
ITST Staff
Cro Morgan
Manager & News Editor

Real name: Paul
Residence: USA
General Manager

Real name: Al
Residence: USA
About Cro Morgan: I have been playing video games since discovering Pong. I have been losing many more games than I win since discovering Pong. My lifelong ineptness has not deterred my enthusiasm for video games. I love games! As a huge fan of professional tennis, I was thrilled when Top Spin was released in 2003. I joined ITST not long after learning of the organization at the Xbox forums. As a British citizen (b. Wales) living in the United States, I thoroughly enjoy the international flavor of the ITST. About Djarvik: I first heard of ITST in the good old days of TS1. I have never joined since gaming was a small part of my life back then - so small that joining an on-line tour was not an option. I did however visit the forums for helpful tips once in a while. TS2 was not enough of the game to drag me into the world of online competition, but TS3 changed all that. Video games always been a big part of my life, but never as big as TS3. Thankfully, the line of work that I am in allows for some free time for both, playing and helping build the ITST community. Outside of ITST, I am involved in a few small businesses and teach tennis part time. One day I would love to be a full time teacher/coach.
Slicer ITST

Real name: Floris
Residence: The Netherlands

Real name: Rob
Residence: USA
About SlicerITST: I had been looking for a good tennis game for ages. I had played all the classic tennis games like Virtua tennis but I wanted more. I was very happy to hear that Topspin was coming to the pc. Something I had been waiting for since the announcement of it for the Xbox. I'm not exactly sure how I got onto the site but I think I was linked here by Google after searching the exact date topspin would be released. I became a member instantly and it was agony that we had to wait even more time for the patch to come out so we could start play tournaments. Outside the ITST I'm a student of Computer Science in Delft. In my free time I follow sports, watch movies and browse the internet. I also like to go out to ski, football or any other sport. About Rob ITST:I wanted the original Xbox when I saw Top Spin 1, but I wasn't much into video games at the time and wouldn't spend the money. Luckily, a guy sold me an Xbox and Top Spin for 50 dollars. That's when I realized that the Internet and tennis games were meant for each other, and I was immediately hooked. I joined the ITST in 2005 after I heard of it from a good friend who went by the Gamertag ?ShortDarkAngel?. When Top Spin 2 was released, I began doing some news writing as part of a short lived experiment in assigning writers to each tournament. Before the release of Virtua Tennis 3, I offered to help out with hosting, and have been a part of the team ever since. Outside of the ITST, I string and customize tennis racquets for a living, play real tennis, and am heavily involved in the local tennis community. To keep sane, I hang out with family and friends who have no interest in anything to do with tennis.
Senior Host

Real name: Xavi
Residence: Spain
About Moralspain: I've always been a great tennis fan. I started playing this great sport at the age of 6 thanks to my dad (thanks papa) and obviously like most of the guys in Spain i also played football which is a passion in my country. About videogames, my first memory is when i was 10 and my uncle gave me, as a birthday gift, a game called Great Courts 2 for PC, it was amazingly simple, however, it's become one of the best tennis videogames i've played in my life. After that, i stopped playing video games until i bought the xbox and i got Top Spin 2 which is also a top game in my book. My hobbies: Playing sports, all of them, really not kidding, i'm 31 and i've played tennis, football, i've raced triathlons etc. Cooking is also a passion, i consider myself a great pastry cook, you guys should try out my cheesecake with blueberry topping, delicious guys, just delicious. Finally i love spending time with friends and family. Yes i'm a family man. At the end family is all that matters. To conclude i want to thank ITST. Being part of this community is an honour, and having the chance to share my passion for tennis and tennis video games with guys from all over the World is priceless and something that i had never expected when i was just a child back in the 80s Regards from Mallorca. About Aamchi: I found out about ITST kinda "by accident" when I was searching for something on Top Spin and XBox on google. I had a look at the site and signed up straight away. Few weeks later I read roman's post in the forum about needing someone who could help out developing the site. I offered to help and I got the chance to do some programming for the site. Since then I am part of the ITST team. Outside ITST I work in television as a Broadcast Engineer. In my free time I like to go to the cinema and watch movies on my home theatre. I also enjoy watching sports, especially football and tennis. I also play both myself now and then.
News Reporter

Real name:
Residence: England
About Fedfan: After buying every tennis game out there, it wasn't until I played TS3 online that I really got engrossed and when I came to ITST it brought a whole new level of competition and fun, so much so I now play both TS3 and XBox tours, along with hosting and news writing. Away from ITST I enjoy hanging out with friends and family, watching films and eating out.
Founder (inactive)

Residence: The Netherlands
Manager (retired)
About Abuigi: Founded the European Top Spin Tour (ETST) in November 2003 with Xohrum when Top Spin was first released on Xbox. Early 2004 the two of them 'apppointed' roman nl as our webmaster. Later that year ITST moved to a new domain and changed the name of the website to what it is now, the ITST. Xohrum left the scene around that period.
In my non-ITST life I study Sports & Communication and I work a couple of days a month at the local Radio & TV station as a sports journalist. My hobbies are playing real tennis and being involved in the local tennis club, watching football and other sports on TV, and visit all the home matches of my favorite team Feyenoord!
About Al: I read about the ITST in the XSN Sports forum & joined around Jan 04. I started hosting in May 04 & became an ITST Manager soon afterwards. I help to oversee the day to day activities of the ITST and along with the rest of the Management Team help to make decisions regarding most aspects of the ITST. Out of all the games I own Top Spin (2) is the one game that I always go back to. Although it drives me crazy at times I just still love playing it! Outside of the ITST I work for a large company shuffling lots of papers around & doing all sorts of important stuff like that! The rest of my time is taken up with my family & when I can I enjoy playing other video games.
roman nl (retired)

Real name: Emiel
Residence: The Netherlands
koopax (retired)
About roman nl: I stumbled upon the first version of ITST a few weeks after it was set up by Abuigi and Xohrum. I liked the idea and as website developments is a hobby of mine, I offered to make a more professional site. Lots of versions later we ended up with the site we have now. But this is the result of a hard working team and not a one person alone.Outside the ITST I am a professional Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision Solution Developer (a programmer). Despite the fact I really want to start playing tennis one day, I don’t really care about tennis or any other sports at all! I do care about games though....especially videogames!! And I can’t wait to hook-up my brand new Xbox 360 to my widescreen Dolby Digital television and shoot anything that moves! About koopax: koopax joined the ITST as a member following the games PC release. Initially he spent his time perfecting his skills as a player before showing his other talents and becoming part of the ITST Mangement Team as one of the Webmasters.
He has made a huge contribution to a number of the functions & tools we all use today. Just for example, he was responsible for creating our Automated Draw function, which alone is an amazing time saving tool. This & many other automated functions & facilities have made a massive difference to the way we all use the ITST today.
Sherlock 117
Senior Host (inactive)

Real name: Rob
Residence: USA
News Reporter (inactive)

Real name: Tom
Residence: Netherlands
About Sherlock 117: I kind of stumbled upon ITST. I started playing Top Spin 1 in 2005, after Top Spin 2 had already been released, only because my brother had bought a video game that also included it. I got hooked and later on found out there was a Top Spin 2. After a few months playing it, I did a search for online Top Spin tournaments and found exactly what I was looking for in ITST. Early in 2007 I was asked to help out with hosting. Having enjoyed hosting online for other genres I jumped on board immediately. Outside of the ITST I am a graduate student working towards a PhD in mathematics. I also organize a series of adult tennis tournaments in my local community and play tennis at least 3 times a week. My dream job is to someday own my own tennis facility. About TomBs: Top Spin 3 is the first game in the series that I've played. I found out about ITST in 2008 via another forum. Despite battling hard, I never came further than the #2 position in the worst-player ranking. For Top Spin 4 I've set a goal to actually enjoy the game instead of trying to lose each match. Since I joined ITST I've been hanging around on the forums as well, and in april 2011 I joined the ITST-team as a news writer. Outside ITST I'm a student in Traffic Sciences. I also work in a cinema, and enjoy playing tennis in real even more than on my ps3. Other hobbies include racing (only on ps3 unfortunately) and skiing.
ITST Hosts
Who has the daily task of running & updating ITST Tournaments? Who helps resolve ITST Tournament issues? Who are the people that help bring the ITST to life? That's right it's our amazing Hosts!
The ITST Hosts are the ones that make our Tournaments what they are. They bring them to life through their news writing & are on hand at all times to maintain the order & keep the events on track. Their job is often thankless when they're handling complaints & problems, they get no personal reward for the time they give & yet they all put 100% into ensuring the ITST's reputation upheld.
The ITST Management want to take this opportunity to express its sincerest thanks to all our Hosts for their continued hard work & passion.

Current Host team:

Cro Morgan
Host since: 08.05.06
hosted: 531

Host since: 26.01.09
hosted: 456

Host since: 30.01.12
hosted: 372

Host since: 13.06.05
hosted: 364

Host since: 09.04.07
hosted: 273

Host since: 21.08.06
hosted: 263

Host since: 04.07.11
hosted: 223

Host since: 03.08.09
hosted: 170

Sherlock 117
Host since: 29.01.07
hosted: 133

Host since: 12.03.07
hosted: 115

Host since: 06.07.15
hosted: 101

Host since: 26.09.11
hosted: 11

Host since: 07.02.11
hosted: 7

Former Hosts:

Host since: 04.04.05
hosted: 137

Host since: 25.05.04
hosted: 118

Host since: 01.02.05
hosted: 87

Host since: 04.06.07
hosted: 80

Host since: 10.07.06
hosted: 71

Host since: 07.07.08
hosted: 71

Host since: 08.02.10
hosted: 49

Host since: 15.02.05
hosted: 40

Host since: 12.07.10
hosted: 40

Host since: 11.06.07
hosted: 38

Host since: 01.02.05
hosted: 37

Host since: 02.01.06
hosted: 31

Host since: 20.09.10
hosted: 28

Host since: 13.02.06
hosted: 27

Rich Lewis
Host since: 16.04.07
hosted: 21

Host since: 18.07.05
hosted: 19

Host since: 25.04.11
hosted: 15

Mr Jingles NL
Host since: 14.07.04
hosted: 12

Host since: 07.05.07
hosted: 12

Host since: 25.04.05
hosted: 10

Host since: 22.10.07
hosted: 9

Chris ITST
Host since: 01.06.09
hosted: 2

Special thanks to:
1. Xohrum, who founded the ITST together with Abuigi.
2. Our benefactors.

Our final words are reserved for all of our Members. The ITST is lucky enough to enjoy one of the most loyal fan bases anywhere. After all this time the number of participating Members is still staggering. Long after most games have been shelved, our dedicated Members continue to show the sort of enthusiasm that most new games would be jealous of. We are proud to have been able to make that possible for all of our Members by providing the perfect platform to play Top Spin. Our community is still populated with players that have been taking part from day 1 but also by many new names that continue to reward the ITST with growth.
We genuinely appreciate the loyality & dedication you, our Member, continue to show. You are the life of the ITST & we look forward to maintaining & building our community with & for you all, as the game develops on new formats & through sequels.

Thank You
The ITST Management Team

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