I have a strong desire to further develop ITST. There is so much we could add to ITST that would seriously enrich the ITST experience.
At the moment i am doing what i can to develop here and there. I am a programmer and my fingers are always aching to do something for ITST. Thruth is though that my management tasks are more then plenty to keep me busy on an almost daily basis.
Hence is why i am looking for guys that would be interested to do some coding for ITST. You would be working alongside me on some small projects first. After that we could see if you are interested in doing more like holding an ITST Webmaster position.
With the recent growth of the community i am sure there are some guys out there willing to help.
You should be able to work with PHP and MySQL. If you have experience with OOP in PHP or PEAR this would be a good thing as well. Your experience with it doesnt really matter, i can teach you if neccesary.
I want to add a personal note to this. It is something i learned from experience. If you are a young unexperienced programmer (maybe a student) then this could be a good opportunity for you to gain some experience. When you enter the world of software development businesses look at what you are capable of and what you have achieved in the past. The second thing might be just as important as the first for them.