Coincidence Part II: Fair Play

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Postby Julius Jackson » Tue, 09 Aug 2011 23:44

the only part of TS4 thats REMOTELY SIM is serving. doubles is kinda close to sim but even with it the bogus net physics blur reality. everything else is absurd and cannot be compared to real tennis. but yet u guys nitpick about the slightest "cheese" like FH slices :lol:

i totally agree with the OP; slice returns are super overpowered, especially against power serves, but thems the marbles. the gm is so utterly flawed to hell theres really no sim way to play it. youre simply fooling yourself if you think youre playing sim.

if you want something close to sim, play with bronze coaches and level 12s or something.
Julius Jackson
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Postby jayl0ve » Tue, 09 Aug 2011 23:45

Don't you forget it!

(@Raining Amoeba)

After a while we will have compiled enough 'cheesy' things that you can practically explain away any loss!! IT IS NO LONGER YOUR FAULT! :lol:


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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Tue, 09 Aug 2011 23:53

jayl0ve wrote:Don't you forget it!

(@Raining Amoeba)

After a while we will have compiled enough 'cheesy' things that you can practically explain away any loss!! IT IS NO LONGER YOUR FAULT! :lol:



Oh good, that wuld explain me going title less in ITST: the opponent was too cheesy.
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Postby edlglide » Wed, 10 Aug 2011 00:04

JoshUa8I wrote:I don't think slice return are cheesy... You know why??? Cause they have more time to return center, but i have more time to decide what shot I have to do... So I don't know if people has a real advantage.

For example i use rarely slice return, only when i really can't return a big server (but always prefer spin return), or when i want to surprise my opponent.

I mostly agree with this -- I find that when people hit slice returns against me, I can usually rifle a shot into the corner that either ends up being a winner or sets me up for a winner on the next shot.

But it is really annoying when someone hits slice returns every single time -- I hardly ever slice return except to mix it up and catch the server off-guard.
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Wed, 10 Aug 2011 00:13

i usually slice return w/ my S and Ver cuz i wanna chip and charge and he has 40 bh :oops:
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Postby ILuvBillVal » Wed, 10 Aug 2011 00:22

You guys are reading too far into what I say. I use slices myself in defensive situations. They are a vital part of the game. It becomes cheesy when people over use or constantly use them. People should not be stretching you across the court using offensive slice. Also it's pretty clear to observe that generally people start using these tactics when they're losing or being outplayed.

I'm not saying BAN slices or any crap like that or ban anything for that matter. Just that excessive "arcade" slice ought to looked at in the same light as excessive drop shots or excessive any dumb stuff. This existed in TS3 with risk slice (power slice) so I don't really see where there's any issue.
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Postby Rob ITST » Wed, 10 Aug 2011 01:56

Sometimes I'll play someone who slices everything, and they're beating me, driving me nuts, and I want to call them a cheeser. But then I try to counter-cheese them with my own slices, and they put them away for winners. So in the end, I just have to face the fact that I'm not good at countering slices.
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Postby oshiee » Wed, 10 Aug 2011 02:23

Julius Jackson wrote:the only part of TS4 thats REMOTELY SIM is serving. doubles is kinda close to sim but even with it the bogus net physics blur reality. everything else is absurd and cannot be compared to real tennis. but yet u guys nitpick about the slightest "cheese" like FH slices :lol:

i totally agree with the OP; slice returns are super overpowered, especially against power serves, but thems the marbles. the gm is so utterly flawed to hell theres really no sim way to play it. youre simply fooling yourself if you think youre playing sim.

if you want something close to sim, play with bronze coaches and level 12s or something.

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Postby SBR Ironik » Wed, 10 Aug 2011 07:57

Regarding sliced return, the problem is that the "down the line" return is almost impossible to make even if the server is doing trameline serves.
When I try it, I'm immediately punished.
The same is true for wide sliced serves...

The only solution I found to stay in the rally is to make a deep slice in his feet.
Don't say me I'm cheesing 'cause I'll be very upset as my main pleasure in this game is beating cheeser ^^
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Wed, 10 Aug 2011 07:59

Agreed with above cheeser :lol:
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Postby SBR Ironik » Wed, 10 Aug 2011 08:06

Erf.... Now I have to beat myself :evil:
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Postby JoshUa8I » Wed, 10 Aug 2011 14:16

Other things that can happen some time is this one: when you hit with a wrong time a ball, and you know your opponent will kill you, it happens that you pre-press slice... So if the opponent shot in the FH side, you have to do a FH slice, no other way to hit the ball :lol:

Anyway I have seen Anderson-Murray (Andy :lol: ) and both used FH slice, almost 3-4 times per set. It is not a rare shot to see in a tennis court.
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Postby djarvik » Wed, 10 Aug 2011 14:45

JoshUa8I wrote:Other things that can happen some time is this one: when you hit with a wrong time a ball, and you know your opponent will kill you, it happens that you pre-press slice... So if the opponent shot in the FH side, you have to do a FH slice, no other way to hit the ball :lol:

Here is a thought! Don't pre-press! :twisted: ;)

JoshUa8I wrote:Anyway I have seen Anderson-Murray (Andy :lol: ) and both used FH slice, almost 3-4 times per set. It is not a rare shot to see in a tennis court.

On WT, it is more like 3-4 times per point! :lol:
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Wed, 10 Aug 2011 14:47

Yes, I played a guy who only sliced on WT, its annpying at first, but it is easy to beat.
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Postby JoshUa8I » Wed, 10 Aug 2011 15:44

You know Djarvik, i try to not pre-press... But sometime it can happen :)

I know pre-press is bad... I just played a match witch my IR\CP (i'm trying what good there is on this setup and i don't like so much, i will keep trying...) and it's easy to fall in the trap... You feel a god with your power and power shot like hell... But if the opponent is good, you lose... Indeed I lost :lol:
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