New Website ideas needed

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Re: New Website ideas needed

Postby Elias » Fri, 05 Sep 2014 13:44

I guess it's already been suggested but i can't see it written here : a website integrated bet system game could be a nice and fun addition, like the one once managed in this thread : viewtopic.php?f=1047&t=18224

Of course it's more work and should be seen as a secondary feature for now as there is more important ones.
It could be fully automated without any admin management (but then the matchs selection of the day/week could be less pertinent), or provide an admin frontend to manually select the matches to be bet on for a period of time.
Any ITST member profile could then participate to the game and bet on a dedicated site section, providing a bet ranking etc. The game could provide some odds on bets, maybe based on race rankings and/or surface rankings if these are added.

I can imagine this working a bit like betclic in the future, as TE4 will provide realtime livescore and spectator mode :P
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Re: New Website ideas needed

Postby Sabratha » Thu, 11 Sep 2014 22:53

I think a "rankings history" option, which would show your ranking history from when you started on the tour would be pretty neat.
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Re: New Website ideas needed

Postby isaldor » Mon, 29 Dec 2014 16:26

Any news about the new website ?
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Re: New Website ideas needed

Postby djarvik » Mon, 29 Dec 2014 18:10

Floris is working on it. Spoke with him about a week ago. Will shoot him another email.

He is mostly working on it on his local machine. He mentioned being ready to release first week on January, but need to confirm that.
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Re: New Website ideas needed

Postby inseedious » Wed, 13 May 2015 16:32

Maybe it's too late for suggestions, but having to play 3 tourneys at the same time made me think about it: our personal page already includes, for every tournament we're playing, its ID, its name, the current round, the opponent and the deadline. It would be nice if it included another column with the scheduled day and time of play:
- the simplest option would be a blank space in which we can manually and individually write our own scheduled time, just to avoid having to open several pms to remember about them. This would just be a reminder, no other value other than that;
- a still simple option would be a drop-down menu, or something similar, where one of the two players, after according the time through PMs, can choose the exact day and time scheduled, CET time wise (for example, 20th May, 20:30 CET). To avoid potential abuses of this feature, the other player will be requested to give a comfirmation (i.e. a green "v" next to the scheduled time), that will be necessary for the time displayed to be taken into account if there will be any problem (opponent not showing up, WOs, etc.). If no comfirmation will be given, or the time will be refused (i.e. a red "x"), the players and the hosts will follow what it's written in the PMs, that should however coincide with what the column displays;
- a more complex option, but still based on the 2nd one and its rules, is a completely automated scheduling system --> one player will choose a set of days and times that will be its availability, and the other one will choose one exact time and day (or a very few hours range), that will be the official time to play. This also counts as a comfirmation, so it may be even simpler than the second option.

EDIT: just discovered C4ill already pointed out this idea, but at least I explained it in a more advanced way
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