Good evening,
Well, already having create four characters, and wanting to test it other, competent, I would like to know which one turn, to make of the place of free, not being a very good player, I do not manage to decide, I hope that you will manage to help me.
Here are four players:
1-0/12/8 with Boskovic 3CD / 1RV: explosive / Expert in blow at the last minute
CD: 81
RV: 72
SRV: 66
POW: 39
PUI: 72
END: 93
REF 52
2-8/6/6 with Bickam 4CD: have of the flight(volley) and the weakened(paid off).
CD: 86
RV: 61
SRV: 71
VOLL: 70
THEN: 57
END: 69
VITT: 64
REFL: 72
3-0/0/20 with Drew 2CD / 2RV: have of the weakened / put to death.
CD: 90
RV: 90
SRV: 50
VOLL: 40
PUI: 55
END: 90
VITT: 85
REFL: 50
4-0/20/0 with Babb 4CD: focus Strick Berseker service / serf
CD: 81
RV: 61
SRV: 98
VOLL: 40
END: 77
VITT: 40
REFL: 50
Which one to transfer? Knowing that I play only against the IA having no live, thus I exclude your rules of tournament.
Furthermore, you would have an advice, if 8/6/6 does not suit to have a more competent, similar player? A reliable player in the air who did not make errors, while being someone who holds the exchanges in bottom of court?
Thanks to you. Good evening.