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Roland Garros, 24 May'21 .. 09 Jun'21
Men's Singles Pro - Grand Slam


2012 Winner: Otlichno Runner-Up: kyuuji
2013 Winner: Richie1308 Runner-Up: Florian
2014 Winner: pidzi Runner-Up: C4iLL
2015 Winner: Richie1308 Runner-Up: MaGav
2016 Winner: inseedious Runner-Up: pidzi
2017 Winner: TheBoss-94 Runner-Up: VMoe86

Points Table & Tournament Information

Winner2000pointsTournamentRoland Garros (64 draw)
Runner-up1200pointsTypeMen's Singles Pro - Grand Slam
Semi Final720pointsDate24 May'21 .. 09 Jun'21
Quarter Final360pointsCourtRoland Garros
Round 4180pointsSurfaceClay (TE)
Round 390pointsSetsBest of five (6 games per set)
Round 20points
Round 120point


Latest Scores: 7.6.21-23:52 Final: JiJo-Richie1308 6-0, 3-6, 6-4, 6-0 +++ 5.6.21-22:21 Semi-Finals: JiJo-iNoob 6-2, 6-3, 6-4 +++ 5.6.21-21:04 Semi-Finals: Richie1308-Vramvrim 6-3, 7-5, 6-4 +++ 4.6.21-21:27 Quarter-Finals: Richie1308-talwoutte 6-2, 7-5, 2-6, 7-5 +++ 4.6.21-21:17 Quarter-Finals: JiJo-TesterAVI 6-2, 6-4, 6-0 +++ 1.6.21-0:20 Quarter-Finals: iNoob-Pablo Hernandez 6-7, 6-3, 6-2, 5-7, 6-3 +++ 31.5.21-23:57 R16: Richie1308-Willito 6-4, 3-6, 6-1, 6-4 +++ 31.5.21-18:17 R16: iNoob-Jmills99 6-1, 6-4, 6-3 +++ 30.5.21-23:41 R16: Pablo Hernandez-vinD 6-1, 6-1, 6-1 +++ 30.5.21-21:45 Quarter-Finals: Vramvrim-Said 6-3, 6-3, 6-2
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59/59 valid. signups.
5 spaces left.
1 Richie1308 1
2 TesterAVI 2
3 Vramvrim 3
4 Pablo Hernandez 4
5 JiJo 5
6 iNoob 6
7 Said 7
8 talwoutte 8
9 Jmills99 9
10 rharm100 10
11 Jayfin95 12
12 leonM 13
13 Don_ 17
14 POLAND 18
15 vinD 19
16 henrijames 20
17 alex89000 21
18 TennisStar 23
19 Klizan 28
20 Bash 29
21 g_v_d 30
22 VMoe86 31
23 Amadioha 36
24 fractals 39
25 MrBen 40
26 Wajih JABEUR 41
27 Florian 43
28 stkst 44
29 FEDERER2 45
30 didine17 46
31 Andre Tomas 49
32 Dudanda 51
33 King of Cans 57
34 Goncalo Lopes 58
35 Andre Kerber 60
36 Willito 61
37 restrada 63
38 MariaSharapova1 65
39 Arvin97 67
40 locodeke 73
41 Dajo 75
42 filipo12 77
43 oafBaller 80
44 IgnacioBoaglio 83
45 UNICAH 88
46 MaxBou32 94
47 Muin_Chesty 100
48 Naastooo 101
49 Aures85 108
50 alexitocassia 110
51 Kory 118
52 Michal Ladman 166
53 Nogian 190
54 Thebeast 231
55 Puddingman 235
56 sherlockomes 235
57 Yonatan -
58 Gian2802 -
59 MrMajama -

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