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Postby djarvik » Fri, 15 Oct 2010 20:24

I know, I am all for it man. The more little quirks the better the over all feel of the game. But if I had to chose, Random VS Preset .... I would rather choose for it not being in the game.

It is easy for us to say: "it would be good IF..." But bottom line that has to follow with a relatively simple way to execute it, at least it should "sound" relatively simple.

As far as serve, read my comment above. I agree it would be great. But, for it to work, they have to include more variable. At least one more to the existing 3. Now it is either in, out, or net. They will have to add another timing window on your "direction hold" that will allow for Let-go-over the net to happen. This means that it is a set 0.52sec hold time (example) - that in turn means it is not random and can be (make it will be) exploited. How? ....I can just imagine a 12 y/o kid doing lets 4-5 times in a raw just to annoy you.

So then the random option right? ...I doubt that you, with your timing, will be happy when AI decided to take away a point or two from you in tie break. ....and have you seen how many tie breaks we have it ITST? ....that essentially will mean that most of our matches will be decided by Random AI events rather then our game play. :?

So no thank you. When it concerns Lets/Nets I rather have NONE that any of the two scenarios above.

Now as far as hitting the lines during rally or serve, that is actually relatively simple. We essentialy hitting lines is just that the lines positioned wrong. They could have set the "close to the line" value as "on the line" value and wallaa! But the key still, we have no control of that. AI decides between certain amount of values and attributes this values to chosen shot.

So essentially we back to square one, if you make another value...then we will find it and exploit it. Random again? :lol:

See what I mean?

We need a drastic solutions, not wishful thinking. Hopefully TS4 can deliver these, rather then try and do what we do and improve the existing engine. I think it is running at almost capacity and they need to redesign a nice part of "how" the ball placement relates to other buttons to make it work.
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Postby ILuvBillVal » Fri, 15 Oct 2010 21:05

Nicely stated. I know things would be exploited and it's unfortunate but it's bound to happen in every game regardless. As far as what I was thinking for the line spots I was thinking of adding many variables rather than just "on the line, close to the line, etc." Instead giving the line itself maybe like 4-6 different variable bounces including the outside of the line. Maybe even add arguing calls and stuff as an option but to be able to do it in a way where it would be ACCURATE. Like the challenge options in the EA football games for instance except fine tuned on a much greater scale for a more accurate system. It will never happen I just think if it was pulled off correctly it would be awesome.

How about this RANDOM ass thought? You could add a third player variable as a chair ump? HOW COOL WOULD THAT be? Have like ITST certified chair umps and they would get a special view from above the court... you could have like button-specific calls like

A = fault
X = out
B = let (if implemented)

I realize some would find this boring to do but I also think some people (especially those who want a "watch others" feature would find it really cool)... obviously some would just be jerks with it which is why they would have to be OFFICIAL ITST judges. I know I'm really reaching on this just think it would add a whole new dynamic.
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Postby Moralspain » Fri, 15 Oct 2010 22:43

ILuvBillVal wrote:How about this RANDOM ass thought? You could add a third player variable as a chair ump? HOW COOL WOULD THAT be? Have like ITST certified chair umps and they would get a special view from above the court... you could have like button-specific calls like

A = fault
X = out
B = let (if implemented)

that would be AWESOME
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Postby jayl0ve » Sat, 16 Oct 2010 01:29

I'd be calling 'lets' all the time!

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Postby VillaJ100 » Sat, 16 Oct 2010 01:50

The undeniable, absolutely essential thing must be four console doubles. the doubles system in ts3 is so good, yet practically impossible for online play. All i am worried about is the lag, when your have games like COD, you have sometimes player from all over the globe and no lag, yet top spin 3, a extremely advanced, 3d, version of pong, is lagged to the point of disconnection. i'm no internet expert so could someone explain why this is the case?
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