42 minium stat rule by 90 maxium stat

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Would you change 42 minium rule by 90 maxium?

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42 minium stat rule by 90 maxium stat

Postby JohnCurveo » Fri, 07 Sep 2012 11:53

Some discuss about new rules.

I think 42 minium rule must be deleted. This rule allows players without power to have way more chances against power players. So it's unbalanced.
Most afected players because this rule are:

Neuwirth - Babb

In addition, i propose change this rule by 90 maxium stat rule. I think everything will be more balanced.

thoughts :evil:
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Postby jayb1988 » Fri, 07 Sep 2012 11:58

This sounds like a good suggestion to me, my Babb has been nowhere near as effective since the rule change.
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Postby Biscaia_ » Fri, 07 Sep 2012 12:14

What are the defensive players which you have played against on the tour? I find almost no defensive players nowadays.
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Postby Daxter1975 » Fri, 07 Sep 2012 12:19

I think it´s okay so.

Because 100 Service or Speed are not so good like 90 Power or 90 wings!!!

i like the 42er Rule!!!
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Postby JohnCurveo » Fri, 07 Sep 2012 12:37

Biscaia_ wrote:What are the defensive players which you have played against on the tour? I find almost no defensive players nowadays.

I'm not playing that much lately, so i dont have many matches. But i think Babb is too many affected because of this rule. Just like Neuwirth. But Babb has no weapons on rallies. So having 85 serve and no red stamina is a big problem. You think i don't like defensive baseliners, but that's not true.

Because 100 Service or Speed are not so good like 90 Power or 90 wings!!!

That's your opinion. Stamina is the most important thing in this game. There is a big difference between red stamina and others. You forgot it?
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Postby Fifa Tee » Fri, 07 Sep 2012 13:46

Neuwirth is still the best set-up.
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Postby Tamthewasp » Fri, 07 Sep 2012 14:39

Neuwirth has'nt lost much at all its the extreme that have been nullified Babbs Serve is still strong enough. Zajic has a great serve also and Rabary is still so strong.

Much time and effort went into this rule change and I think it has been a success. Welsh who? No more endless argumsnts about babb n gallo and welsh. While fifa says Roman is still the best. That maybe true but remember most people who want a rule change are not doing it for the benefit of the community but for the benefit of 1. That 1 being the ugly mug tbey see in the mirror every day :D
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Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Fri, 07 Sep 2012 14:41

How can you say that babb is not effective? You ve got 85 serve something like 85 power and 80 70 fh bh wings.. It is much more strong setup than rabari. With those stats you can hit aces most of the time or serve strong enough to catch your opponent offbalance.. Babb is still a very powerful setup in right hands

And honestly I have hardly met anyone with stats more than 90 expect lauchas who had 95 speed
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Postby Fifa Tee » Fri, 07 Sep 2012 17:16

Rabary has instant rocket, which makes it much better than babb
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Re: 42 minium stat rule by 90 maxium stat

Postby Agassi_Return » Fri, 07 Sep 2012 17:33

JohnCurveo wrote:In addition, i propose change this rule by 90 maxium stat rule. I think everything will be more balanced.
thoughts :evil:

So what kind of Bobb setting you would like to use?

With the 42 rule you have 80 Stamina. Without only 2-3 points more.
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Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Fri, 07 Sep 2012 17:55

Fifa Tee wrote:Rabary has instant rocket, which makes it much better than babb

If you compare the power shots and service of the two then babb is much stronger than rabari
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Postby jayb1988 » Fri, 07 Sep 2012 17:59

My serve has not been anywhere near as potent since the rule change, about half as many aces and much less accuracy, its just not the weapon it once was but now I've altered the set up slightly to have more powerful wings which has compensated somewhat.

I can handle myself against most players but this deviation towards Instant Rocket is getting annoying, it makes average players appear great becuase they can hit the ball hard and deep even though their stats arent necessarily much better than your own. I tried using it for a while under the 'if you can't beeat them join them' rule and it just seems such an overpowered and unfair skill, with no stamina let up whatsoever so they can just cream winners from all angles at anytime. Should it not at least be considered for banning perhaps I don't know?
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Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Fri, 07 Sep 2012 18:07

jayb1988 wrote:My serve has not been anywhere near as potent since the rule change, about half as many aces and much less accuracy, its just not the weapon it once was but now I've altered the set up slightly to have more powerful wings which has compensated somewhat.

That's because now with 42 rule, hitting aces with babb requires more skill than that unreal 98/98 setup.. Having 85 power and serve with babb it is still easy to hit aces if you re good at serving... But with that 98/98 even a mediocre can hit aces all the time. This 42 rule is perfect as it makes every setup less overpowered especially babb
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Postby Agassi_Return » Fri, 07 Sep 2012 18:21

Ali-Iqb93 wrote:That's because now with 42 rule, hitting aces with babb requires more skill than that unreal 98/98 setup.. Having 85 power and serve with babb it is still easy to hit aces if you re good at serving... But with that 98/98 even a mediocre can hit aces all the time. This 42 rule is perfect as it makes every setup less overpowered especially babb

Right on the button! :) Even with Rule 42 you can stil serve with 220kmh and on the lines on your second serve.
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Postby jayb1988 » Fri, 07 Sep 2012 18:40

That's because now with 42 rule, hitting aces with babb requires more skill than that unreal 98/98 setup.. Having 85 power and serve with babb it is still easy to hit aces if you re good at serving... But with that 98/98 even a mediocre can hit aces all the time. This 42 rule is perfect as it makes every setup less overpowered especially babb

I don't think I was ever cheesy enough to have the full 98/98 set-up, I've only dropped down a few numbers from what it was but it's made a massive difference and it's always been the strongest part of my game. My male player has a better serve with just the 'Diesel Server' skill and less power so not really sure how that works.

The 42 rule in general is a good one but the problem is as soon as you have these rule changes people quickly find a coach that has the edge, in this case its whichever coach is giving people 'crushing passing shot' and 'instant rocket', so they dominate rallies with ease because everyone else isn't as strong as they used to be. We may as well all get instant rocket because its basically futile trying to beat the top players who have it.
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