Sorry but I just have to place it here, cause I couldn't find another Thread for custom Replays which were played offtour.
This is my first freaking Win against the CPU.
I am with Tsonga against Nalbandian.
I got the Game since Monday so this is my third Day.
Maybe you can remember your first Days with Tennis Elbow, but this Match right here almost killed me because of Nervousness in the last Points, because I tried it in about 20 full Matches since Monday and never won a singel freaking Match.
The CPU is really outrageous to say it kind. But I guess it's very good to get trained for the harder Competition.
The CPU just has a better Positioninggame than humans and also the Ballplacement is a lil bit bad ass even on Club Level.
It's for sure easier to catch a human on the wrong foot than against this freaking Club Cpu.
But what's also right, is that the CPU has a more predictable Ballplacement than a human.
Man finally, Jesus!
Nothing special, just my first success and steps in this Game I just wanted to show you, because this is the first Match I ever won in this Game. ... AL-6-4.rar