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Update about ITST medias
Written by Cinemartic
27 Aug'23 - 10:25

It's been a while since the ITST news have been a thing and it's time to take a look at the state of the ITST medias today.

It would be an euphemism to say this news sections hasn't been feeded for a while. Strangely enough, the ITST tour has never ceased, from Tennis Elbow to Full Ace Tennis, generations of players have kept coming to this place to enjoy good matches and fierce battles on the virtual courts. It is why it seems important to give a clear view of its current situation and to take stock of the state of our existence on the internet.

Thanks to a new media team composed mainly by TheFerri and Jmills99, some old - and sometimes abandoned - medias are experiencing an undergoing rejuvenation. It is our main objective to expand the promotion of the ITST tour on multiple fronts, announcing upcoming and ongoing tournaments, highlighting important matches and players.

To sum the situation up, and make you know where to focus your attention next, here is the current list of our official and active medias which are going to be important for our future development as a community and a site :


Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@itst4397

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/itsttennis/

Tik Tok : https://www.tiktok.com/@itst_official

Twitter : https://twitter.com/ItstTennis

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ITST.Community


Each of these medias will hold a specific role to ensure the tour visibility and are currently being updated to 2023 standards and to the current situation of the tour, drawing new attention to Full Ace Tennis as the main game of the tour since 2021.


This news section will soon be updated with fresh content. Stay tuned.


USO 2023 is about to start as I'm writing and promises again exciting moments.

May ITST still have its best days ahead !

More General News:
· New serve rule added for the TopSpin 2K25 tour (PLEASE READ!) (26 Jun'24 - 00:20)
· PLAYER SPOTLIGHT - DANIEEL (17 Sep'23 - 00:50)
· Open letter about the new Tennis World Tour by Bigben Interactive (25 May'18 - 18:13)
· Full Ace Tennis Tour begins! (13 Apr'18 - 16:46)
· ITST Chat on Discord (15 Jun'17 - 20:27)


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