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Latest Scores: 20.5.22-21:32 Internazionali BNL dItalia (MSS) Final: Tomasmendoza-kenos 5-7, 2-6 +++ 13.5.22-21:37 Internazionali BNL dItalia (MSS) R16: kenos-lolo2b 6-2, 6-1 +++ 12.5.22-21:36 Internazionali BNL dItalia (MSS) Quarter-Finals: Tomasmendoza-stkst 6-2, 6-0 +++ 8.5.22-23:04 Mutua Madrid Open (MSS) Quarter-Finals: kenos-Tomasmendoza 6-2, 6-1 +++ 4.5.22-14:48 Mutua Madrid Open (MSS) Quarter-Finals: King of Cans-Mazepa 6-1, 6-0 +++ 3.5.22-19:00 BMW Open (MSS) Semi-Finals: vinD-kenos 6-4, 3-6, 7-5 +++ 3.5.22-1:52 Barcelona Open Banc Sabadell (MSS) Final: The End-Debuffy 6-7, 7-6, 6-0 +++ 27.4.22-21:18 Barcelona Open Banc Sabadell (MSS) Semi-Finals: Debuffy-Amadioha 6-2, 6-0 +++ 25.4.22-23:36 Barcelona Open Banc Sabadell (MSS) Semi-Finals: The End-mohd954 7-5, 6-3 +++ 25.4.22-17:28 Barcelona Open Banc Sabadell (MSS) Quarter-Finals: mohd954-filipo12 6-0, 6-0


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When two tournaments start on the same date, can I play both?

That depends on whether it's Sim or singles. You can NOT sign up for 2 tournaments starting at the same date, when they're the same format. You CAN sign up for 2, even 3 tournaments starting on the same if each is a different format. For example: You can't sign up for 2 singles tournaments starting at the same time, but you can sign up for a singles and a sim tournament.

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