I am laughing my ass of at this thread.
Do any of you people actually watch/play tennis in real life?
All those counting Roger out for example, saying he is now dead, he is shit and the rest.. are actually retarded.
Last year Roger played some of the best tennis he has ever played. Won a grand slam at 30 plus and at the end of the year, came runner up in one of the greatest matches played all year during the ATP world tour finals against Novak.
And what.. a few months later he is shit? Jesus christ you people are morons.
I will admit this year yes it has started slow for Rog. But did you not see his form during the Aussie open?
You are writting him off lol.. the guy with 6 thousand posts needs to go outside, play real tennis, watch real tennis and maybe learn the game instead of posting dumb crap like this.
On topic- I think its pointless trying to guess at this stage if the season who will win RG since clay hasnt been going that long to judge yet.