Came across this website after played a guy thanking him for a good match, even though i lost. He messaged back with the web addy for ITST. Cant remember who, but thanks

Had the game on Pre-Order, (along with VT4 which i can't remember last time i played lol).. but the last month has really been "Gaming Marmite" for me.
I STILL can't win the Grand Slam Trophy,.

Currently winning 2 out of 5 matches, everyone is too good..!
Made countless numbers of players, different set-up and coaches. Wished i had the calculator back then, would've saved many hours.
Even resorted to "Cheesy Methods" i.e 100 power, slice serving outwide n so forth. (hehehe).
Begged players to let me win to acheive the trophy, Steph Graf just raped me black n blue in the final. (Been in the Final only 3 times)
What was your player stats and coach when you won?
I never get to play in mens GS on WT, or DM but understand new patch out soon.. yayyy..!
When in World Tour, player statistics, not there when select on player in lobby..?, how's this, is this common or can you chose not to show you statistics to other players? (doesn't happen all the time though).
Floating, Sliding players with no to little stats, 10/20 xp bonus...!!! I hope this gets sorted soon, so frustrates me i'm down to my last blood vessel.

I have even accused players of cheating before seeing video in other post so for that i apologise.....
Never recieved Classic/Vintage Agassi code with my Pre-Order? Selected stores only? (Bought in UK),
Also, my cover on the game shows Nadal, Murray and Ivanovic, but when the game is loaded it shows, Nadal, Agassi, Williams, this normal, just puzzles me....
Do i need to pay an ITST player through paypal to win the trophy for me using my PSN ID?
I can't "practice" anymore, i feel i have tried everything..?!?!