Net Sh@ggers...!

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Net Sh@ggers...!

Postby kiplaird » Sun, 21 Aug 2011 15:53

Recently there has been a huge surge in these Net Sh@ggers on the WT.
By that i mean 20 S&V, and ANY Gold Coach.

Not only are they rushing to the net after their own serve but doing on yours aswell. Not Serve and Vollying in the slightest, that i don't have a problem with and have had some good success in matches playing them. Their on top of the net EVERY point. This constant molestation of the net is barbaric.

Nothing seems to get past them, control wide, lob, low slice, low power slice then lob... even when they are outstreched they still manage to hit it, in the most awkward and unbelievable way, in the OPPOSITE direction with tremendous pace., 2/3 hits and the point is over.; i even made a CPS/IR player... Nada.

I had a Serve & Volley masterclass from Mr Zooloo (Served me back my ass on a plate 4 games in a row :)), but he WORKED the points so well and was baslelining on MY serve. All these Net Sh@ggers have to do is run down the middle after either yours or theirs return of serve, if you hit it either side, their all of a sudden already transported there. Checked the top4calc, the highest on both wings you can reach is 65, shots that are being pulled off you would think they had double..! The highest power is 55, all the rest are in their 40's but the balls go like bullets off the racket.

I play for fun now (the hair is growing back) since i got my platinum trophy and enjoy a good healthy contest, even when i get beat i'm still having a great match, i'm having joy out of a fair game, but admittedly, i seriously now believe i'm actually capable of a homicide from these intertwined nylon rapists.

I hope the more experienced players out there are having much better success, forcing them to grab their own ankles on the court and hopefully beat them into submission making them rethink their players stats. I feel this is WAYYY more "cheesetastic" than either Tramline Serving or Dropshots. Theres just no gameplay whatsoever. This style of play with setup is by far, a gargantuan 100 year old ripe hunk of stilton with a side order of "Na..Na..Na..NaaaNaaa...!"

Good Luck guys and if you have any tips on what setup can atleast counter please let us know lol...!

I'm starting a revolt, future offenders will be tagged "Net Sh@gger" in message haha "Vive la Revolution" :twisted:
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Postby Alex-4487 » Sun, 21 Aug 2011 15:56

amen brother lol serve and volley has been a joke since the latest balancing patch and it needs to be patched again
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Postby Dark-Disaster » Sun, 21 Aug 2011 17:24

Really? I have tried to approach the net after a return, and all I get is a winner past me. Sounds really cheesy the way you describe it though.
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Postby farshad » Sun, 21 Aug 2011 18:51

People don't know how to use their skills, atleast not 90% of em! i played against this WTA player , he/she had 90 serv,90 vol, volley shot artist.
at first he was serve&vollying which was ok , what else?! but when i started service i saw some :shock: stuff :lol: he was hitting lob so he has time to rush to net!!!!! he did it almost at every serve.
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Re: Net Sh@ggers...!

Postby C4iLL » Sun, 21 Aug 2011 20:18

kiplaird wrote:
Nothing seems to get past them, control wide, lob, low slice, low power slice then lob... even when they are outstreched they still manage to hit it, in the most awkward and unbelievable way, in the OPPOSITE direction with tremendous pace., 2/3 hits and the point is over.; i even made a CPS/IR player... Nada.


Another complain topic from a guy who surely doesn't how to play that game with skills and intelligence... That becomes boring.

Personally, anytime I have a s&v in front of me, i pass him easily. And i'm not alone in that case, ask Sanow from the xbox tour, he's maybe the best killer of s&v around here :D

So if you can't pass a serve & volley, it's not because their setups are overpowered, it's just because you don't know how, and maybe because you're weak in strategy / timing / anticipation / technique. And also, maybe because your opponent has trained a lot more than you, to get such a great level...

What do people expect by creating such useless complain topics ?
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Re: Net Sh@ggers...!

Postby supinesmokey13 » Sun, 21 Aug 2011 20:31

kiplaird wrote:Recently there has been a huge surge in these Net Sh@ggers on the WT.
By that i mean 20 S&V, and ANY Gold Coach.

Not only are they rushing to the net after their own serve but doing on yours aswell. Not Serve and Vollying in the slightest, that i don't have a problem with and have had some good success in matches playing them. Their on top of the net EVERY point. This constant molestation of the net is barbaric.

Nothing seems to get past them, control wide, lob, low slice, low power slice then lob... even when they are outstreched they still manage to hit it, in the most awkward and unbelievable way, in the OPPOSITE direction with tremendous pace., 2/3 hits and the point is over.; i even made a CPS/IR player... Nada.

I had a Serve & Volley masterclass from Mr Zooloo (Served me back my ass on a plate 4 games in a row :)), but he WORKED the points so well and was baslelining on MY serve. All these Net Sh@ggers have to do is run down the middle after either yours or theirs return of serve, if you hit it either side, their all of a sudden already transported there. Checked the top4calc, the highest on both wings you can reach is 65, shots that are being pulled off you would think they had double..! The highest power is 55, all the rest are in their 40's but the balls go like bullets off the racket.

I play for fun now (the hair is growing back) since i got my platinum trophy and enjoy a good healthy contest, even when i get beat i'm still having a great match, i'm having joy out of a fair game, but admittedly, i seriously now believe i'm actually capable of a homicide from these intertwined nylon rapists.

I hope the more experienced players out there are having much better success, forcing them to grab their own ankles on the court and hopefully beat them into submission making them rethink their players stats. I feel this is WAYYY more "cheesetastic" than either Tramline Serving or Dropshots. Theres just no gameplay whatsoever. This style of play with setup is by far, a gargantuan 100 year old ripe hunk of stilton with a side order of "Na..Na..Na..NaaaNaaa...!"

Good Luck guys and if you have any tips on what setup can atleast counter please let us know lol...!

I'm starting a revolt, future offenders will be tagged "Net Sh@gger" in message haha "Vive la Revolution" :twisted:

sure the setup maybe over powered and the patch might give them an advantage but they are doing the right thing in sh@gging the net as you refer to it. the purpose of attacking the net is to put your opponent under pressure quickly taking the net away. attacking the net on your opponents serve is a common tactic used irl by guys like rafter, edberg, and tim hennman heck Federer throws in the tactic now and again it is called the chip-n-charge.

again with idea of decreasing your options on the ball and taking time away from you, hence thats why we are on top of the net is an aggressive style of play, but using the lob as an approach shot to by time is cheesy.

attacking the net is the strength of the serve volleyer why shouldn't they play to their strengths? that is the key to being effective with any setup . hit returns and come in behind them and opponents dont usually complain except the idiots that resort to foul language when i beat them fairly.

i do get frustrated when playing them but only when i made easy return for them to volley away and miss passing shot s i have setup with good returns. and the best way to stop a sv player is to take the net away from them .

Dark disaster maybe the return you came in behind wasn't deep enough as coming in behind your return is an effective tactic in rushing your opponent into a mistake.

oh and by the way you can have 70 on both wings with 18/2 michael kelly 80 /60 if you put all bonus points on one wing

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Re: Net Sh@ggers...!

Postby Rob ITST » Sun, 21 Aug 2011 21:37

C4iLL wrote:Personally, anytime I have a s&v in front of me, i pass him easily.

I don't know if I can say I pass them easily, but I love playing against S&V because I do know how to pass them. Just mix up flat, topspin, crosscourt, down the line, control, power, lob..... I don't care what setup they have, they can't cover everything.
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Re: Net Sh@ggers...!

Postby supinesmokey13 » Sun, 21 Aug 2011 23:06

Rob ITST wrote:
C4iLL wrote:Personally, anytime I have a s&v in front of me, i pass him easily.

I don't know if I can say I pass them easily, but I love playing against S&V because I do know how to pass them. Just mix up flat, topspin, crosscourt, down the line, control, power, lob..... I don't care what setup they have, they can't cover everything.
thank you rob for back this up if his current setup cant pass vollyer he needs to invest i n a player with good reflexes and return of serve

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Postby Rob ITST » Sun, 21 Aug 2011 23:50

And if your opponent is hitting slow returns to rush the net, try coming to net behind your serve - it should be an easy volley.
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Postby kiplaird » Mon, 22 Aug 2011 03:33

Ok, first and foremost, let me just explain that in no way whatsoever was i disparaging the style of S&V and it's fair play users, nor to motion the matter into an arguement/debate.

The fact is that i thought i should bring it to attention by how the 20/0/0 is being EXPLOITED and to warn fellow ITST's, giving the heads up what to expect, with hopefully some helpful tips & suggestions (thanks guys 4those who did - REALLY greatly appreciated :) ) for us/the ones that come across them with the lesser extent of knowledge other than the fundamentals of the Top Spin Game.

Sorry if my poor humour failed to denote the nonchalant topic, and apologies to those who are/were offended., of any toes stepped upon., noses put out of joint, or tights ripped. Perhaps i suck @comedy as much as the game itself, but on the otherhand, forgive me for coming to a forum seeking help/guidance that clearly has a tremendous amount to offer, for it to come back and bite me on the ass.

Now then, Disclaimer aside..;

Player Balancing is probably, if not, the best solution... or take em to the vet n have em put down, meh... toss a coin. Their able to run down the middle blindlessly bashing away at buttons, no skill involved or even needed, with their maxed out stats and abilities - promoting a quantum leap to the balls placement.

The lob returns are horrendous, they take an age to get down thus, giving them ample opportunity to move in, them and deep control top spin.

@C4iLL "So if you can't pass a serve & volley, it's not because their setups are overpowered, it's just because you don't know how, and maybe because you're weak in strategy / timing / anticipation / technique. And also, maybe because your opponent has trained a lot more than you, to get such a great level... What do people expect by creating such useless complain topics ?"

It's called a Learning Curve, a Work in Progress, besides, I still haven't met anyone yet who enjoys a smart-arse.
"maybe because you're weak in strategy / timing / anticipation / technique."
This is true, and even moreso now as there are players who are currently using control only therefore all 4 points mentioned needed adjusting, and will again as the game and players will never stop adjusting which ofcourse, is great and bringing newer and better challenges.
"And also, maybe because your opponent has trained a lot more than you, to get such a great level..."
Yeah, trained for something like half-an-hour unlocking the coaches bonuses after going 20/0/0 - sheer masterclass that is.

I don't knowhow else to explain it and frankly stumped so few people have come across them. Perhaps when they do, they will understand.

In all honesty guys, i'm not here to cause any sort of friction nor lookin for it off others. The forum has been a great help to myself and i'm more than sure to many many others so i thank you in abundance and keep up the hard work (putting up with us). I hope of no further conflictions lol.

But i, ofcourse shall persevere with my mission to oust the 20/0/0 Net Sh@ggers, even if that means marching to the beat of my own drum.

"Vive la Revolution"
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Postby jayl0ve » Mon, 22 Aug 2011 04:14

I still think it takes skill to play at the net a lot...I consider myself a pretty decent player, and volleying in this game made absolutely no sense at all to me until very recently. So I think it takes some skill.

btw how can you not 'Exploit' your setup...isn't that the entire point? To exploit your setup to it's highest potential?
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Postby LokiSharpShootr » Mon, 22 Aug 2011 04:14

While i dont believe S&V is overpowered i gotta say that today i played a guy i the WT that had 20/0/0 whit the spetecular volleys and short volley specialist coach.

Is was my toughest match against a SV player, cause not on only he had and amazing reach, he was always positioning himself in the position where he could cover the most part of the court, add that to the fact that his guys was making these crazy diving volleys(i think he made 6-7) and it was almost impossible to pass him(plz dont bash me i tried everything, angled controls top spin, deep flats, lobs) in the end he beat me 4/3 with a 17-15 on the tiebreak.

So as much as i dont think 20 SV is overpowered(its as much as 20 OFB or 20 DFB) im gonna change to the coach with PSS and RSE so that maybe i can catch a break agains those amazing SV players.
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Mon, 22 Aug 2011 05:14


Have you ever seen chip and charge? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am 13 and I still know of it, pretty sad.
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Postby Andymachine » Mon, 22 Aug 2011 06:19

Stop complaining ! THe hosts have said there is a SIM tour coming up tho only thing im worried about SIMMING this game could create very long matches and rallies , but we shall see they have always came up with great ideas so just wait ! :lol:
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Re: Net Sh@ggers...!

Postby farshad » Mon, 22 Aug 2011 08:28

C4iLL wrote:
kiplaird wrote:
Nothing seems to get past them, control wide, lob, low slice, low power slice then lob... even when they are outstreched they still manage to hit it, in the most awkward and unbelievable way, in the OPPOSITE direction with tremendous pace., 2/3 hits and the point is over.; i even made a CPS/IR player... Nada.


Another complain topic from a guy who surely doesn't how to play that game with skills and intelligence... That becomes boring.

Personally, anytime I have a s&v in front of me, i pass him easily. And i'm not alone in that case, ask Sanow from the xbox tour, he's maybe the best killer of s&v around here :D

So if you can't pass a serve & volley, it's not because their setups are overpowered, it's just because you don't know how, and maybe because you're weak in strategy / timing / anticipation / technique. And also, maybe because your opponent has trained a lot more than you, to get such a great level...

What do people expect by creating such useless complain topics ?

It doesn't sound good when someone keep saying " i can " but if you can't , its because you don't know how! instead of saying all that, give a solution or atleast don't check these topics! S&V as weak as it is, its hugely unrealistic and difficult to pass(if the opponent knows what he is doing) especially if you have an all arounder.
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