bkristian wrote:BrushedBigJJ has a masters degree...
Your statement would matter if I could only win against you with one coach, but I've won using 5 different coaches, nothing else needs to be said.
ICEMAN_9588 wrote:BrushedBigJJ wrote:There actually is a way to detect control shots, but it would require almost everyone to change their character and it wouldn't work in the mss tour. If you forced everyone to create a player that grunted only on power shots. Under those conditions your ears could easily tell the difference between power shots and control shots. But I'm not so sure the rally count would go down.
Uniformity is not a solution.
But playing with similar characters would get ourselves closer to the reality, actually....
I think you completely misunderstood what I said. When you create a player you can either have them grunt or not grunt. If you choose for them to grunt, you can then choose in what situations they grunt. This does not effect how your player plays just when they grunt.
If you only make them grunt on power shots, then on control shots there would be no grunt and on power shots there would be a grunt. Under those conditions there is no question when a powershot is hit, and when a control shot is hit.