He play 5 or 6 times risk and drop shots in SIM game so in one point of time in the beggining of 3rd set when he did it again (this is very important because he lied about that, saying that he lead 2:0 in third set which is NOT thrue!) i just pissed off, lost my mind and break the game...
Next day tournament host decided we must repeat this 3rd set, we did it and i won it 6:1...
Today, the day after we finish this match i get this PM from Al himself.
I am wondering if you guys can tell me who the hell is crazy here, and why one cheater will be awarded for what he did?
I swear to anything i have in my life i tell the truth

I really forget what was bean before when i have nick Tomi, i just want to play ITST like anyone else, and in this spirit i don't understand why is so much prejudices on me again and again...
PM from Al;
I'm writing to advise you that the replayed result in your match vs jmdelpetro will not stand. The original score of the first match is the only valid one & it is your opponent who will be awarded the win.
I have been keeping track of the situation following your match against jmdelpetro & you have broken a couple of rules in this match.
You first of all quit at 3-6 6-4 0-2. If you quit a match then you forfeit it unless you've agreed differently with your opponent before the match, which you didn't. If the lag was so great as you have stated why didn't you quit at the beginning??? Why wait till the 3rd set which you were losing??? That doesn't make sense!
You claimed illegal shots were played.....again why wait till the this time to quit for that reason???
You then submitted a result stating jmdelpetro retired. He did not! You did!
You did not even approach the host afterwards? Something else that just doesn't make sense.
The rules are clear. Do not quit a match because of lag. Wait till the end of the match & advise the host. That aside, no one quits a match because of lag at that stage of a match...no one, unless they think they're going to lose!I believe this was the position for you.
So to sum up you have quit during a 3rd set that you were losing claiming lag & illegal shots, something no one would do unless they're losing & you submitted an incorrect result.
For those reasons I am overruling the hosts decision & I am not going to accept the replayed result.
I don't know if you think we're stupid or something but we're not.....I heavily suspect that when you realised you might lose, you quit & decided to claim lag & illegal shots & as you considered your opponent to be a noob he wouldn't say anything. But you were wrong & he did!
Our rules are there for a reason & you cannot pick & choose when you want to follow them. You are already on the edge as far as staying a member here & you're one step away from being permanently banned.....I advise you to tread very carefully.
You won't be warned again!
One more thing...i made a poll question...if you guys can`t stand me anymore here on ITST i will retire and never open this web page again. I must act like this because i know what true really is in this case, i just want to play online tennis, play fer and this injustice deeply harmed me.