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Written by Pablo Hernandez
06 Dec'20 - 21:02

The newcomer of the year Rharm has established himself as one of the best players on the tour. Yet to win an ATP title he has shown that he is in the right path by reaching the Basel final beating along the way Henrijames and Said. He has been a great addition to the tour with assisting with making animations for players, along with helping with mods and even being mentioned as a possible modder. Let's get to know more about Rharm who will definitely stamp a mark on the tour in 2021. 


First Name: Rharm
Age: 16
Born Where: London
Currently Reside: Kent
Profession: Student
Single or Married: Single 


Story behind your Gamertag: Rharm is my name, and 100 is just a placeholder number...

Describe your gaming set-up (Desktop PC, Console, etc.):  I just got a new PC which is R53600x 2060 Super but until about a year ago I only played on my Xbox One but will be looking to get a PS5 when they come out. I have always been a console gamer.

How many hours do you usually spend playing video games in average and what game you are currently enjoying most:  Probably 3 hours a day, maybe more on holiday or weekend, I am enjoying PES 2020 with mods as of late as it is very realistic and I love football and FIFA is dog.

Favorite video games of all times:
Mario 64
TopSpin 4
Fifa 19
Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver

After a tough loss, have you ever broken a gamepad, cursed God or beat your sibling: Yes totally, I broke about 5 pads this year, be it TE or FIFA, I am always smashing my keyboard and screaming if I get broken or something.

Does your wife/girlfriend/significant other support your gaming habit: My Family does not like me playing games, apparently I turn into a monster after I stop playing.


Favorite sport: Football

Favorite artist/band, possibly a song: Metallica - Song - Soundgarden - Spoonman

Favorite Movie: The Dark Night

If It's your last meal, what would you choose to eat: Probably Pizza

If you could meet 3 persons from either past or present, who would they be and what would you talk/ask about: Roger Federer, Bill Gates and Leo Messi - 3 GOATS of their industries, I would just love to chat about their lives and experiences.

Favorite chilled beverage: Lemonade

Other hobbies except video games: Badminton, Animating, Programming


Favorite ATP player (current): Roger Federer

Favorite ATP player (all-time): Roger Federer

Favorite WTA player (current): Mirka Federer

Favorite WTA player (all-time): Mirka Federer

Nadal or Djokovic: Nadal/Federer

Favorite tournament and surface: Wimbledon and Plexicushion


Lefty or Righty: Righty

Favorite surface/court: Plexi

If you could win any tournament of your choice you have not won yet, which one would it be and name the most important tournament for you: Any tournament lol, but I would love to win Wimbly or the WTF, or Chennai :troll:

Describe your style of play: Aggressive, attack based lots of winners, trying to end the point as fast as possible, anything over 10 shots is :residentsleeper: for me.

Who would you consider to be your greatest rival on the tour and player you enjoy to play the most: Rival - Probably INoob - I love to play vs. Pablo or Pidzi, anyone aggressive is always a joy for me to play, I would always happily bow down in defeat when I am bested by someone who plays like a man :TrumpUp:

Most memorable victory: Vs. Talwoutte at Paris, such a great moment for me and was a great match.

Most disappointing loss: vs. iNoob at Basel final, I went into this game with good form and he did not impress and I did not show up to the occasion.

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