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Postby Amazing Matheja » Wed, 29 Aug 2012 15:15


Sorry for this nice necropost, but :

JAYLOVE !!! My man !!! Where the hell are ya ?!... Hope you're fine and all...
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Postby djarvik » Wed, 29 Aug 2012 15:26

Same here Jay, come back to us man. Hope you didn't die or worse.
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Postby Amazing Matheja » Wed, 29 Aug 2012 15:33

djarvik wrote:...Hope you didn't die or worse.

Mmmhh... Wondering what can be worse than dying...
Spending holydays with a certain Q Reese maybe ? :lol:

I sent him a mess long ago (Feb 2012), and I just realised he never opened it... :(

Come back Jay ! We want some VanDamm dancing fest again !!!
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Postby GOA MASTER MDMA » Sat, 01 Sep 2012 12:28

Amazing Matheja wrote:
djarvik wrote:...Hope you didn't die or worse.

Mmmhh... Wondering what can be worse than dying...
Spending holydays with a certain Q Reese maybe ? :lol:

also even more worse than dYing, is to sit with QUYLOON "THE LITTLE DRAGON" REESE in prison, in a double cell for liftime!!
Jehoooooooova hallelulja .

would be nice to hear some from jayl0ve -
at least to re-activate our UFC thread lol :lol:
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Re: Jayl0ve

Postby Moralspain » Fri, 24 May 2013 21:13

time to come back Jon!, hope you're ok man
Never underestimate the pain of a person, because in all honesty, everyone is struggling. Some people are just better at hiding it than others.
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Re: Jayl0ve

Postby Vieira151 » Sat, 25 May 2013 19:15

Last visited: 09 Mar 2013 06:37

I sure hope he's ok.
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Re: Jayl0ve

Postby Murderface84 » Fri, 31 May 2013 05:53

Hey everybody it's me jayl0ve (well this has been my screen name for a while now actually)...definitely not dead ('or worse' LOL I got a good laugh out of that), life's just been pretty insane for the past two years. Not trying to throw a pity-party, but in May 2011 a good childhood friend of mine died of a heroin overdose and I was a pallbearer at his funeral...shortly thereafter I lost a girl (though we are now together), got kicked out of my band, and last year my mom was diagnosed with brain cancer and underwent emergency surgery within like, a week of her diagnosis. She got very very good treatment and is recovering pretty well; it's a struggle sometimes though, but I am glad she's still alive despite all she's been through.

I guess I needed a break from competitive gaming, especially tennis games man, they will drive you nuts...only game I've really been playing competitively is SF2: hyper fighting on my PC thru a site called 'Supercade' where My tag is GOOD NIGHT IRENE', but even that I don't play anymore due to my computer taking a s**t.

Anyways I'm gonna stop here because I am typing on an iPhone, and quite frankly this is a pain in the butt.
Just had to respond, didn't want anybody thinking I died haha...

Btw I am on this tag because I had forgot my jayl0ve password, tried to guess it a few times, then checked my email to see what it was...then i screwed up entering the password (iPhone), and the site told me I had attempted to login too many times and I need to enter the 'captcha' thing. Well no matter how many times I enter it as it appears on screen, it won't let me in, so...
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Re: Jayl0ve

Postby Cro Morgan » Fri, 31 May 2013 08:22

We butted heads quite a few times in the past, but hey, whatever. Despite all you've been through, glad to see you're doing okay.

If you want to post using your Jayl0ve account, let me know and I can reset your password.
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Re: Jayl0ve

Postby emate007 » Sat, 01 Jun 2013 00:33

It's about time!
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Re: Jayl0ve

Postby Murderface84 » Sat, 08 Jun 2013 09:43

Thanks for the kind words Cro, all that stuff is in the past and to be honest, I don't remember what much of it was about.

You too emate I remember you, although I don't remember if it was TS3 or TS4 that we played. I sold my copy of TS4 recently, in my opinion they just completely mutilated that game with all the updates. I personally liked it as it was outta the box (or maybe as it was after 1 update) but oh well. I had mastered risk shots in TS3 until I got an HDTV, after that I couldn't consistently hit them for crap and didn't think anybody would believe it was cuz of my TV. So I never even got off the ground with TS3 which I kinda regret. I actually loaded up TS2 recently and was surprised as hell to find that it's servers are still going, and that I have only gone down about 70 spots in the rankings in like 7 or 8 years hahaha!!

Anyways I'm rambling its hard to be coherent typing on an iPhone...my CPU isn't working at the moment

On Xbox live I'm 'MURD3RFACE 84' now so feel free to add me, anyone

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Re: Jayl0ve

Postby Murderface84 » Mon, 10 Jun 2013 00:19

What happened to this place??? The forums are completely dead!!!!

Rafa just won the French and there's not a peep on here about it.


I honestly miss Q REESE I think he at least united everybody in their collective shock at just how freaking weird he is
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Re: Jayl0ve

Postby djarvik » Mon, 10 Jun 2013 15:50

Well, we have a chat now :D

It gets really fun/busy at the time of a good match up, so all comments etc are there. Console Tennis games are nowhere now :( the most popular is a PC Tennis Elbow 2013. Largest tour and a FINE game as well.

Glad to hear you aight man. If you want me to resent the pass for your Jayl0ve account - let me know!
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Re: Jayl0ve

Postby Amazing Matheja » Mon, 17 Jun 2013 16:08

"Gambare" Jay ! Nice to read you again here ! Nice to see that some "ol'timers" are still around, loving this site ! :)

And also, it's very true that some screens can have some "input lags" ! (You see those issues quite often on Versus fighting tourney !... Some guys only want to play on Arcade stuff...).
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Re: Jayl0ve

Postby Murderface84 » Tue, 18 Jun 2013 00:56

What's up my French friend...oh wait, aren't I supposed to hate all French people, according to that 'Sn1per/OuiMrBenson guy??? lol

You were the only person who bothered to send me a PM to see if I was ok!!! :) I'm sorry I didn't respond, but like you said I didn't even read the message until very recently...I didn't visit this site AT ALL for quite a while.

I think I will keep this screen name for a while to confuse people and make them think I'm a noob

Don't delete my jayl0ve account though Al I'm sure I will want to use it again
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Re: Jayl0ve

Postby Rob ITST » Tue, 18 Jun 2013 04:37

I'm late to the party, but I was hoping to come up with something profound to say..... don't think that's gonna happen, so I'll just say that it's good to see you around here.

You, imo, were definitely part of some of the best times in ITST - the TS1 days may have been the best competition-wise, but I think we had the most fun during the TS2 days. Our "two Agassi's on crack" risk-on-risk matches were awesome. A bit over the top, not so realistic, but good old video game tennis fun.

I do have to disagree with you about Q Reese. It was fun to watch him go on posting rampages, but he was a nightmare for tournaments - the source of the phrase "walkover hunting". :lol:
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