We have to ban Welch

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Postby Likos86321 » Tue, 24 Jan 2012 21:41

ban rabari, i lost three times in a row against fabada :lol:
Likos86321 - Marcos Baghdatis
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Postby Painted Crystal » Tue, 24 Jan 2012 21:41

LokiSharpShootr wrote:
Painted Crystal wrote:
Murmeltier88 wrote:We have also SIM-Tour and there is no Welsh-Setup.

And there you can also see, if someone has skill also with other players.

Absolutely agree with you

Your great player has been using the silver coaches that gives you 81 wings and 75+ power.

Just saying.

He's not mine, i'm etero at the moment
Just saying
Painted Crystal
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Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Tue, 24 Jan 2012 21:44

Ban all the top 12 ranked players of the ps3 tour so that I can become no1 :D :evil:
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Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Tue, 24 Jan 2012 21:49

Forgot to mention two more names.. Elgogrin and murmeltier lol
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Postby Sh0Case » Wed, 25 Jan 2012 01:44

Painted Crystal wrote:There's an example of what I consider a real great player in Xbox tour (the best player of tour for me)
100% won in 2012, he lose only 18 games in 9 matches and many of this matches against top players. he never played with Welch, Rabary, Neuwirth...
For me this is the right way for a top player, explore the game and win with his real talent without the great stat of Welch (really boring). Welch built is to win not to fun, but for many players fun is only to win (look the numerous threads after an unfair or supposed unfair match).

So, ban Welch is unecessary, it would be good a player demonstrate his real talent like the fantastic example of the player I said

Didn't he use Welch v Dapery?
Welch and 100 power Gallo against Fifa Tee?

But yeah, he's the best player on the xbox tour TBH.
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Postby o Sinna o » Wed, 25 Jan 2012 01:56

What would the Competition be without a strong Competitor.

You know some Losses you get a harder to bear than others, sometimes you get angry and it always also depends how much ambition you put in a Match, but it's just appealing to compete against others.
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Postby Dark-Disaster » Wed, 25 Jan 2012 02:41

In my opinion, the whole game is overpowered. Why not just ban Topspin 4 and be done with it?
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Postby Likos86321 » Wed, 25 Jan 2012 12:36

Ban ITST, wait is that possible?
Likos86321 - Marcos Baghdatis
Titles ( 8 ): 2011--Wimbledon, Mutua Madrid Open, Internazionali BNL d Italia, Grand Prix Hassan II, BMW Open, Gerry Weber Open, Atlanta Tennis Championships, Winston-Salem Open
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Postby Ary1g » Wed, 25 Jan 2012 18:06

Okay, let's stop joking this away. We all know you don't want Welsh banned.

Three reasons to ban Welsh.

Firstly, you can use Julien Friedland. He's got "Longer, Better", which is a much more realistic skill for a DB. 0-0-20, Julien Friedland. Check him out!

Two things that are unfair with Welsh:

Drop shot artist: First of all. Face it. If you master drop shots, they are not difficult to perform, though they still have a slight danger of misfiring sometimes. With Welsh, you have a massive timing window on hitting a drop shot. Therefore, if you are good with the drop shot. There is never any risk involved when you decide to go for it or not. I'm not talking about playing cheesy with the drop shot. I'm talking about the fact that there's no risk at all of playing a drop shot with Welsh. 9/10 easily goes in. Almost every time I use a drop shot with any build(not using Welsh ofc) and executes it nicely. My opponent almost always are in trouble. The game doesn't do very well on returning drop shots. Therefore when you have such a extremely solid DB like Welsh, this skill is unfair by removing the chance of failing to hit a drop shot.

Smell of blood: We know it works like MD, however only on game points. The problem here is that this will give players using Welsh an instant advantage in close tie-breaks. In addition you get "MD" on all game points and break points. EVERY DECIDING point during the WHOLE match you get advantages! How it's not yet banned is really a mystery when you think about it that way. Every single point that really matters during a match, your players becomes better.

I'm retiring from both tours in protest against Welsh. Hope more people here do the same.
Last edited by Ary1g on Wed, 25 Jan 2012 19:13, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Chris ITST » Wed, 25 Jan 2012 18:55

I dont get where your heads at here. If somebody in an ITST match was to abuse the drop shot anyway then there going to get punished so thats irrelevant. And how did you come to the conclusion smell of blood will give an advantage in TIE BREAKS? Welsh doesent get a decent serve of any kind so its not he would be getting any free points like the big serving setups? and yet again it comes back to the person holding the controller who has the skill.

And cant you see where your heading with this? you ban Welsh and then they would surely have to ban Rabari and the gang, we could all sit here and pick a coach and write the pros and cons about them, but at the end of the day its the person who is pressing the buttons.

I think you need a dose of 'Man up' and get on and try and get better. Who knows in 4 weeks time you could be back on here telling everybody you have just been beating all the Drew Welch in the land. Trying to get others to go on strike as well is totally lame dude.


Chris ITST
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Postby Ary1g » Wed, 25 Jan 2012 19:11

You get the advantage in a close tie-break, because you either have to defend a game point or battle your opponents game point. Where with Smell of blood you would get better shots on those points.

Drop shots are way to easy to perform with Welsh, and they are too effective in the game. It's not talking about spamming with drop shots. It's rather a cheap way to win points if you know your drop shots are no risk at all.

I don't think Rabari and the gang are OP in the way Welsh is, so that won't be a problem for me.
I'm tired of playing against Welsh. The last 4-5 tournaments I've played here has ended with Welsh. My builds don't have anything to answer to Welsh. I can have a good match against excellent Rabari and Neuwirth players and have loads of fun, however with a good Welsh it's no chance at all. Welsh ruins for most tier 2 and 3 builds.

EDIT: Clearly, you haven't played the top players with Welsh. They have found a way to hit the lines with 50 serve, so it just shows that this game does not balance stats the way it should. Together with the fact that you can't attack a slow serve in this game like in a real life, the bad serve stat of Welsh isn't a real weakness in his game.
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Postby Painted Crystal » Wed, 25 Jan 2012 21:34

Ary1g wrote:You can't attack a slow serve in this game like in a real life, the bad serve stat of Welsh isn't a real weakness in his game.

This is true, in many situation a slow serve is better than a 70-85 stat serve

And another thing: HIS NAME IS WELCH!!!!!
Painted Crystal
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Postby Ary1g » Wed, 01 Feb 2012 19:01

Suddenly people stopped talking about this. What's up?
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Postby Likos86321 » Wed, 01 Feb 2012 19:04

http://www.intertopspintour.net/forum/v ... 315#221315

The action moved to this thread, you should participate :lol:
Likos86321 - Marcos Baghdatis
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Postby MrMackNasty » Thu, 02 Feb 2012 01:59

[quote="Ary1g"]Three reasons to ban Welsh.

Firstly, you can use Julien Friedland. He's got "Longer, Better", which is a much more realistic skill for a DB. 0-0-20, Julien Friedland. Check him out![/quote]

I'm sorry but this is just insanse. No silver coach will ever be used on The regular tour so you mine as well get that out of your head.

Second of all, good luck with your protest and retirement because you are probably already forgotten about by 99.999999% of the users here.

I'm not trying to be a dick but Welch isn't overpowered by a long shot. Don't get me wrong hes tough to play against with those strong angles but hes also easy to counter if you know how to play against him.
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