Not quite enough responses

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Not quite enough responses

Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Tue, 31 Jan 2012 12:56

If you haven't voted in the WomenSIM/Fed Cup thread please do so by following this link. ... t=16260%22

Also, please leave a brief comment as to what console you primarily play (Thanks Tampthe wasp) and why you would or would not like to see ITST go forward with pursuing either tournament. Please pm your friends here or on your primary console and ask them to lend their support by voting either way. The more responses this thread gets the better chances we have to starting something that is MUCH needed here. Come on! Girl power! Thanks to all that have already voted!

Love Erikka :wink:
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Postby BluudyEEfingaz » Tue, 31 Jan 2012 13:05

I honestly think that the Women SIM Singles rules will be the best thing to happen here. No player will be overpowered, no skills to utilize any glitch, each point will have to be carefully stategic, and no forum complaints as to who should be banned! Seriously... :shock:

No skill set below 4 or over 9 (S&V, OFF, DEF) and one wing (Fh or Bh) HAS to be yellow or grey.

Save the tour!
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