Underdeveloped player glitch - Important information

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Postby djarvik » Fri, 08 Jul 2011 14:38

Just personal experience and a few complaints we received from ITST members.

Not "impossible shots", just pre-balancing pre-patch shots. They were a bit sharper, more consistent, larger timing window etc...

I am 100% positive there is a bug. I am not 100% positive how the bug behaves, but I am pretty sure that this how.
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Postby PerfectAce » Fri, 08 Jul 2011 14:43

djarvik wrote:Just personal experience and a few complaints we received from ITST members.

Not "impossible shots", just pre-balancing pre-patch shots. They were a bit sharper, more consistent, larger timing window etc...

I am 100% positive there is a bug. I am not 100% positive how the bug behaves, but I am pretty sure that this how.

Ok then. Thanks...
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Postby Immortal Strife » Fri, 08 Jul 2011 22:02

djarvik wrote:Just personal experience and a few complaints we received from ITST members.

Not "impossible shots", just pre-balancing pre-patch shots. They were a bit sharper, more consistent, larger timing window etc...

I am 100% positive there is a bug. I am not 100% positive how the bug behaves, but I am pretty sure that this how.

That was percisely how i would describe the experiece playing again a glitched player; Short angles with more power like before prepatch, i felt as if i was playing a tennis god and i brought a knife to a gun fight-a complete mismatch.
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Postby Moralspain » Fri, 08 Jul 2011 22:24

Immortal Strife wrote:i felt as if i was playing a tennis god and i brought a knife to a gun fight

:lol: epic
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Postby jaateloauto » Fri, 08 Jul 2011 22:42

I tried to play with a friend quite new to the game with an unleveled character because of our skill differences but somehow always ended up with a character that reminded me of main player character in every way.
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Postby DMG100 » Sat, 09 Jul 2011 20:42

Okay this isn't directly related to what is seen when playing online, but there is definitely a glitch.

I think it has something to do with the coach patch, where changes were made to the XPs the coach gives your player. My coach is Tomas Madr.

Going into an exhibition match, my players attributes was shown as
FH 75
BH 75
SRV 57
VOL 39
POW 80
STA 89
SPE 68
REF 67

This looked funny to me because I used the calculator and new which setup I was going for. I thought...COOL because they were nearly similar to Serena's stats.

So I went to Player Zone to check the same player. The stats came up as how I expected them to be.
FH 75
BH 70
SRV 57
VOL 44
POW 75
STA 89
SPE 73
REF 67

The previous stats, the ones that come up in the exhibition game mode I believe is before the coach patch. Going to player zone --> my player are the attributes after the coach patch.

My male player has the same 00/08/12 setup & coach but his attributes show up the same in player zone or when I'm playing a exhibition against the CPU.

But maybe the issue of attributes showing up different when playing online affects all coaches and not just the one's affected by the patch. Well I don't know it the coach patch is the issue blah blah blah...
Seems I can't cross that threshold just yet :(
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Postby djarvik » Sat, 20 Aug 2011 22:46

I have been getting more then a few reports lately about this Glitch. So I want to reiterate that it is indeed a glitch and you should not start to play the match until both parties see each others coaches.

The glitch makes the "glitching" player play pre-patch tennis. Meaning EVERYTHING is going in with great direction, placement and power. Compared to post-patch player he will feel Godly. Superman really :lol:
(ATP is currently investigating Djokovic as one of the suspects who plays pre-patch)

I have attempted many times to replicate the glitch, to see if there is a way to "control" it and "force"t it - with no luck. If any of you know how to do it, let me know and I will start hunting down the players who use it. Before that moment ITST will not consider it a "cheat".
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Postby Tuurbine » Sat, 20 Aug 2011 22:51

I just read this forum topic after i have been a "victim" of this glitch in an itst tournament.

This thing is real, the guy i played against is not cheating, this is a glitch, maybe happening randomly.

His stats were not that good, and he had no coach, but his power, angles, deep cornered shots , speed, volley, everything, it was like he was an hybrid between federer and nadal (2008) . Had 67 on each wing, felt like he had at least 90 on each wing, had 69 for power, felt much more like 95 or 100 in power and the angles created by him were huge, plus had 56 speed and felt much more faster.

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Postby Julius Jackson » Sun, 21 Aug 2011 04:29

djarvik wrote:I have been getting more then a few reports lately about this Glitch. So I want to reiterate that it is indeed a glitch and you should not start to play the match until both parties see each others coaches.

The glitch makes the "glitching" player play pre-patch tennis. Meaning EVERYTHING is going in with great direction, placement and power. Compared to post-patch player he will feel Godly. Superman really :lol:
(ATP is currently investigating Djokovic as one of the suspects who plays pre-patch)

I have attempted many times to replicate the glitch, to see if there is a way to "control" it and "force"t it - with no luck. If any of you know how to do it, let me know and I will start hunting down the players who use it. Before that moment ITST will not consider it a "cheat".

ah, so thats why garghamell was godly in our match today :lol:
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Postby Alex-4487 » Tue, 23 Aug 2011 00:33

any news on a balancing patch for this especially the glitch return its so retarded when yiu player is ready to hit a shot yet runs full pelt backwards looks so dumb lol :roll:
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Postby tonedawg1 » Tue, 23 Aug 2011 01:42

Alex-4487 wrote:any news on a balancing patch for this especially the glitch return its so retarded when yiu player is ready to hit a shot yet runs full pelt backwards looks so dumb lol :roll:

that happens to me too, my player ends up backing up and then he fumbles the ball ;/
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Postby Alex-4487 » Tue, 23 Aug 2011 01:46

tonedawg1 wrote:
Alex-4487 wrote:any news on a balancing patch for this especially the glitch return its so retarded when yiu player is ready to hit a shot yet runs full pelt backwards looks so dumb lol :roll:

that happens to me too, my player ends up backing up and then he fumbles the ball ;/

yup should report people who use it as it isnt llowed its pitiful thats why this needs to be fixed as it gives the other person an advantage
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Postby tonedawg1 » Tue, 23 Aug 2011 01:49

Alex-4487 wrote:
tonedawg1 wrote:
Alex-4487 wrote:any news on a balancing patch for this especially the glitch return its so retarded when yiu player is ready to hit a shot yet runs full pelt backwards looks so dumb lol :roll:

that happens to me too, my player ends up backing up and then he fumbles the ball ;/

yup should report people who use it as it isnt llowed its pitiful thats why this needs to be fixed as it gives the other person an advantage

hast happened to me on itst yet , but all the time on WT . i wonder if you serve and volley would your player still back petal, that would be wierd lol
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Postby I_Zooloo_I » Sun, 06 Nov 2011 13:00

after a bit of thinking and testing guys i think i have noticed something about this bug :

first, it s 100% sure, it gives better shots aka pre balancing updates player movement and shots.

second, the coach bug can be still active even if you see the opponent's stats again after the bug.

so my advice is, if you see your opponent has the coach bug, ask him to log on world tour and ask him to accept your invite while he is on the world tour. this way you should have a fair match.

even better, i think everybody should always log on world tour before they play an itst match cause the in game log in sometimes fails and let you play without balancing updates. but WT log in works afaik.

(btw im talking about PS3, dont know if it s bugged on xbox)
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Postby Corbon » Fri, 02 Mar 2012 19:11

I played against a Lv 19 yesterday but he had 545 stat points (Rabary). I have also played against genuinely low level players (Lv 13 one time) though.

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