Rule Test Tournament Signup Xbox360 and PS3

Your forum to discuss the fourth generation of Top Spin.

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Postby Q8-AWESOME_95 » Thu, 08 Dec 2011 19:03

Yea maybe I will do the same if the itst arranges (itst open)
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Postby DMG100 » Fri, 16 Dec 2011 01:17

I would like to play if the tournament hasn't started...

XBOX Gamertag: DMG100
Seems I can't cross that threshold just yet :(
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Tournament set to start december 20th

Postby Ary1g » Sat, 17 Dec 2011 02:59

The tournament will start the 20th of December!

There are currently 9 xbox-players and 4 ps3-players confirmed for the tournament.

Since there aren't that many players signed up yet, the matches will be played in 5 sets of 6 games, no super-tiebreak. This will give us more time on the court, thereby giving us as much information as possible about the effects of these rules. When the tournament concludes, we will share our experiences and continue further discussions on how to find the best possible rules to improve the game experience of Top Spin 4.

There are still plenty of room for people to sign up and I'm going to set the deadline for sign-ups to and including December 19th.

The draw will be made around 11.59pm CET, the 19th of December.

So if you're up for some tennis action during christmas. Put your PSN or XBOX gamertag here. Everyone who wants to participate, will be accepted!

Two things to remember:

Tournament start: 20th of December.

Sign-up deadline: 11.59pm CET, 19th of December.

If you have any questions, feel free to post here or send me a pm! :)
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Postby Tamthewasp » Sat, 17 Dec 2011 04:38

Does'nt the lack of people who have signed up to this guve you an idea that no 1 actually cares about your bull rules.

Ali said it the best I'm not playing if rabari is not allowed.,

You can mention your silver coaches but welch 0/2/18 is better than rabari.

I don't undetstand why you continue to pursue this as you have been told no multiple times.,[/i]
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Postby Rob ITST » Sat, 17 Dec 2011 07:45

He may have put it a bit harsh, but there's some truth to what Tamthewasp said - you're welcome to try all you like, but if you can't get more than 4 people on each tour to play a test tournament, then the rules are not going to be taken very seriously.
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Postby Ali-Iqb93 » Sat, 17 Dec 2011 11:36

thanks to itst who arranged itst open starting from monday..... soo i wont be playing this test tournament
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Postby Ary1g » Sat, 17 Dec 2011 22:29

There are 9 people on xbox who wants to try it out and I intend to arrange a tournament for them. When it comes to PS3 I need at least 4 players. Maybe we will just arrange a Round Robin group or something. Just so we can try these rules out.

I didn't expect a bunch of people to join in the first place, so 9 xbox and 3-4 ps3 players signed up, is more than I hoped for. :)
I'm slightly disappointed about the ps3 numbers being so low, but the xbox players makes up for that.

I don't mind working towards this. I too strongly believe that TS4 has much more potential than now. So until I've tried it out thoroughly, I will keep on doing this.

I decided to leave out Rabari because there is a silver coach which is almost identical except CPS. If there was a silver coach who was identical to Welsh, I would have wanted to try the tournament without Welsh too. In my opinion Rabari is a much more attractive and fun build to use than Welsh. Welsh has no serve at all, not good at the net and boring skills(imo). Therefore I can't believe that people will be using Welsh when there are so many more coaches that will be available to try out, without risking to be crushed by a Rabari or Welsh build. I also can't believe that Welsh with 84/84 wings will be as effective as 90/90 wings.

Thanks for notifying me, Ali. I have counted you out of the tournament. Sad though, as I was looking forward having you in the tournament. :(

Any more questions?
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The Draw

Postby Ary1g » Tue, 20 Dec 2011 03:20

Let the testing begin! :D

And as previously mentioned I have made the PS3 Tester a Round Robin where the top two after three rounds of play will face in a final. :D

Here's the PS3 Round Robin:

Here's the Xbox Draw:

The Rules


Roddick: 90 Serve
Sampras: 90 Volley
Roddick: 91 Power
Welsh: 168 Wings

No serve or volley attribute above 90, no power above 91 and wings combined can not exceed 168 attribute points.

Additional rules that will be tested is as follows:

No coaches with Monster Defense.
No gold coaches with Topspin Invasion, Slice Invasion, Poisoned Slices or Instant Rocket.
(This means that you can use TI, SI, PS, or IR with silver coaches.)


Be sure to see the starting post of this thread to read the rules thoroughly explained. ... 71&start=0

All matches will be played in 5 sets of 6 games, no super-tiebreak.

All matches will be played on hard courts (hard surface).

I wish you a merry christmas and a great experience with these rules! :D
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Postby DMG100 » Wed, 21 Dec 2011 02:57

I was left out the xbox draw...oh well.

Can't wait to see what people think. Interesting rules in place for the trial tourneys.
Seems I can't cross that threshold just yet :(
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Postby Ary1g » Wed, 21 Dec 2011 09:46

DMG100 wrote:I was left out the xbox draw...oh well.

Can't wait to see what people think. Interesting rules in place for the trial tourneys.

Yes, I forgot to mention that, and forgot to send you a pm. :( :( I'm very sorry. You were the 9th xbox player to sign up, so if you were going to get a spot, I would've had to make the draw from a R16, were 7 players would get a BYE and only ONE match would be played. I figured that it would be quite a boring first round. :(

Do you want to be a reserve player? In case one of the xbox-players withdraws? :)

The alternative would be to have a round robin on the xbox side too, that way I could probably fit 5 players in one of the groups. It's really the players choice. If the majority want a round robin, I can fix that! ;)

Remember that you can add the xbox-players to your xbox live and ask for some friendly matches to test these rules. I'm sure someone would play with you. :) If I were on xbox, I would surely have a match or two with you :)
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Postby LokiSharpShootr » Wed, 21 Dec 2011 20:18

Well its happening at least, too bad there´s only 12 people playing and actually trying to do something to change what 80% of ITST agree its a flawed game.

I think that most people are happy justifying the fact that TS4 is not TS3 by saying that the game suck and that its flawed and that it isnt realistic, but when an ideia appears that might make the game better they just turn their faces and continue to complain and maybe even smash their 40-60$ cds or blurays.

Im going to bee in town for a few days so if anyone want to whoop me feel free to sent a game invite.
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Postby Ary1g » Thu, 22 Dec 2011 04:23

Due to an error from my side, the ps3 tournament is one person short. I need a PS3 player. Please post your name here if you're interested :)
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Postby Ary1g » Tue, 27 Dec 2011 10:58

No players care about this. Therefore I'm not going to care either. Feel free to comment on this thread in its entirety. Would very much appreciate suggestions how to do a thing like this better next time. :) (Please, you don't have to suggest that I need a better rule next time, as I'm well assured you all know my opinion about that) ;)
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Postby Ary1g » Thu, 29 Dec 2011 03:54

Two match results pm'd to me! :D Forget the deadlines for now. Send me your match results asap :) I will update the draw asap too :)
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