Hello with a couple of Questions

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Hello with a couple of Questions

Postby kiplaird » Sat, 30 Jul 2011 17:44

Hello All., :D

Came across this website after played a guy thanking him for a good match, even though i lost. He messaged back with the web addy for ITST. Cant remember who, but thanks :)
Had the game on Pre-Order, (along with VT4 which i can't remember last time i played lol).. but the last month has really been "Gaming Marmite" for me.
I STILL can't win the Grand Slam Trophy,. :( > A couple of days reading through the posts, looking for the best set up to try, tactics.
Currently winning 2 out of 5 matches, everyone is too good..!
Made countless numbers of players, different set-up and coaches. Wished i had the calculator back then, would've saved many hours.
Even resorted to "Cheesy Methods" i.e 100 power, slice serving outwide n so forth. (hehehe).
Begged players to let me win to acheive the trophy, Steph Graf just raped me black n blue in the final. (Been in the Final only 3 times)
What was your player stats and coach when you won?

I never get to play in mens GS on WT, or DM but understand new patch out soon.. yayyy..!

When in World Tour, player statistics, not there when select on player in lobby..?, how's this, is this common or can you chose not to show you statistics to other players? (doesn't happen all the time though).

Floating, Sliding players with no to little stats, 10/20 xp bonus...!!! I hope this gets sorted soon, so frustrates me i'm down to my last blood vessel. :twisted:
I have even accused players of cheating before seeing video in other post so for that i apologise.....

Never recieved Classic/Vintage Agassi code with my Pre-Order? Selected stores only? (Bought in UK),
Also, my cover on the game shows Nadal, Murray and Ivanovic, but when the game is loaded it shows, Nadal, Agassi, Williams, this normal, just puzzles me....

Do i need to pay an ITST player through paypal to win the trophy for me using my PSN ID?
I can't "practice" anymore, i feel i have tried everything..?!?!
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Joined: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 22:35

Postby zaka » Sat, 30 Jul 2011 20:10

I win that grand slam every week :D My problem is I always lose one match somewhere which takes away my 18-0 and turns it into 17-1 and I get so mad!

I'd say your first problem is probably your attitude while playing the game, such as accusing people of cheating or trying to create cheesy players. That certainly won't get you anywhere! The correct mindset is to try to see why you lost and think of ways to defend from it the next time it happens.

I don't even have a great setup, haha! I use 3/9/8 with rotating coaches for however I feel like playing on that day. I'm currently ranked 9th all-time but that doesn't mean anything, the only thing it means is that I never deleted my player to create a "better" one - unlike the majority of WT players.

Please don't message people asking them to let you win, they will probably laugh hysterically at you(I would) and it would probably make beating you feel much more satisfying.
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Sat, 30 Jul 2011 20:45

I used a 7/7/6 Grody setup when I won Wimby......
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Postby kiplaird » Sat, 30 Jul 2011 22:31

lol :wink: yeah yeah, thanks for that and rubbing it in SmugChug.., ahem, i meant zaka :o
I'm going to make up hopefully my last 2 Women players. I'll try your yours and also RainingAmoeba79's setups tonight, well after i get through the coach objectives first anyway. :P
cant wait for the new patch as wanna try against different players aswell as seem to be getting beat by same players all the time on Womans WT.
Let ya know how i get on... Thanks guys for help. 8)
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Postby kiplaird » Sat, 30 Jul 2011 22:34

is a 0/13/7 Rybari any good or worthwhile making you rekon..?
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Postby zaka » Sat, 30 Jul 2011 23:59

Oh lord no do not use my setup, it's mostly terrible. I would change it if I could but that would mean I'd lose my WT stats and rankings from march.

I would opt for something with more FH/BH stats(I currently have 79 FH and 61 BH) and although I find a way to make it work, it is by no means easy and very frustrating when my BH lands flat in the middle.

On my women's player, I have been experimenting with several setups that I like. The one I'm currently using with much success is 8/12/0 with Stephan Schiemer coach. It is a serve and volley player but with 78 power. That means there really isn't much volleying as I usually go for the ace or 1-2 punch(98 serve, I have had matches where I got as much as 10-15 aces because the opponent didn't know which corner I was going to serve the ball in).

I have had easy success with 0/3/17 using Jon Samala as a coach. This is a setup that can run down every ball and also can easily put away points with the Instant Rocket and 74 power.

Good luck
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Sun, 31 Jul 2011 00:11

Thing is, jon samala is banned in itst.
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Postby kiplaird » Sun, 31 Jul 2011 00:15

lol... hey man Awsome thanks alot....

phew never got the chance to make up the one you first mentioned then lol..., thanks for heads-up.. will defo make the Samala, (rubbish timing serves) just checked him on the Calc, looks great... im smiling already lol.....

just waitin on Bro finishing watching braindead subbed zombie film, summit Rambusstok i think. :?

muchas gracias amigo..!!!
Last edited by kiplaird on Fri, 05 Aug 2011 02:40, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 22:35

Postby farshad » Sun, 31 Jul 2011 07:36

I've been after the online trophies too! i dont like leaving a game with anything undone. i started playing and usually lost on final or semis, i stoped waiting for 1 week ( my record wasnt that big so no problem with restarting my WT) i kept playing it and still...the finals were keeping me from winning and one of the biggest problem was stress :lol: i take this crap so serious! anyway...yesterday i started playing the WT again , it seems most of good players are not there now,i coudnt play the grand slam because of their server problem , but i won 5 out of 6 tournaments!
i think you'd have a better chance if you play your GS at the end of season.
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Re: Hello with a couple of Questions

Postby farshad » Sun, 31 Jul 2011 11:44

kiplaird wrote:Hello All., :D

Came across this website after played a guy thanking him for a good match, even though i lost. He messaged back with the web addy for ITST. Cant remember who, but thanks :)
Had the game on Pre-Order, (along with VT4 which i can't remember last time i played lol).. but the last month has really been "Gaming Marmite" for me.
I STILL can't win the Grand Slam Trophy,. :( > A couple of days reading through the posts, looking for the best set up to try, tactics.
Currently winning 2 out of 5 matches, everyone is too good..!
Made countless numbers of players, different set-up and coaches. Wished i had the calculator back then, would've saved many hours.
Even resorted to "Cheesy Methods" i.e 100 power, slice serving outwide n so forth. (hehehe).
Begged players to let me win to acheive the trophy, Steph Graf just raped me black n blue in the final. (Been in the Final only 3 times)
What was your player stats and coach when you won?

I never get to play in mens GS on WT, or DM but understand new patch out soon.. yayyy..!

When in World Tour, player statistics, not there when select on player in lobby..?, how's this, is this common or can you chose not to show you statistics to other players? (doesn't happen all the time though).

Floating, Sliding players with no to little stats, 10/20 xp bonus...!!! I hope this gets sorted soon, so frustrates me i'm down to my last blood vessel. :twisted:
I have even accused players of cheating before seeing video in other post so for that i apologise.....

Never recieved Classic/Vintage Agassi code with my Pre-Order? Selected stores only? (Bought in UK),
Also, my cover on the game shows Nadal, Murray and Ivanovic, but when the game is loaded it shows, Nadal, Agassi, Williams, this normal, just puzzles me....

Do i need to pay an ITST player through paypal to win the trophy for me using my PSN ID?
I can't "practice" anymore, i feel i have tried everything..?!?!

Okay, about the cover part , mine is Nadal,Federer and Williams and in the play station main menu , it shows Aggasi , Nadal and Williams so i guess they made different covers.
About the trophy , i just won my first grand slam today! coming back from 3-0 2-0...dont be so hopeless! you are going to win it soon or late.
as i said before, try it at the end of the season when most of better players are done! they are still some players who know what they are doing but you will manage to win.
whats your main problem? playing against power players or S&V players..or what? once you mention it im sure you will get so many good informations here about how to fight them!
if it wasn't for ITST members that suggested short slice against power guys, i wasn't gonna win my slam.
there are some little things in the game that you will improve it by playing more and getting more experience...you will learn better tactics , you can even ask here i suppose!
the point of these trophies are having fun and being challenged! so try to win them...once you have them , you feel proud of yourself :lol: any other way won't make any sense.
and abouy aggasi outfit, i dont know , im not sure since i haven't pre ordered it but you should have a code inside your disc box, don't you have one?!
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Postby kiplaird » Sun, 31 Jul 2011 14:04

*and one of the biggest problem was stress i take this crap so serious!

Me Too... haha..! :)

*Okay, about the cover part , mine is Nadal,Federer and Williams and in the play station main menu , it shows Aggasi , Nadal and Williams so i guess they made different covers.

Glad to hear it, thot i had been had or something..!

*whats your main problem? playing against power players or S&V players..or what?

BOTH lol..! totally annihilated last night by
1) Fabada7 - 0/20/0 - Stephen Baab - SSB/FS (POWER)
2) bivib5445 - 0/18/2 - Aja Golakov - VSA/MD (S&V)

i did manage to get some wins, but they felt different from other games, not only cos i won, it was the gameplay itself. i was moving alot more freely and and to get most of the balls back, but when playing these two above, my feet became glued to the ground, very poor shots, timing was a mess. Does stats/coaches and skills cancel out your own or degrade them when faced with other players with better/superior stats? felt like they wer playing pre-patch compared to me?

i'm not going to give up tho, i hope the new patch can help in some way LMAO...!

plus i need to stick with a player rather than making up a new one that gets beat with different stats than myself, get used to them, plus hopefully get a ranking online to be able to enter the ITST Tournies.., (as a ballboy perhaps :))

thnks for your help.., i'm sure i will be back with more questions sooner rather than later..! :lol:
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Postby farshad » Sun, 31 Jul 2011 21:29

kiplaird wrote:*and one of the biggest problem was stress i take this crap so serious!

Me Too... haha..! :)

*Okay, about the cover part , mine is Nadal,Federer and Williams and in the play station main menu , it shows Aggasi , Nadal and Williams so i guess they made different covers.

Glad to hear it, thot i had been had or something..!

*whats your main problem? playing against power players or S&V players..or what?

BOTH lol..! totally annihilated last night by
1) Fabada7 - 0/20/0 - Stephen Baab - SSB/FS (POWER)
2) bivib5445 - 0/18/2 - Aja Golakov - VSA/MD (S&V)

i did manage to get some wins, but they felt different from other games, not only cos i won, it was the gameplay itself. i was moving alot more freely and and to get most of the balls back, but when playing these two above, my feet became glued to the ground, very poor shots, timing was a mess. Does stats/coaches and skills cancel out your own or degrade them when faced with other players with better/superior stats? felt like they wer playing pre-patch compared to me?

i'm not going to give up tho, i hope the new patch can help in some way LMAO...!

plus i need to stick with a player rather than making up a new one that gets beat with different stats than myself, get used to them, plus hopefully get a ranking online to be able to enter the ITST Tournies.., (as a ballboy perhaps :))

thnks for your help.., i'm sure i will be back with more questions sooner rather than later..! :lol:

The more you play against good guys the faster you improve, yes in some matches, your opponents are not able to hit shots with good timing or their game is not hard to read so you feel like its different!but its not, you actually get to the ball on time , balanced, and thats why you can hit better and win the match! but once the opppnent is good enough to hit mostly good timed shots and send you around the court non stop. your stamina is going to drop and if you are not experienced enough , you'd have problem with releasing the button on time, so most of your shots would be errors or very easy for your opponent to attack you.
but it all get fixed once you get the trick of good/perfect timing shots against any type of ball! that wont be all but will surely help you a lot.
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Postby kiplaird » Sun, 31 Jul 2011 21:50

right.., so now i think my problem is trying to hit powershots every shot??

forgot to see about getting the display helpers on when im online, i really need them :oops:

i'm encouraged now your pointing out where im going wrong here, and i'll just not take losses personally and take it on the chin and as you said, learn from defeat.

" but once the opppnent is good enough to hit mostly good timed shots and send you around the court non stop. your stamina is going to drop and if you are not experienced enough , you'd have problem with releasing the button on time, so most of your shots would be errors or very easy for your opponent to attack you."

so true, was ran around the court left to right, back and forth, so it WAS my stamina giving me the concrete shoes with glue for cushioning feeling... :lol:

going to practise practise practice control shots.....
cheers man you are a legend..!!!!
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Postby kiplaird » Sun, 31 Jul 2011 21:51

hey ma sig works lol... i'm such a tart.. hehehe..!
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Mon, 01 Aug 2011 02:15

LOL I actually like it.
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