djarvik wrote:Considering all TS games, TS4 had THE BEST support.
The reason TS3 servers are still on is because, lets face it, its a better game
even today.
BTW - still waiting for response from 2K. Looks like the people I am talking to are not aware of the server shut down. So it maybe a temporary situation. Will let you know guys as soon as I have a response.
Unfortunately, it's not temporary situation.
I called 2K France too after Obezpyer did it, and same story : a guy confirmed that TS4 server was definitively down. He did not talk about any server restart.
About TS5, no clue. The only thing I know is what I told you about my friend who's game producer : there's no certainty that TS5 will be out one day as he said, when I asked him if there was a date : "If there is a TS5... etc."
Djarvik : will you continue to organize ATP tournaments for TS4 even if there's no more patch ?