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Postby TIM TEBOWNER 15 » Wed, 24 Aug 2011 14:33

Be back when a SIM tour is created. Peace.
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Postby TIM TEBOWNER 15 » Wed, 24 Aug 2011 14:39

unless I get a good US Open draw ;)
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Wed, 24 Aug 2011 16:47

Do not worry, SIM is coming verrrrrrrrry soon.
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Postby jayb1988 » Thu, 25 Aug 2011 16:41

Do people often leave the tour around about this time of year? Seems to be fair few every day dropping out, starting to wonder whether this was a good time to join or not :?

It seems to mainly be about fair play but I have not come across anyone so far that doesn't just seem up for a good match, really enjoying it.
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Postby djarvik » Thu, 25 Aug 2011 16:55

Retiring constitutes that a person had "something" to retire from. A career perhaps? this case and many others as of late, I would not call it "retiring", rather "failed attempt to compete". Much like many young guys coming to ATP and then disappearing into abyss. That is not to say that there is no good reason for them leaving. There are always reasons and they are good in the eye of the ones who leave. While technically you can call this retirement, I hardly think it deserves attention.

You rarely see someone who is here for a few years "retire". They may stop playing for some time in hopes of a change, maybe a new rule, maybe a SIM tour or just a break. But they don't go on forum and announce their retirements 3-4 month into their membership here.

Is their an issue with "fair play"? Yes. And we are taking care of it the best we can at the moment. That includes collecting reports and taking action. As well as launching a SIM tour with higher restrictions.

TS4 brought a lot of new players to ITST, no doubt. But there is also no doubt that a lot of them will leave. However some will remain, strengthening our core member base for years to come.

I already see lots of players that will stay with us as well as lots of players that will leave. It is not hard to spot who is here for long haul and who is here for "other" reasons.

You either "get" ITST concept or you don't. Explaining it over and over helps very little, most don't convert their beliefs (although some do) If you do get the concept - you never retire, quit or anything like that. Its impossible. The concept is just too good. :D
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Postby el duuderino » Thu, 25 Aug 2011 17:43


a man after my own words. i couldn't have said that better myself if i had a year to think about it : )

smart, smart man
el duuderino
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Postby SBR Ironik » Thu, 25 Aug 2011 22:11

djarvik wrote:I would not call it "retiring", rather "failed attempt to compete".

That's a bit harsh.

I agree with the "The concept is just too good" part by the way.
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Postby djarvik » Thu, 25 Aug 2011 22:13

Yeah, it is a bit too harsh. I guess a number of similar threads got to me a bit. Sorry for that.
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