djarvik wrote:All shots, skill or not, with R1 are better. They are more precise and more powerful. The skill makes them even better. Same as inside out shots, they are already more powerful by default, but the skill makes even more powerful. Take a guy with roughly 65-70 stroke and around 50 in power. Hit a few fully powered forehands, listen to the sound and look at the velocity of the ball. Now repeat the same while holding Inside out button..... it is rather clear. Same goes for R1 shots. They are "heavier", meaning they are harder to return. Just like the skill says, only it works without of the skill too.
Same goes for R1 serves. They are made slightly harder to return to compensate for SV guys.
So anyone using R1 on serve can't really complain if others using R1 mid rally.
And Ary, sorry, but the video you show and you argument totally fails. No9t sure if I asked you, but do you play tennis (real life)?
99% of the tour telegraphs their SV serves. It is very visible by their toss and in most case even the motion itself. I am not even touching on other tell-tell signs that 99% of individuals do when they serve.
There is nothing wrong if your opponent sees you are going to SV. If you serve well, he wont have time to react anyway and will likely be holding a Slice button by the time you toss the ball. If you are not a great server - I can see how it can come in handy to full your opponent, you know basically he is "reading" you, so you say - "hey, I will use R1 all the time..." Kinda lame.
But hey, this is just my what you like, it is not forbidden at all.
I play real tennis yes However,in TS4, the S&V modifier doesn't change the service motion a little. The whole serve motion is different. The whole body moves differently. It's not just foot placement that's different... or small tell signs in the characters face.. There are 3 different serve motions in TS4. Two regular motions and S&V modifier. You are blind if you can't differ them. Even if you have the Slice button pre-pressed, you can direct it short and force a drop shot or a bad shot, so it's not at all difficult to counter a S&V or at least give a lot of trouble for him/her if you see it coming.
Also, I use R1 serve from the beginning. I don't see if my opponent reads my serve or not. S&V in TS4 is all about the element of surprise against top players. I guarantee you, that if you S&V against Dennie and he knows you're going for it. You will lose the point 9/10 times. (If you use a player with 60 volley and less ofc)
I miss a devilish "not yet" These R1 serves should be put on the official cheese list, though.
Everyone can use them. They don't differenciate coaches (other than coaches with serve skills, but those skills do the same whatever serve you're using)