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Postby farshad » Fri, 29 Jul 2011 08:08

Believe me if it was an option , they were going to do it! :lol: i was watching some of his 2005-06 matches..its exactly like you are watching video games! doing such insane and out of this world stuff frequently!
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Postby VillaJ100 » Fri, 29 Jul 2011 12:45

I was playing a guy yesterday who was borg andc I was sampras, on the run the guy was dropshitting off a volley and I was standing AT THE NET and the dropshot would dip below the height of the net so I was forced to volley upwards, with a ball that was going 0.00004 MPH. I was like wtf is this really? Wasnt very pleased after. I lost 6-2 6-2.
Proud serve and volleyer!
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Fri, 29 Jul 2011 15:56

exactly, the drop shot that can make you hit a low volley unless you are literay ON TOP of the net is dumb.
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Postby dsavbeast012 » Fri, 29 Jul 2011 18:18

farshad wrote::lol: as much as its cheesy and seems impossible in real life, you guys must watch some of Roger's drop shots ,don't get me wrong , i don't use it very often, not drop shot not any thing that makes the game unreal so this is just for fun:
Federer's drop shot on del potro's serve: ... re=related
another drop return:
A few -seems to be impossible- drop shots :
and im sure there are much more, i remember he hit a dropshot, it was in RG 10 i guess, he was a few meter behind the baseline under heavy attack and all of a sudden he used a drop shot :lol: i can't find it but it was really impossible.

How often does it have to be mentioned, it's one thing when the GOAT (IMO :)) Federer can hit certain shots, but it's another when literally every player in TS4 on WT can hit drop shots whenever wherever. And even Fed has times when he plays stupid dropshots and misses. :p
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