Why ITST should adopt another franchise...

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Why ITST should adopt another franchise...

Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Sun, 12 Jan 2014 23:34

ITST should adopt another franchise for console players. I've recently researched the current server issues relating to 2K gamers and have learned that several older titles' servers have been shut down indefinitely. I have also sent a tweet to 2kSupport and was completely ignored amongst the flooding in of complaining tweets they've received for recently released titles. If you go to the support webpage, Top Spin 4 isn't even listed in the games'menu for customers to submit for a maintenance ticket request. This is a bit of a strong statement but if 2k can no longer offer its faithful consumers the best possible quality in gaming then why should we continue to support this less than average franchise? Top Spin 3 provided a more lengthy tour for console players but still fell short delivering downloadable content as advertised and offered by previous titles in the franchise. Top Spin 4 even promised more downloadable licensed pro players but as far as I've noticed, there have been none so far. There are other tennis titles to consider. Smash Court Tennis, Virtua Tennis, or Grand Slam Tennis would offer a subtle recovery to the tour. I'm wondering if djarvik or SlicerITST could even gain knowledge from the creative teams of these other titles to offer ITST community input as initially they did with those of 2k. Everyone keeps talking about Top Spin 5 but given the constant cold shoulder received from 2K, I strongly doubt it will offer different results. I say let's jump ship now. 2K has gotten enough of my hard earned dollars with no follow through. They officially SUCK!
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Re: Why ITST should adopt another franchise...

Postby ENESZULE » Sun, 12 Jan 2014 23:49

you got that right man :wink:
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Re: Why ITST should adopt another franchise...

Postby C4iLL » Mon, 13 Jan 2014 01:29

Well it's quite simple : there are no new tennis games since 2012. The last one was Grand Slam Tennis 2 and it suxxed a lot.
The management team is not a video games studio, they won't develop a console game. As nothing is released, they just provide support to no other tennis game, it's not difficult to understand ^^

And I'm sorry to tell you this again but Tennis Elbow is far better than what console tennis games ever offered in tennis game. I'm not alone to think that, check the stats.

Top Spin 4 AO (PS3) sign up season 2 = 100 players
Tennis Elbow AO sign up season 2 = 77 players

Top Spin 4 AO (PS3) sign up season 4 = 33 players
Tennis Elbow AO sign up season 3 = 70 players (and it's still on going).

3 times less people from one season to another for Top Spin, whereas it's stable for Tennis Elbow. It proves Top Spin is boring...

If you check Top Spin 3 Tour stats, it was more stable, as the Tennis Elbow tour. That's another proof TS3 > TS4
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Re: Why ITST should adopt another franchise...

Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Mon, 13 Jan 2014 03:27

Nope...not interested...but good luck with that.
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Re: Why ITST should adopt another franchise...

Postby Cro Morgan » Mon, 13 Jan 2014 04:08

BluudyEEfingaz wrote:Nope...not interested...but good luck with that.

You ask the ITST to adopt another franchise, and then say "nope...not interested...but good luck with that" with regard to a new franchise the ITST has adopted. :wee

Granted it's not a console game, but a little support/encouragement would be nice. :wink:
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Re: Why ITST should adopt another franchise...

Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Mon, 13 Jan 2014 05:29

Cro Morgan wrote:
BluudyEEfingaz wrote:Nope...not interested...but good luck with that.

You ask the ITST to adopt another franchise, and then say "nope...not interested...but good luck with that" with regard to a new franchise the ITST has adopted. :wee

Granted it's not a console game, but a little support/encouragement would be nice. :wink:

Exactly! I'm not interested in playing a PC version of tennis. TE is good for those you appreciate it, but what about the rest of the tour?
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Re: Why ITST should adopt another franchise...

Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Mon, 13 Jan 2014 05:52

We can also pretend as if C4ill doesn't thread bomb every single TS4 related forum post attempting to belittle every person that still currently plays TS4 but I suppose the support is one-sided here. A losing battle before it began...I just assume we never had a chance.
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Re: Why ITST should adopt another franchise...

Postby C4iLL » Mon, 13 Jan 2014 11:52

And by the way 2k Czech has closed yesterday with some lay offs plus relocalisation in USA of some projects this won't help a potential top spin 5 but I'm quite sure a virtua tennis is in the box or a Sega Mario tennis clone
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Re: Why ITST should adopt another franchise...

Postby BrushedBigJJ » Mon, 13 Jan 2014 14:24

C4iLL wrote:Top Spin 4 AO (PS3) sign up season 2 = 100 players
Tennis Elbow AO sign up season 2 = 77 players

Top Spin 4 AO (PS3) sign up season 4 = 33 players
Tennis Elbow AO sign up season 3 = 70 players (and it's still on going).

First off learn to count. PS3 has way more than 33 sign ups for the AO at the moment. Second tennis elbow can be played on countless different machines. To play the PS3 tour you must have a PS3. To play the Xbox tour you must have an Xbox. If they could cross over currently their combined total is equal or above TE. And TS4 is dead remember.
Also early on, xbox TS4 overflowed one of its grand slams forcing there to be qualifying to get the number down to 128(just Xbox alone).

C4iLL wrote: TS3 > TS4

Really? The rest of us had no idea. We have only been saying that for 3 years now. Welcome aboard.
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Re: Why ITST should adopt another franchise...

Postby ICEMAN_9588 » Mon, 13 Jan 2014 14:49

Today I tried to play TS3 again, I wasn't even able to get to the ball LOL :mrgreen:
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Re: Why ITST should adopt another franchise...

Postby C4iLL » Tue, 14 Jan 2014 11:03

Well 1 point for you BigBrush, I indeed talked about season 3, don't know why it's written season 4 :lol:
About Top Spin, check the suscriptions on xbox, the ratio is also divided by 3 for AO 2013.

Anyway, Tennis Elbow is only accessible on PC and not on "every machines". Btw, If it would be on Xbox PS3, Top Spin tour would be dead :lol:
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