why were they deemed unsim because people on itst have shown an inablility to use the skilll fairly huh ? they way i see it people will always look for loopholes to exploit. everybody is atit e.g the gov here in the u.k had the expenses scandal where they used taxpayers money for their own and took more benefits than they were entitled to why because the opportunity and loophole was there.RainingAmoeba79 wrote:supinesmokey13 wrote:i agree cant bickham make the roster ?RainingAmoeba79 wrote:Exactly. we need Fed toned down. That said, I want to see an all rounder with more volley.
Beause he is a gold coach, which we try to stay away from, and we do not want DSA on the SIM tour. When we were testing, some abilities, such as instant rocket, drop shot artist, ts/slice invasion, MD, were automatically removed because we believed it was un SIM.
so removing an advanced yet yet not overpowered setup may stop the cheese on sim tour but it has addressed the issue of drop shot abuse in general and how is the dsa not dolgo, murray,fed,nole, melzer all you the drop shot as a change of pace and tactic to mix things up dolgo and murray , melzer,nole particulary have a penchant for playing drop shots.
i disagree with you there feli lopez predominately hits his bh with slice so slice invasion would emulate this . i guess be careful what you wish you might just get and still not like. i guess ian moore on the roster isn't option wait let me guess wrongfoot and approach expert are usim too right ? open to abuse and cheese
but again it is banned not because the frequent use of slice it not evident irl e.g graf, ken rosewall., feli lopez, fernando gonzalez, but because itst havent been able to change the culture towards the cheesy use slice which again is unfair to those who don't abuse the slice, people didnt need the dsa or SI to be cheesy it just made it easier .
since 2k dnt look like making another patch dsa and SI have become irrelevant as most people are try to combat the new effective sv player with IR -CP and the use of bickham wasn't an issue before so why is it now most if not all chessers abusing DSA did so with welch because of the added benefit of the red level strokes and speed. as bickham required serious skill and strategy to use and djarik addressed the chessers abusing bickham very quickly and it was quashed quickly and the welch abused gathered pace again.
im very disappointed that they were setups as a result of banning DSA and SI that can be used as a result of this liseth aguilar, bickham, elvir christen were coaches that were viable setups for all round play and weren't used often on tour or abused because they required skill to use because they are had low power. i thought the tour was going to allow the less popular and underused setups to be used you on the sim tour