Guide for Virtua Tennis 4 World tour!

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Guide for Virtua Tennis 4 World tour!

Postby Dreadish » Thu, 14 Jul 2011 23:17

World tour is great, ingore stupid reviews , thoes who did review of vt4, didnt even played the game properly or enough, too make proper judgment. Developers did good job for world tour once u get too know how it REALLY WORKS! Board type game is actually good and not bad!


First important note: YOU WONT BE ABLE TOO SKILL UR PLAYER AND GET ALL TOURNAMENTS & STARs IN ONE circle of 4 seasons!!! Thats impossible and its been developed on purpose so u will play the world tour more then once! Thats why your players skill level and money stays after you finish world tour! If you decide too play world tour again with the same caracter, u will start off with all the money u been left off in previous tour AND all your skills level STAYS. YOU WONT HAVE TOO TRAIN YOUR CARACTER AGAIN FROM SCRATCH! After your caracter,s skills is maximized, they will stay like that forever, with unlimited number of world tour replays.
And every NEW caracter u create, they will already have same skill levels as your previous caracter. So yeah, first maximized skills level of your caracter. Doing it once is enough for all 9 other caracters u will create if you decide to do so!

Thoes who complain about players condition in finals and ankle problems???? Its a bug? OF COURSE NOT!

-get enough practice games too get your condition level high (15 or higher).

- just keep ur condition in shape full/max before entering in the tournament that aproaches. (icon "view map" is there for a reason)

- if ur condition is full before entering tournament, no ankle problems will be there till the end. And yes, if u dont have enough stars and u have too do qualifications in grand slam, then this problem is your fault - get enough stars and avoid getting hurt.

First time playing world tour, in order too unlock all courts, get custom player skills maximized and getting enough stars . means you need too play world tour at least 3 times or so. Here is why:

- First get your skills on max level - u probably need too play world tour twice too get all on max. While doing so, try too enter some tournaments also too unlock courts. You will have enough money on replaying world tour too buy more clothes and skill lessons (like big server etc etc).

-Secondly when your custom player is maximized, replay world tour again too enter all remaining tournaments you didnt yet, win them and unlock the rest of the courts!

-Lastly after u replayed world tour 2 or 3 times, u have your courts unlocked, your players skills maximized, NOW you can start collecting stars.
IMPORTANT: u need too collect min 750 stars too end of 4th season, in order too unlock special season (5th season) with two more courts/tournaments too win and unlock.

5th season dosent appear in start, u need too have 750+ stars too unlock it. There two tournaments are waiting. First one is for top 10 players SPT Finals. firs two rounds are easy. U play 4 games in each match there. Last tournament is special match where king of players will chaenge you. Thats KING. Win him too unlock the last court. (ps u wont unlock him by beating him there, u need too beat him in arkade mode to do that).

So yeah basicly board game style is not bad - if you play by the book". Just maximized caracter first, then do tournaments, u wont have trouble with condition and beating players after maximized condition/skills and no troubles with ankle.

few more tips:
- trying too enter most mini games and tournaments at same time, get you nowhere. U CANT GET ALL IN ONE PLAY.
- read the tips your coach in game gives you - they are usefull.
- If the dressing parts match is blurred out and you cant enter, its beacose you dont have any funny" clothes on you. Its the rule too enter in thoes matches too dress funny. So buy gear and unlock funny clothing by winning mini games.
- when playing world tour third time or so, when hutning for stars is your first priority with getting too unlock the rest of courts, get as much as stars as possible, getting enough of them, u will seed in tournament, meaning u wont have to play hard too beat first two players in grand slams.

A tip for SUPER SHOT!(btw u can turn cam replay before shot off in game options - all tho this cant be turned off in multiplayer)
Dont use super shot everytime ur gauge gets filled. If your gauge gets filled, your caracter has power too hit his best skill shots at best. So play few points with maximized gauge, easier too win like that, and use super shot only when really needed.

thats basicly it i guess, i cant belive it took time too write this eheh. Post comment if u want
Posts: 12
Joined: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 18:29

Postby Sherlock 117 » Fri, 15 Jul 2011 03:30

To be honest, I don't really care about the single player. How is the multiplayer?
Sherlock 117
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Location: Minnesota

Postby Dreadish » Thu, 28 Jul 2011 03:13

Multiplayer is great. Delay is no issue there , even playable with people from china, believe it or not. No desyncs , no crashing, no lags , games for windows live" that is , im on pc. Game is great, a lot of people playing online too get high on rank and leaderboards. ITs really going on a lot. worth too buy!!!!!!!!!!! anyone wanna play online, hit me up. here on pm on in topic.
Posts: 12
Joined: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 18:29

Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Thu, 28 Jul 2011 04:30

Agree: multiplaye4r is GR8, much better than TS4 WT.

IDK why more ppl dont love VT4 yet.
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Joined: Sun, 15 May 2011 05:52

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