Top Spin Tour Trials

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Top Spin Tour Trials

Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Tue, 03 Dec 2013 02:47

The most difficult part about recruiting new players is that they already play the game with their chosen setup which normally does not fall within the set rules of ITST. I'm suggesting this rule be waived for new players, and we can refer to this as the , trial transitional period. This will allow new players to adjust to the tournaments gradually until they are more comfortable. A player can use any previously created player for up to 3 tournaments then refer back to their recruiter for help on building a player within the set rules. I can already guarentee a full sign up for Brisbane and Aussie OpeWS. With this rule I think we can awaken this tour again. There are still so many who play this game faithfully.
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Re: Top Spin Tour Trials

Postby SlicerITST » Tue, 03 Dec 2013 21:22

Dont you think this would give new players a significant bonus in those first three tournaments? They might be new to ITST but could be pretty good players. And eventually they will have to create a new character anyways.
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Re: Top Spin Tour Trials

Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Wed, 04 Dec 2013 01:38

Yeah some are exceptionally good but I think the top players here are better and play slightly with more variety. After the new players see that there are way better setups besides those awarding 100 power, they will be more than enthusiastic about developing more balanced players.
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