Federer - really the greatest ever?

Talk about anything related to the ATP and WTA tours.

Federer - the greatest ever?

Yes, he is it already
Not yet, just a little bit more and he is it
No, he ll never be it. Others are/were equal or even better
No, he ll never be it. Others are/were equal or even better
Total votes : 41

Postby Q. Reese » Sun, 21 Jun 2009 06:04

jayl0ve wrote:Most of us here in the United States are not wildly nationalistic/patriotic, I don't know many people who would favor anything or anybody just because it's 'American'.

Yea. I am American and my favorite player is Roger Federer. It used to be Roddick in 2003. :D
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Postby NARCOSIS2009 » Sun, 21 Jun 2009 11:48

Rob ITST wrote:I take a lot of offense to that statement. I could care less if someone is American. Federer is my current favorite player, I don't really like Roddick too much, never cared for Agassi, Courrier, or Chang. In fact, most of my favorite players are not American, such as: Guga, Philippoussis, Krajicek, Becker, Henman.... Sampras is my favorite for the same reason I like Federer - I appreciate greatness.

You might like or hate someone because of their nationality, but I don't.

I do not hate people for their nationality. I'm just fed up with americans thinking they rule everything. :wink:
Anyways sorry for offending you, you have your opinion, albeit its wrong and i have mine :P :lol:
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Postby jayl0ve » Sun, 21 Jun 2009 11:51

You have a warped view of Americans. Just as I probably have a warped view of Scots. Trust me, we're not all cowboys, or whatever you think we are.
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Postby NARCOSIS2009 » Sun, 21 Jun 2009 11:57

jayl0ve wrote:You have a warped view of Americans. Just as I probably have a warped view of Scots. Trust me, we're not all cowboys, or whatever you think we are.


Yeah, i speak for the non-americans, its abit obvious that u say my view of americans is warped, because ure american, and i didnt say ALL americans are like that just the majority are, Also i assure u, us scots dont give 2 shits about what people think of us.

Anyways lets move on i think ;)
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Postby jayl0ve » Sun, 21 Jun 2009 12:00

Trust me, 'we' don't care either.
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Postby venom400 » Sun, 21 Jun 2009 12:00

The game has changed a lot , I think Fed was playing at his prime at Wimblengton 08 , I was watching a re-run of this match 2 nights ago and Fed and Rafa were playing amazing points .

When Roger started playing tennis he was playing a lot of serve and volley , but the game has evolved and you can't do that anymore , the question is , would Sampras had what it takes to modify his whole game to be a on all court player ? Fed had to change his game to baseline attacker , and to change your game completely it takes a lot .

Having that said I love watching serve and volleyers , but that wimplengton match and the australian final were mouth openers and nail bitters .

And Sampras was good , but now Fed is better , and it's possible that the next player that comes will be better than Fed , I think we will look back 10 years from now and have this argument about how Roger is better than the new Generation Y or Z GOAT , it's just that players get better every generation .

I don't think Rafa will beat Roger's records , with his knees going , he is likely on his way down now , only time will tell who is the new best thing out there.
"It's nice to be important , but it's more important to be nice" Roger Federer .

"All who gain power are afraid to lose it , even the Jedi" Emperador Palpatine .
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Postby Mike Rotchtickles » Sun, 21 Jun 2009 12:03

NARCOSIS2009 wrote:Anyways lets move on i think ;)

That last sentence just saved this thread from being locked by the "we rule everything" american mods. :P :lol:
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Postby jayl0ve » Sun, 21 Jun 2009 12:03

I have no doubt that there will be a player in 20 years that makes Federer look like a relic. It actually scares me to think about it, because what does that imply? 200 mph groundstrokes???
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Postby Mike Rotchtickles » Sun, 21 Jun 2009 12:10

venom400 wrote:And Sampras was good , but now Fed is better , and it's possible that the next player that comes will be better than Fed , I think we will look back 10 years from now and have this argument about how Roger is better than the new Generation Y or Z GOAT , it's just that players get better every generation .

I suppose it is possible but highly improbable that Federer's records will be broken. I mean some of them like 20 and counting straight slam semi's, 19 and counting slam finals, 14 and who knows how many more slam titles. This guy is the GOAT I tell ya. :lol:
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Postby jayl0ve » Sun, 21 Jun 2009 12:14

I don't believe in a Greatest of All Time anymore. Federer is the Greatest of our generation, that much I believe. There will always be new great ones, and I GUARANTEE you that one day, some hotshot will destroy all of Federer's records. It is literally only a matter of time.

Maybe this post will be seen as some kind of holy prophecy, in 75 years :lol: When I'm extremely dead :lol:
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Postby Mike Rotchtickles » Sun, 21 Jun 2009 12:20

I plan to be alive just so that I can disprove your theory. :lol:
Let's see....75 + 24 = 99 years old! ...... maybe not. :lol:
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Postby Rob ITST » Sun, 21 Jun 2009 15:02

Since I think I rule everyting:

NARCOSIS2009 wrote:I do not hate people for their nationality. I'm just fed up with americans thinking they rule everything. :wink:

con⋅tra⋅dic⋅tion  [kon-truh-dik-shuhn]–noun
1. the act of contradicting; gainsaying or opposition.
2. assertion of the contrary or opposite; denial.
3. a statement or proposition that contradicts or denies another or itself and is logically incongruous.
4. direct opposition between things compared; inconsistency.
5. a contradictory act, fact, etc.

OK, now I'll move on.
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Postby Q. Reese » Sun, 21 Jun 2009 17:18

NARCOSIS2009 wrote:I do not hate people for their nationality. I'm just fed up with americans thinking they rule everything. :wink:

I got to give some props for this statement. I would have just said "some Americans think they have to rule everything."

Well mate. The said thing is from youth onward this country trains us to be capitalist, the elites (monetarily speaking). A lot (not all) of folks like to pursue that 1% of United States' elite status. I think it is dumb because this is not going to last forever (but that is my view, others have theirs and I respect that).

I am not affected by it, because I think it is a bunch of non-sense. I am more about morals and ethic, family principles, etc. Yet, you were just about spot on with your generalization of Americans.
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Postby NARCOSIS2009 » Sun, 21 Jun 2009 21:16

Rob ITST wrote:Since I think I rule everyting:

NARCOSIS2009 wrote:I do not hate people for their nationality. I'm just fed up with americans thinking they rule everything. :wink:

con⋅tra⋅dic⋅tion  [kon-truh-dik-shuhn]–noun
1. the act of contradicting; gainsaying or opposition.
2. assertion of the contrary or opposite; denial.
3. a statement or proposition that contradicts or denies another or itself and is logically incongruous.
4. direct opposition between things compared; inconsistency.
5. a contradictory act, fact, etc.

OK, now I'll move on.

If you actually read my posts i clearly stated not ALL american are like this.

But anyway yes i think you should move on...
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Postby Saarbrigga » Sun, 21 Jun 2009 22:52

jayl0ve wrote:I don't believe in a Greatest of All Time anymore. Federer is the Greatest of our generation, that much I believe. There will always be new great ones, and I GUARANTEE you that one day, some hotshot will destroy all of Federer's records. It is literally only a matter of time.

Well, maybe, we ll never know.

Sorry if some people are pissed on this poll, i just wanted to change opininons about it with real tennis fans.

But some things are really strange:

If you re talking with Baskeball fans who is the GOAT, most of them say it s Jordan. The same with Hockey fans about Wayne Gretzky or Boxing fans about Muhammad Ali.

But if it comes to Tennis, many fans don t want to talk about it. Are fans of other sports so naiv by calling Jordan, Gretzky and the others "UNDOUBTELY the greatests of all time", or are Tennis fans a little bit to quiet and don t want to considering somone as their GOAT...
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