Coincidence Part II: Fair Play

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Postby PerfectAce » Wed, 10 Aug 2011 16:24

JoshUa8I wrote:You know Djarvik, i try to not pre-press... But sometime it can happen :)

I know pre-press is bad... I just played a match witch my IR\CP (i'm trying what good there is on this setup and i don't like so much, i will keep trying...) and it's easy to fall in the trap... You feel a god with your power and power shot like hell... But if the opponent is good, you lose... Indeed I lost :lol:

It´s very common to happen with sabari players (me included for a long time... hehe). This is one of the reasons that I like to change players a lot.

And the worst thing of pre-press is when the opponent´s ball touches the net or he drop shots you. It generally ruines the chance to win that point. Annoying... :?
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Postby jayl0ve » Thu, 11 Aug 2011 00:16

I've recently stopped pre-pressing and um...all I can is I'm like 10x better than I was before.
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Postby SBR Ironik » Thu, 11 Aug 2011 07:40

Why pre pressing is bad?
i almost never do it but still curious
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Postby I_Zooloo_I » Thu, 11 Aug 2011 10:34

if you pre-press a flatshot and get dropshoted for example it s very bad
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Postby SBR Ironik » Thu, 11 Aug 2011 11:32

Ok, thx!

Furthermore, I have the feeling that when you pre-press you have less reactivity when wrong footed... Is that true?
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Postby C4iLL » Fri, 12 Aug 2011 00:08

Federer uses a lot of slice return in real life... Nobody complained about that...
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Postby Sanoww » Fri, 12 Aug 2011 01:39

I feel the same thing Sportec, when I pre-press when I'm attacked (and it's still too often.. the pre-press, not being attacked !) and being wrong footed, my character just 'freeze' and don't execute the stroke, even if I had good reflexes or if the ball is one half meter away from him..

Pre-press is evil : (
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Postby JoshUa8I » Fri, 12 Aug 2011 21:18

Ok , sorry everyone. After playing a match against a very good player (i have to say that, before you say i'm complaining) that was always using those fu... FH slices, i agree... They are a little bit cheesy.

I could not keep the serve for the entire match cause when i built the point (djarvik i was never pre pressing ahah) and i was about to close it with a flat shot (but also top spin or slices, i tried everything!!!), he was able to keep every fu... ball i shot with those FH slices and the ball came back more fast than i shooted!!! What the hell!!!

I really tried everything to fight this, with all type of shots, control shot, and I could do nothing. He was very able from the baseline, and I also could not try to approach the net, cause I was always behind the line, and i was to far to approach.

I am really angry, I was on a 10 wins streak and today i thought I was unbeatable (:lol:) but there was no way to counter that stupid tactic by this player with IR\MD (what coach gives that abilities???)

Ah last thing... I break him everytime too :)

It was a hard match, but I learned something. Do you have suggestion to improve my tactic against those players???

Now i'm playing a classic Rabari player, named Del Potro (the perfect coach for Del Potro :) )
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Postby L Sanchez MD » Sun, 14 Aug 2011 02:32

Moralspain wrote:
djarvik wrote:mmmmmmm FH slice.

i use it like in real tennis when there's no other way you can reach the ball, only in that case

min 0:19

Super cheesy slice ROS from Nadal there.

I use slice return, returning a 1st serve, quite a lot against 90+ servers, although I do mix it up, to avoid predictability. I don't think it's cheesy. Just watch Fed play Karlovic, Isner, Roddick, any insane server.
FFS, Nadal slice returned against Verdasco :p
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Sun, 14 Aug 2011 05:04

Exactly, it is verrrry easy if you know what you are dong to kill those slice returns.
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Postby Moralspain » Sun, 14 Aug 2011 10:30

C4iLL wrote:Federer uses a lot of slice return in real life... Nobody complained about that...

i bet they do in private...with their teams.

In my tournaments i find pushers who lob me every single time, hit drop shots to return, moon balls from the baseline etc.... and of course i don't say anything to them during the match or after the match, i just congratulate them at the net after having crushed them like bugs. But in private, with my friends, family etc......i criticize them.

That said i do understand Federer, it's his job, the same way i understand Nadal when he plays only to Fed's BH, these guys are there to win and make money not to have fun. It's a job.

If hitting 5 drop shots per game would be as easy and effective in real life as it is in TS4, i'm sure we'd see pro players doing that, no doubt about it.

edit: I was talking about SHORT slice return (almost drop shot) that Federer hits many times, not about the regular slice shot when returning which is not cheesy in my opinion
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Postby C4iLL » Sun, 14 Aug 2011 12:54

Yep you're right, but tennis is mainly a strategic game : you have to play the way it will disturbe your opponent. Actually, we must not cofound strategy and cheese.

Because one day, if we hear the opinion/complains of everybody, coming at the net will be forbidden, slice shots too, playing every ball on the weakeast wing of the opponent too etc..

In TS4 it's the same thing : people create specific setup to rise problems to his future opponent. Except some really exceptionnal things like the TI/MD which helped too much the player and disbalanced the game, i don't see any specific problem.

Each setup can be killed by another specific one with the good strategy and the good variety. In my opinion, and despite my numerous looses, i feel that the game is really great balanced today.

The only problem is maybe the slice services tramline which is still overused by some players and apparently the dropshots.
Except that, everything can be easily countered if you think.
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Postby jayl0ve » Sun, 14 Aug 2011 19:29

Moralspain wrote:
C4iLL wrote:Federer uses a lot of slice return in real life... Nobody complained about that...

i bet they do in private...with their teams.

In my tournaments i find pushers who lob me every single time, hit drop shots to return, moon balls from the baseline etc.... and of course i don't say anything to them during the match or after the match, i just congratulate them at the net after having crushed them like bugs. But in private, with my friends, family etc......i criticize them.

That said i do understand Federer, it's his job, the same way i understand Nadal when he plays only to Fed's BH, these guys are there to win and make money not to have fun. It's a job.

If hitting 5 drop shots per game would be as easy and effective in real life as it is in TS4, i'm sure we'd see pro players doing that, no doubt about it.

edit: I was talking about SHORT slice return (almost drop shot) that Federer hits many times, not about the regular slice shot when returning which is not cheesy in my opinion

Yeah I think that people here who don't play real tennis competitively would be surprised at just how 'cheesy' some real players are. :lol: I'm amazed at a lot of pusher's INCREDIBLY crappy strokes (more like chops/hacks actually, not 'strokes' really)....I think a lot of them play tennis but don't WATCH pro tennis so they have no idea what real strokes look like :?
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