Flat shot/counter

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Flat shot/counter

Postby farshad » Sat, 09 Jul 2011 08:01

Hello everyone,
i feel a bit lost with this one, i mean i dont know how it works exactly!
i hit flat shots with the same timing(good or perfect) and the results are different, once i hit a powerful shot and once i hit an almost weak shot.
whats the secret behind this?
sometimes when i try a control flat shot, it surprise me how powerful it hits, but again, the next time it hits it slow...
how does it work exactly?
it helped me get out of trouble so many times but i also got a lot of trouble by giving my opponent easy balls.
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Sat, 09 Jul 2011 09:08

for flat shots, you reallly need perfect timing unless you have 85+ power.
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Postby MrMackNasty » Sat, 09 Jul 2011 10:31

lol it has nothing to do with power. its all about if the balls at your feet, waistline, or above your head. you arent going to hit a powerful flat shot thats almost on its 2nd bounce next to your feet. Flat control shots can be the most deadly in the game. Its just positioning and where the ball is at. It has nothing to do with your power.
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Postby Immortal Strife » Sat, 09 Jul 2011 18:28

MrMackNasty wrote:lol it has nothing to do with power. its all about if the balls at your feet, waistline, or above your head. you arent going to hit a powerful flat shot thats almost on its 2nd bounce next to your feet. Flat control shots can be the most deadly in the game. Its just positioning and where the ball is at. It has nothing to do with your power.

Your absolutley right! The control flat shot is my favorite shot it the game. If used correctly it can change your game; here is how you switch a rally in your favor, if a slice is hit at you and you dont have time to load up or move into it, use the flat control. The flat control is also effective in wrong footing and countering so look to take your game to the next level by using the flat control shot. Certain set-ups are better at flat control shots mainly the counter shot players, instant rocket and high reflex players.
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Postby tonedawg1 » Sat, 09 Jul 2011 19:46

I love control flat shots especially the ones where u hit down the line on the line and your opponent is so helpless 8)
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Postby farshad » Sun, 10 Jul 2011 20:07

Immortal Strife wrote:
MrMackNasty wrote:lol it has nothing to do with power. its all about if the balls at your feet, waistline, or above your head. you arent going to hit a powerful flat shot thats almost on its 2nd bounce next to your feet. Flat control shots can be the most deadly in the game. Its just positioning and where the ball is at. It has nothing to do with your power.

Your absolutley right! The control flat shot is my favorite shot it the game. If used correctly it can change your game; here is how you switch a rally in your favor, if a slice is hit at you and you dont have time to load up or move into it, use the flat control. The flat control is also effective in wrong footing and countering so look to take your game to the next level by using the flat control shot. Certain set-ups are better at flat control shots mainly the counter shot players, instant rocket and high reflex players.

sure, but it still doesn't work for me, my timing is perfect( it shows perfect)and i tried it in so many different positions, it just works randomly :roll:
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Postby RainingAmoeba79 » Mon, 11 Jul 2011 01:11

Thats flat for you. Only use it when the ball is slow, you know you can time it perfectly, and the ball is high, or else it doesntn do crap.
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Postby KINAMINAJ » Tue, 12 Jul 2011 18:06

Sounds like a great deal of (A) pushing
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