Federer - really the greatest ever?

Talk about anything related to the ATP and WTA tours.

Federer - the greatest ever?

Yes, he is it already
Not yet, just a little bit more and he is it
No, he ll never be it. Others are/were equal or even better
No, he ll never be it. Others are/were equal or even better
Total votes : 41

Postby jayl0ve » Mon, 22 Jun 2009 10:05

HAHAHA seriously that's probably my favorite quote.

'They took me to the pain centa...'
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Postby Mike Rotchtickles » Mon, 22 Jun 2009 10:06

Clearly you guys are mostly casual fans when it comes to boxing. :P :wink:
What's all this talk about Tyson being one of the greatest? A great puncher, yes, a great fighter, no. His peak prime years were between 1986-88. His biggest victories came against a 38 yr old Larry Holmes and a beefed up light-heavy in Michael Spinks. Tyson was intimidating at first,but after Douglas figured him out he lost that invincibilty aura that he had and was never the same after that.
You want to talk of great fighters? best pound for pound fighters? go look up a guy by the name of Sugar Ray Robinson.
Only armchair critics would put Tyson at the top of any "best of'' list.
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Postby emate007 » Mon, 22 Jun 2009 10:12

Man, I just finished watching that whole 9 mins, and yeah... it's sad overall.

They missed a few good quotes though; they were replaying one soundbite over and over on the radio here 2 years ago where he said something about 'implicitly, yes!'. I don't remember laughing harder in the car since hearing that clip 4 times in a row.
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Postby jayl0ve » Mon, 22 Jun 2009 10:12

No, I kept all that in mind when I said that. You think I haven't heard that a million times before??? :lol: Mike didn't need to be a great 'fighter' or a great 'boxer', he was just a Brawler, an Extremely Good Brawler. It's my opinion that he was so otherwordly powerful that he made everybody else look like a chump, it doesn't mean I have to be an 'armchair critic'. Also, please, I know who Sugar Ray Robinson was. I wasn't alive for his career though, so it would kinda be silly of me to say that I think he's the 'best fighter', just like I would feel extremely weird and stupid saying "Rod Laver/Bill Tilden/ some other geezer is easily 'the best ever'
Last edited by jayl0ve on Mon, 22 Jun 2009 10:17, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Rob ITST » Mon, 22 Jun 2009 10:15

FN4 will have a TON of boxers.

I was all excited when I played the demo and there was no button punching, only analog stick punches. But now they are talking about maybe offering button punching as DLC. That just ruins the game imo, and would stop me from buying it.
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Postby emate007 » Mon, 22 Jun 2009 10:15

OH! and I'll never forget that Halpin knockout... I was too young when it happened, but my older cousin made sure I knew that Tyson was the best a few years later.
He probably still has the VHS tape.
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Postby Mike Rotchtickles » Mon, 22 Jun 2009 10:23

Tyson was ''otherwordly'' as you put it because fighters (during that transition time after Ali and Holmes), were too shit scared to fight him back. They were intimidated because of his punching prowess, that is all. After the Spinks fight Tyson got so cocky that he neglected all the head feints and upper body movement that Cus D' Amato taught him. Look at the Bruno fight and every other fight after that for evidence.
Ok so you werent around for old timers like Robinson, what about Marvin Hagler, Roberto Duran, etc. How would you rate those?
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Postby Amazing Matheja » Mon, 22 Jun 2009 10:37

Mmmhh i have to admit that i agree a bit with Bloufo...
But Tyson did recognize he didn't do all that he had to do since his fight at Tokyo...(was it at Tokyo?...When he first lost?...)...
He then admit he was a lot fighting for money...Like in all great boxer history/career
I saw an extraordinary docu on a French channel : i guess it was made very recently...I guess it was made just before his last "trip at a court" and a bit before his daughter died...
He was crying (!!!) by telling how he lived Cus' death,his trouble with women,sex,and by talking bout his youth...It was an incredible Docu where he appears to be a great human person...I almost cried too (!!!)...He was very honnest and sensitive...
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Postby jayl0ve » Mon, 22 Jun 2009 10:47

I'm not really talking about 'pound for pound' who is the best, I should clear that up...I'm just saying that Mike Tyson is the best Heavyweight to ever live. I mostly just watch light heavyweight and heavyweight boxing. I don't think there's been another modern HW or LHW even close to Tyson in his prime. You're absolutely right, everybody was too scared to fight back, and for VERY good reason, his punches were pretty f***** stupefying if you let him connect up close. Of course he wasn't the most technically skilled boxer of all time, but what's wrong with having guys fear you for one reason and one reason alone- because you bring pain, lots of pain...

Also, there's perhaps been nobody more quotable, in the History Of Time, than Mike Tyson.

The guy is a legend.

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Postby Mike Rotchtickles » Mon, 22 Jun 2009 10:49

Yeah look, I'm not trying to put Tyson down or anything, some of his accomplishments like being the youngest ever champ, one of the highest ko ratios ever etc, but lets keep things in perspective. He was never one of the all time greats. His punch resistance was suspect, stamina to go a full 12 rounds with an opponent that fought back, was also suspect, no ability whatsoever to fight on the inside- only throwing his bombs from range, and mentally not tough enough to hang in there when things didn't go his way.
So the greatest ever? no way. :lol:
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Postby jayl0ve » Mon, 22 Jun 2009 10:59

hahaha no I don't care, you can say whatever you want about Tyson, the guy's definitely given people a lot of reason to dislike him.

I agree that he didn't have a ton of stamina, not the best defense of all time, not the best mover ever, but he did what he did very well.
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Postby Mike Rotchtickles » Mon, 22 Jun 2009 11:00

I'll also take you up on that claim that he was the top of any modern type HW or LHW.
Lets not go back to pre historic times, lets say from the '70s onwards? Is that still modern enough? Ok so based from that time period:
Tyson would have serious trouble with guys like Earnie Shavers, Ken Norton, Ron Lyle, and I'm not even talking of guys like Frazier, Foreman or a prime Larry Holmes.
No jay, I'm afraid Iron Mike was not as badass over quality oppostion as you might think.
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Postby jayl0ve » Mon, 22 Jun 2009 11:05

Of course some of those guy seem like bad matchups 'on paper', but like Tyson said, 'Everybody's got a plan...'til they get hit' :D
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Postby jayl0ve » Mon, 22 Jun 2009 11:19

'All praise is to Allah, I'll fight any man, any animal, if Jesus were here I'd fight him too.'- Mike Tyson
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Postby Mike Rotchtickles » Mon, 22 Jun 2009 11:29

"He called me a rapist and a recluse. I'm not a recluse"

Yeah he sure did have a way with words. :lol:
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