Rafa Nadal
1. Djarvik
2. Moralspain
3. picachu211
4. pfnerch
5. Puttu puttuu
6. ._RaFaBuLl_.
7. BalkanPower
8. beltic caldy
9. fedfan
0. Rafa Nadal
1. Vieira151
2. Vital FX
3. fedfan
4. El_6u4p0
Application procedure
Apply in this thread by posting in this thread.
Current Requirements:
- Level 11 or higher in Defensive Baseliner in TS4