Airton to play fifa in the US Open.
Its in the tactics section
Auto Positioning System
After experimenting different things I stumbled upon how to consistently make the auto position system kick in everytime instead of sometimes. For those that dont know, the APS(auto postiong system) runs your player to the proper position to hit the ball. But sometimes the player runs slow and sometimes fast, i know how to get him to run fast and to start running the instant the other player hits the ball. Once I figured it out I realized it is to big of an advantage for only me to have knowledge of.
After that match is complete I will put the step by step instructions in the tips section of forum. Airton beat fifa when airton used nadal and fifa used Tomic...Bernard Tomic. And then the trash talking started. The trash talking even made it to my itst personal messages. So now it's time to put up or shut up. I'm not going to change the dynamic of that match, I want to see the pure result.
Also airton and I have the women's final and for it to be fair I feel he needs to know what I know about the APS. And then he has to have time to practice. If I win I don't want an asterisk by my name.
And for those concerned that it will totally mess up the game. Don't worry because to make it work it's another thing you have to worry about concentrating on top of hold release, pace of the incoming ball, where your player is, where your opponent is, what type of ball you should hit, where your opponent is going to hit it, etc