News Site feature request thread:
$500 is all we need guys for now for our new Website AND a mobile APP. Anything that we collect "over" that amount will be stored by ITST for future expenditures or improvements to our website/community.
Link to donate:
You can donate any amount you feel comfortable with. Just change the default suggested amount to anything you would like to donate. All you need is a Credi/Debit card. If you prefer to use PayPal please donate using regular ITST donation page and send me a PM of how much and when you donated so I can add the funds to the fundraiser. I prefer if you use the fundraiser itself though.
PayPal link:
http://www.intertopspintour.net/index.p ... &gc=PCTE11
All money will go towards the website and you can see in the link where we stand with our Fundraiser. I will try to update via Blog or here on the forum of the progress of the site.
A little background: We have a ~70% of the back end of the website completed. Some of it will have to be restructured to accommodate more statistics and features, but the core of the back-end is done. The money we are collecting will go towards completing that back-end and have it fully functional. It will also go towards a new domain and a new hosting company.
If you decide to become a benefactor you will of course be honored by us. You personal page will show you benefactor status with a nice graphic:
Gold - $20+
Silver - $10-20
Bronze - $10
...and the forum will be showing your benefactor level as well. There will be other ways in which you will be recognized on the new site.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
I will keep a feature suggestion thread I created earlier open for now, so you can suggest more features you would like to see.